Bristol County RA Fox Hunt (Two Foxes), Vicinity of Fall River, MA, October 23, 2021

Fox Hunt #3 of 2021 This hunt will include 2 Foxes. The first Fox will activate at 10:00 am on 146.565 MHz FM and the second at 10:02:30 on 146.430 MHz FM

Saturday, October 23, 2021
10:00am to 3:00pm
(UTC-04:00) America/New York

The Foxes will be located within a 10-mile radius of the center of the Veteran’s Memorial bridge connecting Fall River and Somerset on US Route 6 (41.7266508, -71.1516237).

Organizer: Skip Denault and Jay Hodkinson Skip – and Jay – Check-ins will begin at 9:45 am on the BCRA repeater, 145.150 MHz PL 123. Chat and help on the repeater also.

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Communications with “Fox Control” can all be done over the BCRA repeater, including checking in when you have found the fox. You may also speak with us in the control vehicle using physical distancing if you wish.

The here will be TWO foxes – one manned by KB1CNB, Skip, and one by KB1NYT, Jay. When you find one of the foxes, you will get a hint to help you find the second (if you want!).

Check-ins will begin at 9:45 am on the BCRA repeater, 145.150 MHz PL 123. Chat and help on the repeater also.

The first Fox will activate at 10:00 am on 146.565 MHz FM and the second at 10:02:30 on 146.430 MHz FM with a 5-watt signal and both will transmit 1 minute of tone followed by Morse Code ID and 4 minutes of silence. As the hunt progresses we may increase the transmission times – that will be announced on the BCRA repeater. The hunt will last until 3:00 pm or until all checked-in participants have found the transmitters, whichever comes first.

The Foxes will be located within a 10-mile radius of the center of the Veteran’s Memorial bridge connecting Fall River and Somerset on US Route 6 (41.7266508, -71.1516237).

The first Fox (in my vehicle, a blue/grey Jeep Commander marked BCRA) will be in a public place and will be manned at all times. When you have found the fox your time and order of arrival will be recorded and a personalized certificate will be emailed to each participant.

Participants are encouraged to work in teams and are asked to drive carefully and observe all applicable guidelines, both from the FCC and the state & local governments. Since participants are receiving only (except for radio check-ins) an amateur radio license is not required.

Email questions to Skip at or text to 774-644-3469. After the hunt, your comments, impressions, and suggestions will be welcome!

Join us and have some good amateur radio fun!

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