Tom Walsh, K1TW, writes on the Billerica ARS mailing list:
Larry Banks, W1DYJ, will present on Antenna Modeling at the Billerica Amateur Radio Society meeting on November 3, 2021 at 7 PM.
This Antenna Modeling presentation will start with some history detailing why Larry has always been interested in understanding antennas. It will then go over the use of three applications: TLW, YW, and HFTA, from the ARRL Antenna Book. Using his homebrew 10M yagi an example, it will hopefully help you get a start at modeling your own antenna systems.
Larry was licensed in 1962 as novice KN1VFX and became W1DYJ in 1966. . Larry holds three degrees in EE from MIT. He spends his time chasing DX and contesting in Woburn MA (and from 2008 to 2021 at his second home in Harpswell ME).
He is also the net manager and newsletter editor for the Minuteman Repeater Association in the Boston area, publications editor for FEMARA (the group that runs HamXposition), a member of the Yankee Clipper Contest Club , and on the executive board of the Merrymeeting ARA in mid-coast ME.
Please join us for an outstanding talk about Antennas.
Following the talk, we will hold our annual club elections.
Tom K1TW
Interim President