“Pi” Pugh, K1RV, writes in K1USN Happenings:
The K1USN Radio Club will once again be on the air November 11, 2021, to celebrate Veterans Day and show their appreciation to those who have served. This year we plan to activate K1USN from our club station on the HF bands using SSB, CW and FT8 beginning at 1300 UTC, November 11 and ending at 2100 UTC. Our club station is located at the Watson Museum & Research Library, 85 Quincy Avenue in Braintree.
Anyone working K1USN on Veterans Day 2021 can use this link to request a certificate.
K1USN QSL cards will be available for all contacts with K1USN. Send # 10 SASE to K1RV or DX stations QSL via bureau.
QSL via K1RV
URL: http://www.k1usn.com
Contact: Pi, K1RV
Email: k1rv@arrl.net