Mindy Hull, KM1NDY, writes:
Joe Chapman, NV1W, started a reflector for outdoor hams in the Eastern MA ARRL region to keep track of radio adventures, and he is inviting everyone to join and wanted me to pass this on to you guys!
From Joe:
“Friends: By popular request, I have created a mail reflector for local hams who participate in the OTAs (POTA, SOTA, IOTA) and similar programs, or who just operate outdoors while backpacking or the like. I did a minimum amount of fussing with the account settings, and I have no idea how much traffic the list will get; we’ll just have to see how it goes. I’m a member and a former officer of the Boston Amateur Radio Club, but this is an independent project. Feel free to forward this message to anyone whom you think would be interested.”
The main page is: https://groups.io/g/ema-outdoor-hams .