Ethan Hansen, KC1OIP, writes on the Boston ARC mailing list:
Forwarding this along from the NEDECN group. Might be of interest to those of you chasing grid squares or wanting to test out 6 meters.
For those of you that have VHF or UHF gear on 50/144/432 SSB/CW/Digital (FT8 and MSK144), look for this very rare Grid Square in Northern NH. Mike (K1MUU) and Matt (KC1OFX) will setup early on FRIDAY and SATURDAY (5/13 and 5/14).
Due to the Weak Signal nature of propagation, they will probably spend most time on WSJT-X mode of FT8, but probably some early morning MSK144 if there are enough rocks falling!
MSK144 is on 50.260 and 144.150 MHz
FT8 is on 50.313 and 144.174 MHz
SSB is on 50.130 and 144.200 MHz
Some coordination will be available via VHF Slack (Rare Grids) and DMR New England Wide (3181).
Beam toward Pittsburg, NH and Listen in!
Bill, NE1B