KD1D RF Fox is out again, July 8, 2022

Alan Hicks, KD1D, writes on the NEMassFoxHunters list on July 8, 2022 at 3:54 PM:

The KD1D Fox transmitter is hidden off of one of the trails near Kennedy Pond in Westford, MA.  More information on the sits can be found at:


 There is a parking area at the end of Trailside Way.  You may find it easier to start from the other parking area near the end of Texas Road or to park on Vine Brook Road away from the cul de sac and walk in to the left of the dirt road barrier.  There is an unofficial “No Trespassing” sign (MA law requires the name and address of the owner), but the land immediately to the left of the gate is Westford Conservation Land open to all.  Be polite and don’t park in the circle if you choose this route.   

The fox transmits on 146.565 MHz FM for about 25 seconds repeating once a minute.  It was set loose around 15:00 EDDT on Friday July 8 and will be retrieved sometime after noon on Monday, July 11. 

If you need a hint, email me at kd1d@arrll.net

Happy Hunting and 73 from KD1D

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