George Allison, K1IG, writes on the PART of Westford mailing list:
The July PART meeting will be held on Tuesday, July 19, 2022, beginning at 7:30 PM at the Cameron Senior Center, 20 Pleasant Street, Westford, MA, and via Webex video conference. For those attending via video conference, a meeting link is below; just click on the green button to join in. You can join the conference any time after 7:00 PM to check out your gear or just rag chew until the meeting starts. Bear in mind that internet connectivity from the senior center may be unreliable.
The meeting agenda includes a presentation on end-fed wire antennas by Bob, W1IS, and the famous Field Day wrap-up, complete with maps and awards.
Attendees are reminded to bring donations for the Westford Food Panty. Items such as canned soups and Dinty Moore beef stew are always appreciated.