Mike Cormier, K1MJC, writes on the NEMassFoxHunters list at 4:01 PM on July 29, 2022:
Yes, the K1MJC Fox is out, It must’ve been a little bit too hot in the cage, and he needed a little fresh air.
I noticed he was gone this Friday, afternoon but I’ll leave it to you as to how much of a risk looking you would like to take in this kind of weather … It’s probably better to go out in the morning, and hydrate hydrate hydrate!
The fox is in somewhere in an area within the City limits of Waltham, MA.
I think he’s roaming around the “Storer Conservation Area” again; seems he likes to hang out there.
As usual, it will be retrieved before Sundown Sunday.
One of The maps on this page would prove useful!
Mike C. 73
Forgot to mention, 146.565 MHz
Mike C. K1MJC 73