The September PART meeting will be held on Tuesday, September 20, 2022, beginning at 7:30 PM at the Cameron Senior Center, 20 Pleasant Street, Westford, MA, and via Webex video conference. For those attending via video conference, a meeting link is below; just click on the green button to join in. You can join the conference any time after 7:00 PM to check out your gear or just rag chew until the meeting starts. Bear in mind that internet connectivity from the senior center may be unreliable.
At this meeting Paul, W1SEX, will present: “The Not So Secret, ARRL Benefit Program Nobody Knows About.” For decades the ARRL has a program that very few hams know about, The ARRL Technical Coordinator Program. Paul will re-introduce this valuable resource that is available to all ham radio operators and clubs.
We’ll also have an update on the December holiday dinner and discuss the poll results and options.
George K1IG
[To request conference login information, contact George Allison, K1IG, at k1ig -at- arrl -dot- net]