W1EUJ: “Introduction to SDR for Experimentation” at Northeastern University Wireless Club, September 29, 2022

Northeastern Univ Wireless logoNortheastern University Wireless Club President Marty Sulloway, NN1C, writes on the NUWC mailing list:

Hi Folks!

The semester is really rolling.

This week we kick off our third workshop, and for the first time this semester, we’re having a technical speaker for our Thursday night meeting.

I’d like to share a bit about our club meeting this coming Thursday. The topic of the presentation will be an Introduction to SDR for Experimentation. David Goncalves, a former president of NU Wireless, will be the speaker. 

David Goncalves (NU BSEE ’04, W1EUJ) has been a ham and a wireless communications experimenter for 20 years – including work on satellites, radar, and software-defined and all-digital radio. During the day he is a Research Electrical Engineer working on a wide range of problems, from antenna development to autonomous vehicles, and wearable systems.

Software-defined radio (SDR) is the way forward in RF experimentation. Instead of physical circuits, expensive test equipment, and bench space, you can build and iterate with a single piece of equipment and open-source software. In this presentation, he’ll go through how SDRs work, the GNURadio SDR development environment, and run through an example of ‘hacking’ a remote control.

Last week over twenty-five students joined us for an introduction to schematic design using KiCAD. Our workshops are designed so you can participate in any of them without participating in a previous one. If you are interested in attending our PCB Design Workshop this Monday (9/26) at 7 pm in Dodge 470, please fill out the form here to sign up.

I hope to see you.


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