Mike Cormier, K1MJC, writes on the NEMassFoxHunters list at 4:37 PM on September 30, 2022:
Yes, the K1MJC Fox is out.
I put it out today, Friday, and it will be picked up late afternoon Sunday.
The fox is in somewhere in an area within the Beaverbrook reservation north; it’s a 15 milliwatt fox transmitting on 146.565 MHz.
I’m hearing rumblings from Eliot [W1MJ] saying that his fox may also be put out sometime this weekend as well; his is a five watt fox, and on a different frequency. He’ll let you know that detail when and if he puts it out. You could end up with a “twofer” this weekend!
One of the maps on this page would prove useful!
Happy hunting!
Mike C. 73!