Rusty Moore, K1FVK, writes on the stars-radio list:
KC1MWH and I activated Middlesex Fells State Reserve, K-8414, yesterday afternoon.
As you may know, the Reserve covers a huge area and I imagine there are many great locations for setting up a portable station if you’re willing to hike in. We didn’t have time to scout around in the woods though so we hunted for a parking lot (there are only a few, most of them small and surrounded by trees) with open space nearby, and found a suitable spot at the Sheepfold parking lot, just off I-93 and halfway between Spot Pond and Middlesex Reservoir. At the southern end of the lot there were a couple picnic tables and lots of open space to set up a dipole, so that’s where we deployed. If you were to park along the west side of the lot you could operate from inside your car if you wanted.
We jumped on 40m, spotted ourselves on the POTA site, called CQ one time and off we went, working 29 stations in 30 minutes. Signals were so good across the eastern US and into Canada that I decided to reduce power and quickly worked MD, CT, and MI on half a watt.
If anyone knows of other good locations in Middlesex Fells for portable radio ops, I’d love to hear about them.