The New England Sci-Tech Amateur Radio Society will meet on-line and in-person on May 9, 2023 at 7 PM and feature: “FlexRadio – Not Your Grandfather’s Superhet Radio” by Michael Walker, VA3MW.
Mike, from FlexRadio Systems, will spend about an hour showing how today’s HF radio is not only better than yesterday’s super-het radio, but you get more performance for your dollar. He will show how your radio now ‘scales’ towards the future and does not grow old beginning the day you buy it.
Bio: Mike has been active in amateur radio since 1974 and loves every minute of it – from repeaters, HF, HF Contesting, satellites, and tinkering in EME digital modes and 10 GHz microwave. As well as being a GA Pilot, he loves HF station integration and remote HF operation. Mike currently represents FlexRadio Systems with its Marketing and Education team. He is very well versed in FlexRadio technology and he is someone for whom technology is genuinely his hobby.