The New England Sci-Tech Amateur Radio Society will meet on-line and in-person on August 15, 2023 at 7 PM and feature: “QRP Operating on the Microwave Bands” by Tommy Henderson, WD5AGO.
Bio: Thomas (Tommy) Henderson, WD5AGO, of Broken Arrow, OK was first licensed at his high school ARC in Sand Springs, OK. Interest in EME developed and at 21, he made his first 2m EME QSO. He is currently active on 70, 23, 13, and 6 cm EME and HF QRP. Tommy has helped the CSVHFS since the early 90’s with their noise figure measuring contest. Professionally, Tommy is the associate professor and coordinator for the Electronics program at Tulsa Community College and is adjunct associate professor for Oklahoma State University. He developed their ARC and IEEE clubs, of which he is a senior member. They have built EV’s and held a world record in the ¼ mile of 9.75s at 130+ MPH. Tommy received his Masters of Engineering Technology degree from Pittsburg State University and was awarded the CSVHFS Mel Wilson award in 2007 and the 2001 ARRL Professional Instructor of the Year award.