Double Fox Hunt On the Air in Belmont, September 1, 2023

Eliot Mayer, W1MJ, writes on the NEMassFoxHunters list at 11:01 AM on September 3, 2023:

Due to technical difficulties, the double fox hunt in Beverly has been terminated early.

This was Mike’s first deployment of this new fox design, and it is likely that the low-battery cutoff setting was too high for his battery.  My fox became intermittent, apparently due to a bad cable going to the radio (or, hopefully not, a bad jack in the radio). 

We will address these issues and try again.  For now, go find the W1MWS fox in North Chelmsford.


Eliot Mayer, W1MJ, writes on the NEMassFoxHunters list at 6:00 PM on September 1, 2023:

K1MJC and I have both put foxes on the air in the Rock Meadow Conservation Area in Belmont, MA for the holiday weekend. 

Map and directions from Google Maps:

Both foxes transmit once per minute between the hours of 8:00 AM to 8:00 PM daily.  They will be on the air until 5:00 PM on Monday, Labor Day.

The K1MJC fox is on 147.54 MHz, and has a log book to sign when you find it  

The W1MJ fox is in 147.57 MHz, and has no log book; please email your report to

73 DE W1MJ

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