The planning for the 2024 13 Colonies Special Event stations is in motion. I am looking for more ops for K2H Massachusetts. The event runs from July 1 to July 7 and is usable on all frequencies and all modes. You just need to keep a log that you can submit to me right after the event ends.
To be an op, you just need to volunteer AND be able to get on the air for a few hours most of the 7 days. Also, you need to be able to log on to a computer, no paper logs accepted.
Have you ever wondered or wanted to be that rare DX that everyone is calling? That’s what it’s like being a K2H op. It’s a rush and a ton of fun.
Last year, K2H made 19,209 contacts. With band conditions good, we hope to exceed that and possibly beat our 21,374 from 2022.
Are you interested?
Please contact Larry, W1AST at wb1dby@gmail.com for more info by May 1.
Larry, W1AST
Larry, W1AST
- ARRL WMA Affiliated Club Coordinator
- Northeast HamXposition Committee Member
- HCRA President
- Visit my Ham Radio club website at: www.HCRA.org
- Team K2H – 13 Colonies Massachusetts State Manager
- Proud Member of ARRL, FCARC & YCCC
- 413-348-3289
- Hamop.W1AST@gmail.com