We are pleased to announce that our guest speaker for this meeting will be Douglas Bruce Millar, K6JEY. He is a retired electrical engineer with over 50 years of experience in the field. He will give a presentation entitled “Test Equipment for Hams, including Vector Network Analyzers (VNAs) Explained.” In his presentation, Doug will discuss the different types of test equipment available to hams, emphasizing vector network analyzers. He will explain what VNAs are, how they work, and how they can be used to characterize components and troubleshoot circuits.
Doug got his novice ticket in 1957. He has always liked VHF and up, and he has EME stations on 2m, 70cm, and 23cm. But Doug doesn’t stop there. He also has microwave stations on 10, 24, 47, and 79 GHz, and he’s well on his way to completing a station for 140 GHz. Doug enjoys HF DXing especially boat anchors and HF AM. He usually checks in to the AMI West Coast net on Wednesdays at 8 PM, on 3870 kHz.
Due to the inclement weather forecast for tonight, the Board of Directors has decided that tonight’s club meeting at 7:00 PM ET WILL BE ZOOM ONLY! We are doing this because we hold the safety of our members as the highest priority.
[For Zoom conference details, email Bruce Anderson, W1LUS, at w1lus -at- hotmail -dot- com.]