The Titanic event for 2024 has been delayed and set with stumbling blocks. We originally planned as operating as a POTA station, but after month of attempts never got final approval from the headquarters of the Cape Cod National Seashore. We have operated from the visitors center as well as from the old Coast Guard station in the past. They are new people in charge and new rules.
NOTE: Members of the club will be operating from home stations, 05:00 UTC – 17:00 UTC on the 12th and 13th. On the 14th we will operate from 05:00 UTC until 22:40 UTC and then relay a memorial message.
If you would like to operate in a time slot for this event please contact W1MGY trustee- Barry / KB1TLR. Calling or texting my phone at 508-237-3429 would be the best way at this time. I do not want to smother the bands with operators. I was thinking in terms of 3 hour shifts. CW, SSB, or FT8.
I’d like the option of giving an operator two or three bands to work in his/her time slot, in case conditions are poor. If you are working different modes that would not be a problem. I need digital logging that can be merged to a master file. We will make all particulars known to operators. You will also receive a certificate of Appreciation from W1MGY.
This is the 112th anniversary of the loss of the Titanic and over 15 hundred lives. I don’t really have time for a history lesson, but you can readily look up pertinent info on the web.
Looking forward to operating with some or most of you.
73, Barry / KB1TLR; Trustee / W1MGY
[See also: Titanic Event and POTA Activation, April 12-14, 2024]