KD1D Fox QRV in Littleton/Ayer Area, July 19, 2024

Alan Hicks, KD1D, wites on the NEMassFoxHunters list at 7:50 PM on July 19, 2024:

The KD1D Fox is out again on this much milder weekend. 

To find it, you’ll need to travel on Route 110 (between Littleton Common and the Ayer line).   You will likely hear the transmitter when you get to the intersection of Route 110 (King Street) with I-495.
The KD1D Fox  transmits a 25 second voice message every 60 seconds on 146,565 MHz FM simplex with an out power of about 50 milliwatts.
When you find it, please enter your 1st name, callsign date and time in the logbook, as usual.
The transmitter location is less challenging physically than some of the previous hiding spots.  I plan to retrieve the Fox on Monday afternnon.
If you have questions or need a hint, drop me an email at kd1d@arrl.net
You can also try the Westford PART repeater  (146.955 MHz – PL 74,4) for information on the area or foxhunting hints.
Happy Hunting and 73 DE KD1D (Alan)

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