K1USN SST Open, September 13, 2024

K1USN SST logoFrom K1USN Happenings, August 13, 2024:


CW ops and contesters from around the world are invited to celebrate the fourth anniversary of the K1USN weekly Slow Speed Contest (SST) by participating in a new event, the K1USN SST OPEN (SSO) to be held annually starting on Friday, September 13 from 2000-2359Z.

From its inception in September 2020, the twice-weekly SST has encouraged CW newcomers to join with experienced ops in a relaxed contest at speeds less than 20WPM. Contest sponsors strongly urge all participants to operate at 12WPM or less to provide new CW ops with a comfortable “on ramp” to CW operating and contesting.

The same speed rules will apply in the Slow Speed Open with the hope that every station that wishes to jump in will be welcome at a pace comfortable for them.

A CW Speed multiplier has been added to the score calculation as an incentive to go slow, (via the 3830scores.com submittal form). This speed multiplier is based on your fastest sending speed used during the contest.

Certificates with score and claimed maximum operating speed (honor system) will be available to all entrants.


DATE and TIME: September 13 2000-2359 UTC

Goal: Work as many stations as possible during the four hours on multiple HF bands (160, 80, 40, 20, 15, 10 meters).  Exchange: Name and State/Province (Non US-VE =DX) Score =Total Points x CW Speed Multiplier x Total State/Province/DX Multipliers

Stations may be worked once per band.  

50 point Bonus for working K1USN once per band.

Post log summary on www.3830scores.com Do NOT mail logs to K1USN

For Complete SSO information including rules and FAQ’s: www.k1usn.com/SSO.html

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