Amateur Radio Field Exercise sponsored by Walpole EMA/CERT on Sat. Sep. 21, 2024 – 9 AM-2 PM

Don Rolph, AB1PH, Walpole area ARES Emergency Coordinator writes:

On Saturday, September 21st from 9 AM to 2 PM at Adam’s Farm at 999 North St, Walpole, MA, Walpole Emergency Management Agency and Community Emergency Response Team will be sponsoring an exercise by amateur radio operators to deploy and test their communications capabilities in the field. A variety of antennas, radio transceivers and power systems will be tested to understand the functionality and behaviors of the various options. These include sending test messages across Eastern Massachusetts and, if the equipment is successfully deployed, across the continental US.

We would love more participants (contact to participate), visitors, and also amateur operators willing to work the event from their home stations.

The operating schedule will be

9 AM arrive and begin setup
9:30 Walpole EMA on air with monitoring/net on Walpole Repeater: 146.895, pl 123.0
11:00 80 meter voice on 3930 KHz moving up to first free frequency
11:30 80 meter NBEMS on 3582.5 KHz MARIDN net: pass NTS traffic
12:00 60 meter voice on channel 1 dial 5330.5 KHz
12:30 20 meter NBEMS with Transcontinental NBEMS net: 14,068 KHz
1:00 40 meter voice on 7200 KHz

We would love to have you join us!

Don Rolph

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