September 2024 Section Update

Welcome to the September 2024 EMA Section Update! I am publishing this update to the EMA Section and NE Division websites. The email-blast-to-all-section-members function is still down, a casualty of the cyber-attack on ARRL HQ; there is currently no ETA. I’m publishing the Update on the EMA website and sending it to all the clubs I have email addresses for, with a request to distribute it widely. Please spread the word.   

 It’s now officially Autumn. That means the population of our Cape Cod communities has reverted to mostly normal. Many businesses have shuttered for the season, with many more planning their last hurrah for shortly after Columbus Day. This is by far my favorite season, as the temperatures moderate, the traffic calms down, the leaves turn, and things quiet down. And I’ll take my beverages without pumpkin spice, thank you very much!  


* Election for New England Division Director  

Nominations are now closed for ARRL New England Division Director and Vice Director. Incumbent Vice Director Phil Temples K9HI was the only person to submit nominating paperwork for Vice Director, so he was declared elected for the next three-year term. Incumbent Director Fred Kemmerer AB1OC faces Director Emeritus Tom Frenaye K1KI in the upcoming election for Director, New England Division. Emails have already been sent to all ARRL members in the Division with instructions on how to vote. Whomever your choice is, I strongly encourage you to vote in this very important election! 


* HamXpo Was a Huge Success!! 

 In my not-so-humble opinion, HamXposition 2024, held this past August 22-25, was an unmitigated, smashing success. The vendor area was full to bursting, the list of seminars was broader and deeper than what one finds at HamVention (Dayton), and I believe a truly great time was had by all who attended. Please forward your HamXpo stories to me for inclusion in the next Section Update. The HamXposition website, has thousands of photos, if you want to revisit the fun.  

 I’m already looking forward to next year!! Please mark your calendars for August 21-24, 2025, the dates for next year’s event. 


* Boston Area GMRS Club Seeks New Members 

 Gregg Lebovitz, KD1MU, writes on the Boston ARC mailing list: 

 I wanted to let fellow GMRS licensees know that we are now taking memberships for the Boston Area GMRS Club.  

The club is a not-for-profit 501c(3) corporation and focuses on two main areas 1) technology, operator proficiency, and emergency communications education and 2) building a GMRS infrastructure to aid agencies in their emergency communications efforts.  

More details at 


* Successful Walpole EMA/CERT Amateur Radio Field Exercise Held on Sep 21, 2024  

 On Sat. Sept 21, the Walpole Emergency Management Agency and Community Emergency Response Team sponsored an amateur radio field exercise. Operating portable and despite the rain, nine stations were deployed, eight at Adam’s Farm in Walpole and one on High Rock in Foxboro. Full details at   


* Northeastern Wireless Club “Yagi Build” a “Fantastic Success” 

 Jonah Lefkoff writes on the Northeastern Wireless mailing list: 

 The Northeastern Wireless Club held a workshop on building tape measure yagi antennas that was a fantastic success. Attendees built many awesome antennas, and learned a bit about impedance matching and soldering along the way. Next step: use these new antennas in a fox hunt around campus. Full details at  


* NTS Traffic Handling Training Session, October 14, 2024  

Mark your calendars! Interested in NTS and Traffic Handling? Join us Monday, October 14 at 7:00 PM via Zoom. This training will incorporate videos and open discussion to get you started in an exciting aspect of the hobby that’s been around for over 100 years! Full details at  


* Recruiting Volunteer Webmaster(s) for the EMA Website 

 Phil, K9HI has done a fantastic job of maintaining the https://ema.arrl.,org website. I (still) need to recruit some backup resources. If you have basic skills with WordPress and can help maintain the website – mostly posting new articles at the suggestion of me and others – please contact me at You’ll be helping me – and the League – immensely! 


* Recruiting a New Section Youth Coordinator 

Last month I reported that our Section Youth Coordinator, Paul K1YUB, had stepped down from his position. I’m even more sad to report that Paul is now a Silent Key. I need to fill this important position on the EMA Section Staff. The SYC requirement and job description is at  If you are interested in this volunteer position, please contact me at  – I’ll appreciate it greatly! 


* N1ILZ for a Final  
Stay safe and warm out there!  Autumn is here, the traffic is (mostly) calming down, and the weather forecasters are predicting – well, who listens to those crazy long-term weather forecasters anyway?  Go pick some apples, go peep at some leaves, and enjoy all that a New England Autumn has to offer! And get those outdoor antenna projects done before the snow starts flying fierce and it’s too cold to go out (proving a great excuse to stay by the space-heater – I mean linear amplifier – and make some QSOs. 

 Can you write a paragraph or two about what you’re up to, so I can publish it in the Section Update? Let me know via email at!  

 * For always up-to-date news, please visit the EMA Section website at  
This Section News Update is brought to you by Assistant SM and Vice Director Phil Temples K9HI, and Section Manager Jon N1ILZ. 


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