EASTERN MASSACHUSETTS SECTION NEWS - AUGUST 2016 ARRL EASTERN MASSACHUSETTS SECTION STAFF Section Manager (SM) – Tom Walsh, K1TW Assistant Section Manager (ASM) – Phil Temples, K9HI Assistant Section Manager (ASM) – Andy Stewart, KB1OIQ Assistant Section Manager (ASM) – Rob Leiden, K1UI Affiliated Club Coordinator (ACC) – Arthur "Bo" Budinger, WA1QYM Official Observer Coordinator (OOC) - Ed Parish, K1EP Public Information Coordinator (PIC) – Joe Weisse, W1HAI Section Emergency Coordinator (SEC) – Marek Kozubal, KB1NCG Section Traffic Manager (STM) – Marcia Forde, KW1U Section Youth Coordinator (SYC) – Jeremy Breef-Pilz, KB1REQ State Government Liaison (SGL) – Hank Mc Carl, W4RIG Technical Coordinator (TC) – Dan Brown, W1DAN HOW TO CONTACT EMA STAFF MEMBERS: To contact section staff members directly simply visit http://ema.arrl.org for contact information. SECTION NEWS UPDATES For the latest updates to section news please check our website regularly at http://ema.arrl.org. BOXBORO! 2016 DATES: September 9-11, 2016 The ARRL New England Division Convention, Boxboro! 2016, is just a matter of days away now. There are many new talks and activities to enhance your amateur radio enjoyment. Don’t miss the convention opening and Keynote Address on Saturday morning at 9 AM from Tom Gallagher, NY2RF, ARRL CEO. Two banquets, Friday and Saturday, with great speakers are on the schedule too. New this year, following Friday’s banquet at 9:30 PM is a screening of the movie “Frequency”. There is a full program planned for Friday, Saturday and Sunday. New this year you can download the Convention program on the website now to plan your weekend http://www.boxboro.org. BOXBORO NEEDS VOLUNTEERS Andy, KB1OIQ, Volunteer Chair for the Boxboro convention reports they are still looking for volunteers and asking for your help. Volunteers work a 2-hour shift, and will receive a voucher for a free lunch (maximum: $10 value). Jobs involve a minimum of physical activity. Some jobs are outdoors, while others are indoors. These are the times where volunteers are needed: Friday: 12 noon - 7:30 PM Saturday: 7:00 AM - 7:30 PM Sunday: 7:00 AM - 1:00 PM Please reply directly to Andy (KB1OIQ): kb1oiq@arrl.net or kb1oiq@mval.net. HAMFESTS AND FLEA MARKETS: September 9-11,2016 Boxboro! 2016 http://www.boxboro.org September 18, 2016 FLEA at MIT October 16, 2016 FLEA at MIT November 5, 2016 Falmouth ARA AMATEUR RADIO LICENSE CLASSES NASHUA AREA RADIO CLUB September 24-25 Technician Class October 22-23 General Class December 2-4 Amateur Extra Class Location: Dartmouth Hitchcock Nashua, 2300 Southwood Drive in Nashua. More information at http://n1fd.org/2016/08/14/fall-2016-ham-radio-license-classes/. (Thanks to Anita, AB1QB). SEPTEMBER SKYWARN TRAINING CLASSES September 7: Edgartown September 9: Boxboro Rob, KD1CY, announces two Fall 2016 NWS Taunton SKYWARN classes for September. Further detail at http://ema.arrl.org/node/2160. EVENTS: 22nd ANNUAL PLYMOUTH RUN TO THE ROCK Saturday, September 10, 2016 The South Shore Hospital has been asked by the Plymouth Boys and Girls Club to once again coordinate communications on Saturday, September 10th, 2016 for their 22nd Annual Boys and Girls Club of Plymouth Run to the Rock 5K, 10K and 1/2 Marathon. The race features 3 different race courses with varied terrain. Info at http://www.runtotherock.webs.com. All that is required is a 2-meter portable with a fully charged battery, the desire to join other hams in supporting a large public service event, and transportation to your assigned location. This is a low key / low stress event. To volunteer, please email the following information to ssharc@gmail.com: Your Name: Your Call sign: 2 Meter Equipment: Portable / Mobile / Both A contact # to reach you (cell phone preferred): Your T-Shirt size: Any physical limitations (some spots can be done next to or from a vehicle): Any preferences (we will do our best). Thanks to John O' K1JRO and the Members of the South Shore Hospital Amateur Radio Club. WELCOME TO SIX NEW EMA SECTION APPOINTEES: Rob Leiden, K1UI, has been appointed as an Assistant Section Manager (ASM). Rob’s appointment strengthens our coverage on Cape Cod and southern parts of Eastern Massachusetts. Rob brings a great deal of experience as a former Section Manager (SM) in ENY. Bob, AA1M, has been appointed as a DXCC Card Checker. One of his first assignments will be card checking at the Boxboro Convention. Will, KB1WLY, has been appointed as a Local Government Liaison on Cape Cod. I met Will at the Falmouth ARA Field Day last June. Tony, WA1ENO has been appointed as a Local Government Liaison for Hanover, MA. Tony and I met in Dayton where we discussed his interest. Lela, KC1ACV, has been handling publicity for PART of Westford for quite some time now and I am happy to announce her appointment as our newest Public Information Officer (PIO). Dan, W1DAN, President of the Wellesley Amateur Radio Society (WARS) has been appointed as an EMA Public Information Officer (PIO). Dan is also our EMA Technical Coordinator (TC). Thanks Dan for taking on another important role for our section. My thanks go out to all those with field appointments in the EMA section of the ARRL. HOW TO BECOME AN EMA FIELD VOLUNTEER To apply for an ARRL field appointment read about the different roles on the ARRL web site at http://www.arrl.org/field-organization. If interested, contact k1tw@arrl.org. BETSY, K1EIC, RETIRING AS CT SECTION MANAGER AFTER 25 YEARS Congratulations and the best wishes from the EMA section to Betsey Doane, K1EIC, for leading the Connecticut ARRL section since 1991. NEXT EMA HOSPITAL NET September 3, 2016 John, K1RJO, writes that the Eastern Massachusetts Hospital Net is looking for groups or organizations to try their hand at net control duties. Their goal is to rotate net control practice and the experience among as many groups as possible. If interested, please email ssharc@gmail.com. CLUB NEWS: Yankee Clipper Contest Club (YCCC): 'Ask the Experts' panel discussion at Boxboro From Tony, K1KP, YCCC President: “Based on feedback from our ever-popular Contest University, Yankee Clipper Contest Club will attempt to 'cut to the chase' and 'get to the good stuff' by hosting a panel discussion on the nitty-gritty-bits of contesting. We will have contesting experts K5ZD, W1RM, N1MM, and others on hand to answer your toughest contest-related questions in person. This is a chance to get some really great contesting tips and feedback, with direct answers to your contesting questions. YCCC will also have a presentation on a low-budget, high-fun DXpedition to the Isle of Shoals (IOTA-217) by N1YX and K1RX, and an update on the 'Discover the HF Experience' project by Gerry Hull, W1VE”. Nashoba Valley Amateur Radio Club (NVARC) The September 15 meeting of the Nashoba Valley Amateur Radio Club (NVARC) in Pepperell will include visits and talks from two members of the EMA staff: Bo WA1QYM (ACC) and Tom, K1TW (SM). Barnstable Amateur Radio Club (BARC): EMA section manager, Tom K1TW, paid a visit to the Barnstable club meeting on August 1, 2016. Tom is always looking for interested hams to join the ARRL Field organization and it was at this meeting that Tom met Rob, K1UI our newest ASM. Minuteman Repeater Association (MMRA): MMRA reports they are rebuilding the Quincy repeater. On August 24th, they will be removing the Quincy repeater to replace the controller. They will also remove the co-located 224.400 repeater. While this work is being done, a temporary repeater will be installed. The temporary repeater is NOT linkable and does not respond to the usual control codes. The repeater output power will drop from 126W ERP to 50W ERP. The 220 repeater will be off-the air until it is reinstalled. The plan is to have the main repeater back in service by the end of September. Nantucket ARA: The Nantucket Amateur Radio Association reports it has the following new email address: nantucketara4170@gmail.com. PART OF Westford: Hugh, N1QGE, reminds PART OF WESTFORD members to bring food donations to their meeting to support the local food pantry. It’s a great idea that other clubs may wish to emulate. Billerica Amateur Radio Society (BARS): Bridging the worlds of shortwave listening and amateur radio, BARS member John, KC1FTJ, was interviewed on the August 21st broadcast “International Radio Report” over CKUT Montreal. The program is available at https://ckut.ca/en/oldgrid/sunday,10:30. FINAL WORD What else is there to say except see you all at Boxboro for the ARRL New England Division Convention in September. Enjoy! 73, Tom, K1TW -------------------------------------------------------------------- ARRL Eastern Massachusetts Section Section Manager: Thomas D Walsh, K1TW k1tw@arrl.org --------------------------------------------------------------------