WW2MAN QRV For Museum Ships Operation, June 5-6, 2010

photo of SeehundThe Seehund Amateur Radio Association will activate the Seehund U-5075 as WW2MAN in Quincy for the Museum Ships Special Event operation June 5-6, 2010. Over eighty ships around the world will take part in the event.

Operators Henry Brown, K1WCC and Whitey Doherty, K1VV will be QRV on 40, 30, 20 and, possibly, higher frequencies if open. DX QSL via the bureau; W/K via the callbook address. A standard-sized SASE is required for a card.

Southeastern MA ARA To Share Tower

SEMARA logoThe Southeastern MA Amateur Radio Association has agreed to assist the Dartmouth Police Department by allowing a law enforcement radio receiving antenna to be placed on top of the club’s tower.

The police department requested the antenna placement via a letter which was read at the club’s April meeting. After discussion, a motion was made, seconded, and passed to allow the antenna placed atop the tower with certain stipulations. The SEMARA Board of Directors is expected to approve the final decision.

Thanks, SEMARA “Zero Beat” May, 2010




Beltronics Amateur Equipment Repair Ends

Beltronics logo

Beltronics, in Hollis, NH has announced it is leaving the amateur radio repair business. The company released the following announcement to the amateur community:


“As of 4/5/2010, Beltronics regretfully announces we will no longer repair or service any Amateur Radio Equipment. Thank you for your years of patronage! We will complete ALL radio repairs that are currently in house. For future amateur equipment repair/service you may contact the following:

Quimby Mountain Radio
Jim Fowler (KA1SU)
Bow, NH

North Shore Radio Association Public Service Events

North Shore Radio Association logoThe North Shore Radio Association is seeking assistance from Eastern MA amateurs to help with several upcoming public service events.

“To all those who don’t mind traveling to the North Shore Area, the NSRA would like your help,” writes Eric Horwitz, KA1NCF, NSRA’s Public Service Coordinator. “The NSRA does a long list of events every year. This year we even have a few new ones on the list.”

The list of events can be found on the club’s web site. Go to http://www.nsradio.org, then click on “Public Service” on the left-hand side.

“Ham Radio Cruise Night” And Ice Cream

Gary's Ice Cream adA local Northern MA amateur has hit upon a unique idea to promote his ice cream business–and, ham radio. Gary Frascarelli, W1GFF, proprietor of “Gary’s Home Made Ice Cream” in East Chelmsford has established what he calls “Ham Radio Cruise Night.” Hams are encouraged to visit his store every Saturday night between 5-8 p.m. to show off their mobile rigs, and bring along GOTA rigs. Frascarelli says “on site hook-ups for an HF sloper antenna and 2m/440 antennas are available.”

W1GFF bills the event as an opportunity for current hams, former hams–and anyone interested in ham radio to socialize.

For more information, visit his web site at http://www.garysicecream.com/hamnite.htm.

KB1KQW Featured In Marathon Story

photo of Jim Palmer, KB1KQW, courtesy Lynn Daily ItemToday’s Daily Item of Lynn, MA featured a front page story with photo of BAA Marathon volunteer Jim Palmer, KB1KQW. Entitled Boston Marathon: Let’s visit Control Central, the story describes Palmer’s activities at the Net Control Station, W1M, and the integral role that hams play in ensuring the runners’ safety for the annual event.


KB1KQW is an active member of the North Shore Radio Association, and an Assistant Section Emergency Coordinator for Eastern Massachusetts.

Boston University ARC Now QRV!

There appears to be a resurgence of Amateur Radio activity from Boston University, according to Cape Ann ARA member Dave Delakas, KB9YOZ. Delakas has been hard at work setting up a new HF station at Boston University–W1BUR–and he’s looking for some CAARA members–or anyone else on the airwaves–to help W1BUR make some HF QSOs.

“If you’re around the HF rig on Friday April 9th, W1BUR will be on the air from 2:00 to 4:00 PM ET on 20 meters.”

W1BUR will be on 14.150 Mhz phone but if that’s busy, listen for them up the band in 30 khz steps: 14.180, 14.210, 14.240, etc. Delakas says if 20 meters is no good, they will try 75 meters phone starting at 3.900 MHz and up, in 30 khz steps.

Congrats to all involved on the ressurrection of this Eastern MA college club station.

SKYWARN Training, Concord MA, May 15, 2010


Steve Telsey, N1BDA writes:

There will be a SKYWARN Storm Spotter training class May 15 at Concord Academy, in the Ransome room of the Math and Arts Center which is located across from the Gym. Concord Academy is located at 166 Main Street in Concord. Parking at the school is limited; however, there is a municipal parking lot off of Main Street on Keyes Road. The training is scheduled to begin at 10:00 AM.

Rob Macedo, KD1CY a 15-year veteran of the NWS SKYWARN program will be the presenter. The program covers topics such as hurricanes, lightning, tornadoes, down bursts and other summer and winter weather events. This highly informative and timely program will also provide information on identifying cloud formations, identifying hail sizes and estimating wind speed.

This program is open to all and will be of particular interest to anyone who enjoys outside activities such as sports, camping, boating or is just interested in learning more about the weather. This program will also cover safety tips that are appropriate during severe weather events.

The workshop is free, the multi-media presentation is captivating, and the handouts (new this spring) are excellent and informative reference materials. At the end of the program participants will have the opportunity to join the National Weather Service SKYWARN Spotters Program.

Please pass the word and encourage hams and non-hams alike to join us on May 15. I’ll send a reminder in May, but wanted to get the info out early so it can go on calendars.

KY1N List of Volunteer Exams, 03/23/2010


The KY1N Memorial List
Scheduled Amateur Radio Volunteer Examinations - CT MA ME NH RI VT
Jim, WW1Y, Editor
Date     Time   Contact                        Location           Phone
03/24/10 19:30  Nick Altenbernd, KA1MQX        Cambridge       MA 617-253-3776
03/24/10 19:00 *Paul Upham, KD1YH              Lunenburg       MA 978-597-6535
03/26/10 18:00  David Cote, W1FAB              Holyoke         MA 413-575-2950
03/27/10 09:00  William D Wilson, K1IN         Bloomfield      CT 860-869-1059
03/27/10 12:00 +Daniel Lee, W1DFL              Danvers         MA 978-352-4513
03/27/10 12:00  Bradley Saunders, N1GZB        Lewiston        ME
03/27/10 09:00  Bob Jones, WB1P                Slatersville    RI 401-333-4787
04/03/10 09:00 *Don Tarbet, KD1XU              Bangor          ME 207-327-1453
04/03/10 10:30  Larry Houbre, AA1FS            Dartmouth       MA 508-991-6055
04/03/10 10:00 *Celeste Dean, W1CMD            South Yarmouth  MA
04/08/10 19:00  Louis Mester, W1CH             Providence      RI 401-263-6045
04/08/10 19:00  Kevin Cellini, N1KGM           Trumbull        CT 203-268-1843
04/09/10 18:30  Ralph T Stetson III, KD1R      Burlington      VT 802-878-6454
04/10/10 09:00 *William J Needham, K1WN        Braintree       MA 781-843-4400
04/10/10 12:00  Gregory Fitch, KB1EZJ          Conway          NH 603-759-6671
04/10/10 09:00  Ben Fleck, K2LYE               Falmouth        MA 508-540-2583
04/10/10 09:00  Steven Ewald, WV1X             Newington       CT 860-594-0265

04/11/10 12:00  Bob Quinn, WV1A                Gloucester      MA 978-283-4660
04/11/10 10:00  Richard Williamson, WA1YQE     Milford         CT 203-877-5020
04/12/10 19:00 *Jim Clogher, N1ICN             Boston          MA 617-364-4658
04/13/10 19:00  Tom Marshall, AA1SM            Farmington      ME 207-779-0589
04/13/10 19:00  Lawrence Polowy, KU1L          Thomaston       CT 860-283-4089
04/14/10 19:00  Gary Frascarelli, W1GFF        Billerica       MA 978-453-1100
04/15/10 19:30  Louis Harris, N1UEC            Canton          MA 508-668-0858
04/15/10 19:00  Thomas Jaworski, WA1MJE        Pittsfield      MA 413-528-9002
04/15/10 18:30  John Ruggiero, N2YHK           Worcester       MA 508-982-0617
04/16/10 18:30  Walter Styslo, KA1DFH          Farmington      CT 860-529-8474
04/17/10 09:00  Bill Wade, K1IJ                Marlborough     MA 617-699-3670
04/17/10 10:00  Bryce Rumery, K1GAX            South Portland  ME 207-799-1116
04/18/10 16:00  William Mcgarvey, AA1ZR        Calais          ME 207-853-2951
04/19/10 19:00  Richard Strycharz, KD1XP       Amherst         MA 413-665-2211
04/19/10 19:00  Skip Denault, KB1CNB           Fall River      MA 774-644-3469
04/20/10 12:00  Adam Woodbury, K1ADW           Bedford         MA 781-271-3062
04/20/10 19:00  Paul Lux, K1PL                 Portland        CT 860-635-1742
04/20/10 18:30  Wilburn A Scott, WA1YNZ        Presque Isle    ME 207-455-8333
04/21/10 19:30  Nick Altenbernd, KA1MQX        Cambridge       MA 617-253-3776
04/21/10 19:00  Peter Keyes, NU1W              Milford         CT
04/23/10 18:00  David Cote, W1FAB              Holyoke         MA 413-575-2950
04/24/10 09:00  William D Wilson, K1IN         Bloomfield      CT 860-869-1059
04/24/10 15:00  William Mcgarvey, AA1ZR        Calais          ME 207-853-2951
04/24/10 12:00 +Daniel Lee, W1DFL              Danvers         MA 978-352-4513
04/24/10 09:00  Jack P Garforth, N1JK          Middletown      RI 401-683-2250
04/24/10 09:00  Norm Smith, NY1B               Rockland        ME 207-354-6853
04/28/10 19:00 *Paul Upham, KD1YH              Lunenburg       MA 978-597-6535
05/01/10 10:30  Larry Houbre, AA1FS            Dartmouth       MA 508-991-6055
05/01/10 10:00 *Celeste Dean, W1CMD            South Yarmouth  MA
05/02/10 10:00  Richard Williamson, WA1YQE     Milford         CT 203-877-5020
05/03/10 10:00 *Bryce Rumery, K1GAX            Topsham         ME 207-799-1116
05/08/10 08:45 *William J Needham, K1WN        Braintree       MA 781-843-4400
05/08/10 09:00  Ben Fleck, K2LYE               Falmouth        MA 508-540-2583
05/08/10 09:00  Steven Ewald, WV1X             Newington       CT 860-594-0265
05/09/10 12:00  Bob Quinn, WV1A                Gloucester      MA 978-283-4660
05/10/10 19:00 *Jim Clogher, N1ICN             Boston          MA 617-364-4658
05/11/10 19:00  Lawrence Polowy, KU1L          Thomaston       CT 860-283-4089
05/12/10 19:00  Gary Frascarelli, W1GFF        Billerica       MA 978-453-1100
05/12/10 19:15 *James Weckback, W1EQW          Framingham      MA 508-435-6487
05/13/10 19:00  Louis Mester, W1CH             Providence      RI 401-263-6045
05/13/10 19:00  Kevin Cellini, N1KGM           Trumbull        CT 203-268-1843
05/14/10 18:30  Ralph T Stetson III, KD1R      Burlington      VT 802-878-6454
05/15/10 09:00  Bill Wade, K1IJ                Marlborough     MA 617-699-3670
05/17/10 19:00  Skip Denault, KB1CNB           Fall River      MA 774-644-3469
05/18/10 19:00  Paul Lux, K1PL                 Portland        CT 860-635-1742
05/19/10 19:30  Nick Altenbernd, KA1MQX        Cambridge       MA 617-253-3776
05/19/10 19:00  Peter Keyes, NU1W              Milford         CT
05/20/10 19:30  Louis Harris, N1UEC            Canton          MA 508-668-0858
05/21/10 18:30  Walter Styslo, KA1DFH          Farmington      CT 860-529-8474
05/22/10 09:00  William D Wilson, K1IN         Bloomfield      CT 860-869-1059
05/22/10 12:00 +Daniel Lee, W1DFL              Danvers         MA 978-352-4513
05/22/10 09:30  Lawrence Polowy, KU1L          Goshen          CT 860-283-4089
05/22/10 09:00  Bob Jones, WB1P                Slatersville    RI 401-333-4787
05/24/10 19:00  Willard Boutwell, N1EWK        Northfield      MA 413-774-4669
05/26/10 19:00 *Paul Upham, KD1YH              Lunenburg       MA 978-597-6535
05/28/10 18:00  David Cote, W1FAB              Holyoke         MA 413-575-2950
05/29/10 14:30  George Rinalducci, KB1KBC      Greenland       NH 603-231-1392
06/02/10 10:00  Richard Williamson, WA1YQE     Milford         CT 203-877-5020
06/05/10 10:30  Larry Houbre, AA1FS            Dartmouth       MA 508-991-6055
06/05/10 09:00 *Don Tarbet, KD1XU              Hermon          ME 207-789-5376
06/05/10 09:00  Thomas Jaworski, WA1MJE        Pittsfield      MA 413-528-9002
06/05/10 10:00 *Celeste Dean, W1CMD            South Yarmouth  MA
06/08/10 19:00  Lawrence Polowy, KU1L          Thomaston       CT 860-283-4089
06/09/10 19:00  Bruce Anderson, W1LUS          Billerica       MA 978-851-2886
06/09/10 19:00  Gary Frascarelli, W1GFF        Billerica       MA 978-453-1100
06/10/10 19:00  Louis Mester, W1CH             Providence      RI 401-263-6045
06/10/10 19:00  Kevin Cellini, N1KGM           Trumbull        CT 203-268-1843
06/11/10 18:30  Ralph T Stetson III, KD1R      Burlington      VT 802-878-6454
06/12/10 11:30  Frank Sileo, N1PE              Bethel          CT 203-438-0218
06/12/10 09:00  Ben Fleck, K2LYE               Falmouth        MA 508-540-2583
06/12/10 09:00  Jack P Garforth, N1JK          Middletown      RI 401-683-2250
06/13/10 12:00  Bob Quinn, WV1A                Gloucester      MA 978-283-4660
06/14/10 19:00 *Jim Clogher, N1ICN             Boston          MA 617-364-4658
06/15/10 19:00  Paul Lux, K1PL                 Portland        CT 860-635-1742
06/16/10 19:00  Peter Keyes, NU1W              Milford         CT
06/17/10 19:30  Louis Harris, N1UEC            Canton          MA 508-668-0858
06/18/10 18:30  Walter Styslo, KA1DFH          Farmington      CT 860-529-8474
06/19/10 09:00  Charlie French, K1CRF          Bedford         NH 603-487-5201
06/19/10 09:00  William D Wilson, K1IN         Bloomfield      CT 860-869-1059
06/19/10 09:00  Bill Wade, K1IJ                Marlborough     MA 617-699-3670
06/19/10 09:00  Jim Heedles, WW1Y              Nashua          NH 603-673-7395
06/19/10 10:00  Bruce Beford, N1RX             Windsor         VT 603-863-1698
06/21/10 19:00  Skip Denault, KB1CNB           Fall River      MA 774-644-3469
06/23/10 19:30  Nick Altenbernd, KA1MQX        Cambridge       MA 617-253-3776
06/23/10 19:00 *Paul Upham, KD1YH              Lunenburg       MA 978-597-6535
06/25/10 18:00  David Cote, W1FAB              Holyoke         MA 413-575-2950
06/26/10 12:00 +Daniel Lee, W1DFL              Danvers         MA 978-352-4513
06/27/10 09:00 *Richard Williamson, WA1YQE     Milford         CT 203-877-6514
07/03/10 10:30  Larry Houbre, AA1FS            Dartmouth       MA 508-991-6055
07/03/10 10:00 *Celeste Dean, W1CMD            South Yarmouth  MA
07/08/10 19:00  Louis Mester, W1CH             Providence      RI 401-263-6045
07/08/10 19:00  Kevin Cellini, N1KGM           Trumbull        CT 203-268-1843
07/09/10 18:30  Ralph T Stetson III, KD1R      Burlington      VT 802-878-6454
07/10/10 08:45 *William J Needham, K1WN        Braintree       MA 781-843-4400
07/10/10 09:00  Ben Fleck, K2LYE               Falmouth        MA 508-540-2583
07/10/10 09:30  Ernest Laug, KA1NGG            Stamford        CT 203-348-3993
07/11/10 12:00  Bob Quinn, WV1A                Gloucester      MA 978-283-4660
07/12/10 19:00 *Jim Clogher, N1ICN             Boston          MA 617-364-4658
07/13/10 19:00  Lawrence Polowy, KU1L          Thomaston       CT 860-283-4089
07/14/10 19:15 *James Weckback, W1EQW          Framingham      MA 508-435-6487
07/15/10 19:30  Louis Harris, N1UEC            Canton          MA 508-668-0858
07/15/10 18:00  Bryce Rumery, K1GAX            South Portland  ME 207-799-1116
07/15/10 18:30  John Ruggiero, N2YHK           Worcester       MA 508-982-0617
07/19/10 19:00  Richard Strycharz, KD1XP       Amherst         MA 413-665-2211
07/19/10 19:00  Skip Denault, KB1CNB           Fall River      MA 774-644-3469
07/20/10 12:00  Adam Woodbury, K1ADW           Bedford         MA 781-271-3062
07/20/10 19:00  Paul Lux, K1PL                 Portland        CT 860-635-1742
07/21/10 19:30  Nick Altenbernd, KA1MQX        Cambridge       MA 617-253-3776
07/23/10 18:00  David Cote, W1FAB              Holyoke         MA 413-575-2950
07/24/10 12:00 +Daniel Lee, W1DFL              Danvers         MA 978-352-4513
07/28/10 19:00 *Paul Upham, KD1YH              Lunenburg       MA 978-597-6535
08/07/10 10:30  Larry Houbre, AA1FS            Dartmouth       MA 508-991-6055
08/08/10 12:00  Bob Quinn, WV1A                Gloucester      MA 978-283-4660
08/09/10 19:00 *Jim Clogher, N1ICN             Boston          MA 617-364-4658
08/12/10 19:00  Louis Mester, W1CH             Providence      RI 401-263-6045
08/13/10 18:30  Ralph T Stetson III, KD1R      Burlington      VT 802-878-6454
08/14/10 09:00  Ben Fleck, K2LYE               Falmouth        MA 508-540-2583
08/16/10 19:00  Skip Denault, KB1CNB           Fall River      MA 774-644-3469
08/17/10 19:00  Paul Lux, K1PL                 Portland        CT 860-635-1742
08/18/10 19:30  Nick Altenbernd, KA1MQX        Cambridge       MA 617-253-3776
08/19/10 19:30  Louis Harris, N1UEC            Canton          MA 508-668-0858
08/25/10 19:00 *Paul Upham, KD1YH              Lunenburg       MA 978-597-6535
08/27/10 18:00  David Cote, W1FAB              Holyoke         MA 413-575-2950
08/28/10 12:00 +Daniel Lee, W1DFL              Danvers         MA 978-352-4513
09/08/10 19:00  Bruce Anderson, W1LUS          Billerica       MA 978-851-2886
09/09/10 19:00  Louis Mester, W1CH             Providence      RI 401-263-6045
09/10/10 18:30  Ralph T Stetson III, KD1R      Burlington      VT 802-878-6454
09/11/10 08:45 *William J Needham, K1WN        Braintree       MA 781-843-4400
09/11/10 09:00  Ben Fleck, K2LYE               Falmouth        MA 508-540-2583
09/12/10 12:00  Bob Quinn, WV1A                Gloucester      MA 978-283-4660
09/13/10 19:00 *Jim Clogher, N1ICN             Boston          MA 617-364-4658
09/16/10 19:30  Louis Harris, N1UEC            Canton          MA 508-668-0858
09/18/10 09:00  Charlie French, K1CRF          Bedford         NH 603-487-5201
09/18/10 09:00  Bill Wade, K1IJ                Marlborough     MA 617-699-3670
09/20/10 19:00  Skip Denault, KB1CNB           Fall River      MA 774-644-3469
09/21/10 19:00  Paul Lux, K1PL                 Portland        CT 860-635-1742
09/22/10 19:30  Nick Altenbernd, KA1MQX        Cambridge       MA 617-253-3776
09/22/10 19:00 *Paul Upham, KD1YH              Lunenburg       MA 978-597-6535
09/24/10 18:00  David Cote, W1FAB              Holyoke         MA 413-575-2950
09/25/10 12:00 +Daniel Lee, W1DFL              Danvers         MA 978-352-4513

T = Technician Exams only
Times are Local Time
Please check with the contact person as some dates are tentative!
For the latest examination information, check
If attending a session please remember to bring:
1) One photo ID, or two non-photo ID's (one with address)
2) Original FCC-issued license plus a photocopy (if already licensed)
3) Original plus photocopies of all CSCE's you are claiming
4) The 2010 test session fee: $15.00 for ARRL/VEC, $14.00 for W5YI Sessions
All VE Teams are invited to contribute.
For additions/corrections contact Jim Heedles, WW1Y, 603-673-7395,
via email at ky1n@ky1n.net


Waltham ARA Raises Funds for Courage Center Handiham

Waltham PHI logoMembers of the Waltham Amateur Radio Association recently embarked upon a project to benefit the Courage Center Handiham program, and to honor the memory of long-time member and Silent Key, Laurie Cote, KC1BN.

A Cote family member contacted Handiham in November, 2009 to inform them that KC1BN had left a sizeable amount of ham equipment from his estate to the non-profit organization based in Golden Valley, Minnesota. Handiham’s Manager, Pat Tice, WA0TDA reached out to Eastern MA Handiham volunteer instructor Phil Temples, K9HI.

Handiham very much appreciated the generous gift from Laurie,” explained Temples. “But the Handiham staff were not easily able to take possession and liquidate the equipment.” That’s when Temples thought to approach Laurie’s home club, the Waltham Amateur Radio Association and seek their help.

“I suggested to WA0TDA that it might make sense to enlist the aid of WARA to sell the equipment from Laurie’s estate, retain a portion of the proceeds, and donate the remainder to the Handiham program. Pat agreed.” Temples added, “I thought it would both honor an organization that Laurie admired, and afford WARA the opportunity to honor Laurie’s memory.”

All parties were agreeable, so K9HI presented the idea at a Waltham ARA meeting in January, 2010. WARA’s Vice President, John Flood, KB1FQG enthusiastically agreed; he volunteered to spearhead the project.

“I’m glad that WARA is able to help the Handiham group with this project,” said Flood. “I do remember hearing that [Laurie] liked the work they do. He wanted to do something like this to help Handiham.”

Flood spent many hours cataloging and testing equipment from Cote’s estate, as well as advertising the items on the club’s mailing list. The response has been very positive: to date, over $3,500 has been collected from sales, with an additional $1,000 expected in the coming weeks.

“Thank you so much for your hard work on our behalf,” wrote Pat Tice, WA0TDA to Flood on behalf of WARA.

“I want to add my thanks for all the hard work [KB1FQG] and other Waltham ARA members have contributed to this project on behalf of Laurie’s family and the two organizations,” added K9HI.

The Courage Center Handiham System is a national program that provides tools for people with disabilities to learn Amateur Radio and technology skills, and to earn their Amateur Radio licenses.

The Waltham Amateur Radio Association is an ARRL-affiliated club, established in 1938. Its repeater site is located on Prospect Hill in Waltham, MA.

Cape Ann ARA Flea Market, 11/14/09

The Cape Ann Amateur Radio Association will hold its Amateur Radio Flea Market and club fundraising event on Saturday, November 14th, at the Pigeon Cove Circle Center located at 6 Breakwater Avenue in Rockport Mass.

The doors will open to those selling items and renting tables at 7 am. The doors will open to all buyers at 9 am. If you would like to rent a table in advance, the cost will be $10.00 and this includes one admission. If you would like to rent a table the day of the flea, it will cost $15.00 including one admission. General admission for all buyers will cost $5.00. The club will also have a consignment table if you would like the club to sell an item for you or if you would like to donate an amateur radio related piece of eguipment for the club to sell with the proceeds going to CAARA. There will be no computers or monitors sold at this event. If you have any questions or would like to reserve a table, please contact Dick Copithorne at dick911@yahoo.com or 1-508-269-4941. During the flea there will be a talk in frequency on the CAARA club repeater on 145.130 Mhz with no pl.

New England Area Flea Markets, 9/11/09

New England Area   Ham - Electronic  Flea Market  ***  DATES  *** 2009 P 1 of 2
All events are Ham Radio/ Electronic related except ~_____~ 

2009                                                    Contact          Source

12 Sept Windsor ME AARA @FG $5@8                     Bill K1NIT 207 623 9075  

12 Sept Ballston Spa NY SCRACES @FG $5@7              Al KA1IEG 518 677 3316  

12 Sept Windsor CT VR+C Mus 115 Pierson LN @8AM Tailgate   John 860 673 0518 W

13 Sept Newtown CT CARA@TownHall $6@8:30 $15/T$10TG@7 Joe AB1DO 203 938 4880 W

13 Sept Dartmouth MA SEMARA @54 Donald St B@9 S@8      Tim N1TI 508 758 3680  

19 Sept Forestdale RI RIFMRS @VFW rt146 8A flea+auct Rick K1KYI 401 864 9611  

19 Sept Alton NH MASONS @Lodge @7 Tg$10 $20/inside T  Bob W1GWU 603 776 0086

19 Sept Alexander ME StCVARC                        Mike KB1GEO 207 427 3058 A

19 Sept Omeaux PQ WIARC @Shriner's $5@9 $15/T@8      Ken VE2KLF              R

20 September  Cambridge MA       FLEA at MIT               Nick 617 253 3776 F
                 Third Sunday April thru October                       

26 Sept Drummondville PQ CRADI $5@9 $15/T@7         Omer VE2OML 819 478 0478 R

11 Oct Wallingford CT Nutmeg Conv $20/sp $7@9        John N1GNV 203 440 4468  

11 Oct Queens NY HoSARC $5@9 $10/Sp              Stephen WB2KDG 718 898 5599 W

16,17 Oct Deerfield NH NearFest @FG                  Mike K1TWF 978 250 1235 W

17 Oct Manchester NH NEAntqRC @BingoCtr $10@7:30$3@8:30 Charlie 603 898 4821 F

17 Oct Kingston NS GARC $3@10 Sell free@8           Burt VE1AMA 902 847 7073 W

LAST UPDATE 9-9-09 de W1GSL         http://swapfest.us                    P 1
   List is normally updated twice a month - look for the latest version       
Additions/ Corrections via e-Mail   w1gsl@mit.edu  <- SUBSCRIBE              
                           US Mail  W1GSL POB 397082 MIT Br Cambridge MA 02139
(c)2009 unlimited reproduction permitted in entirety     

New England Area  Ham - Electronic  Flea Market  ***  DATES  *** 2009  P2 of 2
2009                                                    Contact          Source

18 October   Cambridge MA        FLEA at MIT               Nick 617 253 3776 F
                 Third Sunday April thru October                 

24,25 Oct Wakefield MA Photographica @AmericalCtr ~photo~  John 781 592 2553 W

24 Oct Longueuil PQ MS-SARC @PlDesaul $5@9+$10/T@6 David VE2EDF 450 672 9791 W

25 Oct Hicksville NY LIMARC @LevittHal $6@9 $20@7 Richard K2KNB 516 694 4937 W

31 Oct Waterford CT TCARC Auction @Oswegat Fire  @10 Tom WA2RYV 860 464 6555  

2 Nov Feeding Hills MA HCRA Auction @CongCh @6:30PM    Jim KK1W 413 245 3228  

7 Nov Londonderry NH IRS @Lions Sellers$15@6 $3@8  George N1NAZ 603 421 0940  

7 Nov Bourne MA FARA @UpperCC VoTech $5@9 $10/S@7   Ralph N1YHS 508 548 0422 A

5 Dec Windsor CT VR+C Mus 115 Pierson LN @8AM Indoor       John 860 673 0518 W

2010                                                    Contact          Source

20 Mar Pomfret CT ECARA                              Paul KE1LI 860 928 2456 T

21 Mar Southington CT SARA @HS $5@8 $20/T@6:15        Norm W3IZ 860 584 1403 F

17 April Lindenhurst NY GSBARC @FiremanPk            John W2HCB 631 669 6321 A
30 April 1 May Deerfield NH Nearfest @FG             Mike K1TWF 978 250 1235 R+

5 June Rochester NY RARA                             Duane K2SI 585 594 4945 A
LAST UPDATE 9-9-09 de W1GSL         http://swapfest.us               P 2 of 2
   List is normally updated twice a month - look for the latest version       
Source    F= Flyer  T= tentative early info     + = new info this month
          A= ARRL R= RAC list  W= web         WR NV CQ QST = Mags
This list has been compiled from many sources.  While we believe the info to 
be accurate the author can not be responsible for changes or errors.  
Check with the sponsoring organizations for more details.   This list will be 
posted monthly to USENET.     Mailed copies are sent when additions are made.
Additions/ Corrections via e-Mail   w1gsl@mit.edu  <- SUBSCRIBE              
                           US Mail  W1GSL POB 397082 MIT Br Cambridge MA 02139
(c)2009 unlimited reproduction permitted in entirety     

New England Area  Ham - Electronic  Flea Market  ***  DATES  *** 2010 -> ***
Page 3 Electronic distribution only.  This page has the overflow if any    P3
from the paper version.
2010                                                    Contact          Source

LAST UPDATE 9-9-09 de W1GSL                                             P 3
   List is normally updated twice a month - look for the latest version       
Additions/ Corrections via Internet  w1gsl@mit.edu                           
                           US Mail  W1GSL POB 397082 MIT Br Cambridge MA 02139
(c)2009 W1GSL   http://www.swapfest.us        SASE for updated copy as issued.
unlimited reproduction permitted in entirety     

  List is normally updated twice a month - look for the latest version       

Be sure to check for the latest version as updating is under the control     
of the page owner.                                                           
* You can have the list e-mailed directly to you as it is updated.            *
* Just send a request to be added to the distribution to   w1gsl@mit.edu      *

                             73 Steve F 
New England Area  Ham - Electronic  Flea Market  ***  DATES  ***     P4
Links to New England Hamfest Web Sites                (c) 2009 W1GSL 
This section is only included in the electronic distribution.

Cambridge MA    Flea at MIT     http://www.swapfest.us                        

Hopkinton NH    Hosstraders   RIP  :-(     http://www.qsl.net/k1rqg/
Adams MA        N BerkshireARC  http://www.nobarc.org/hamfest.htm

Boxborough MA   NE ARRL Conv    http://www.boxboro.org/

Dartmouth MA    SEMARA          http://www.semara.org/flea.htm             

Falmouth MA     FARA            http://www.falara.org/                       

FeedingHills MA MTARA 		http://www.mtara.org/flea08.html        

Framingham MA   FARA            http://www.fara.org/                          

Marlboro MA     AARC      http://www.qsl.net/n1em/FleaMarketFlier2008a.pdf   

Newton MA       Waltham ARA Auction    http://www.wara64.org/auction/

S Dartmouth MA  SEMARA          http://www.semara.org/                       
Wakefield MA    Photographica   http://www.phsne.org/                      
Whately MA      FranklinCARC    http://www.fcarc.org/news.htm                

Worcester  MA   WPI ACM         http://acm.wpi.edu/swapmeet/            

Gales Ferry CT  RASON           http://www.rason.org/                   
Goshen CT       SBARC           http://www.w1baa.org/hamfest.html
Enfield CT      VHF/UHF Conf    http://www.newsvhf.com/vhfconf.html          

Newington CT    NARL            http://www.narlhamfest.org/                  

Newtown CT      CARA            http://www.danbury.org/cara/Hamfest.html    

North Haven CT                  http://www.yankeehamfest.com             

Southington CT  SARA            http://www.chetbacon.com/sara.htm

Wallingford CT  Nutmeg CT Conv  http://www.nutmeghamfest.com                 

Windsor CT      Vintage R Mus   http://vrcmct.org/                        

Chelsea ME      AARA            http://www.w1tlc.com/                     

Hermon ME       PSARC           http://n1me.org/index.php?pr=Hamfest        

Lewiston ME     AARC            http://www.mainearrl.org/convent.htm         

S. Portland ME  PAWA            http://www.pawa-maine.org/                  

St. Albans ME   PARC            http://www.qsl.net/parc/hamfest/hamfest.html  

Windsor ME      AARA            http://www.w1tlc.com/                      

Deerfield NH    NEAR-Fest       http://www.near-fest.com/                   

Henniker NH     CVRC            http://www.qsl.net/k1bke/                     

Manchester NH   NEAntiqueRC     http://www.nearc.net/                        

Rochester NH    GBRA            http://www.w1fz.org/

Bergen NJ       BARA            http://www.bara.org/

Sussex NJ       SCARC    http://www.scarcnj.org/www.scarcnj.org/flyer_2007.htm

Ballston Spa NY SCRACES         http://wa2umx.net/_Hamfest_2008.html

LaGrangeville NY   MtBARC       http://www.wr2abb.org/                       

Lake Placid NY  NNY ARA	 http://www.northnet.org/nnyham/hamfest_flyer2004.htm 

Lindenhurst NY  ToB ARES        http://www.tobares.org/hamfest.html           

Lindenhurst NY  GSB ARA         http://www.gsbarc.org/Hamfest.htm

Long Island NY  LIMARC          http://www.limarc.org/fest.htm                

Middletown NY   OCARC           http://www.ocarc-ny.org/             

Queens NY       Hall of Science http://www.hosarc.org/               

Rensselaer NY   E Greenbush ARA http://www.w2egb.org/                       

Rochester NY    AWA             http://www.antiquewireless.org/ 

Rochester NY    RARA            http://www.rochesterham.org/hamfest.htm  

Wallkill NY     OCARC           http://www.ocarc-ny.org/               

Greenwich RI    Fidelity ARC    http://users.ids.net/~newsm/dates.html

Essex Junction VT   Burlington ARC  http://www.vtstetson.net/fest02.pdf

Milton VT       RANV VT Conv    http://www.ranv.org/milton.html

Swanton VT      STARC           http://www.starc.org/                    
Moncton NB      TCARC           http://www.ve9tca.org/                 

Quispamsis NB   LCARC           http://www.lcarc.ca/                     

Drummondville PQ  leCRdeD       http://www.raqi.ca/ve2crd/hamfest/index.html  +

Greenwood PQ    GARC  http://www3.ns.sympatico.ca/esmith/GARC/activities.htm  

Laval PQ        CRALL           http://www.ve2crl.qc.ca/                   

Montreal PQ     MARC            http://www.marc.qc.ca/fest/fest.html        
Montreal PQ     WIARC           http://shell.pubnix.net/~wiarc/hamfest.htm   

Montreal PQ     MS-SARC         http://www.ve2clm.ca/articles.php?lng=fr&pg=120

Montreal PQ     UMS             http://www.ve2ums.ca/agenda/pub_2007_hamf.pdf 

Sorel-Tracy PQ  CRAS-T          http://www.hamfest.qc.ca/                     

St Romuald PQ   ARES            http://www.aresqc.org/                       

St Therese PQ   CRALL           http://www.ve2crl.qc.ca/hamfest2002.htm       

Summerside PEI  SPARC      http://www.summersidearc.com/fleamarket2009.htm   

Greenwood NS    GARC            http://www.greenwoodarc.org/              +  

Halafax NS      HARC            http://www.halifax-arc.org/

Timonium MD     GBHC            http://www.gbhc.org/                          

Montreal Area   MARC List       http://www.marc.qc.ca/fest/festcal.html      
Canada          RAC List        http://rac.eton.ca/events/upcoming.php    

Phila. Area     VARA List       http://www.qsl.net/w2vtm/hamfest.html         

USA             ARRL List       http://www.arrl.org/hamfests.html

P4 LAST UPDATE 8-7-09 de W1GSL                                          P 4
Additions/ Corrections via Internet  w1gsl@mit.edu                           
                           US Mail  W1GSL POB 397082 MIT Br Cambridge MA 02139
(c)2009 W1GSL   http://www.swapfest.us        SASE for updated copy as issued.
unlimited reproduction permitted in entirety     

Cape Cod ARES, Falmouth Amateurs Participate in Hospital Exercise

Falmouth ARA logoMembers of the Falmouth Amateur Radio Association and Cape Cod ARES participated in an emergency evacuation exercise at the Falmouth Hospital in August, 2009.

According to Dan Howard, K1DYO, of Cape Cod ARES, hospital administrators have requested a “list of equipment necessary to establish a permanent station within their building.” K1DYO says “the hospital has the necessary funds to cover the cost.”

Thanks, Falmouth ARA News, September, 2009

Southeastern MA ARA Flea Market Sept. 13

SEMARA logoThe Southeastern Massachusetts Amateur Radio Association is holding its annual flea market on Sunday, September 13, 2009 at the SEMARA club house at 54 Donald St, Dartmouth, MA 02748.

Space will open for sellers at 8 AM and spots will be available on a first come, first serve basis. Admission for buyers begins at 9 AM. The admission fee is $5 for sellers; $1 for buyers. Talk-in will be on the W1AEC repeater (147.000MHz, 67.0PL, plus offset).

For more information and directions, see http://w1aec.blogspot.com/2009/09/semara-flea-this-sunday.html.

KD2S, Digital Pioneer: Silent Key

Den Connors, KD2S, circa 1982Den Connors, KD2S, the first president of Tucson Amateur Packet Radio (TAPR) of Pepperell, Massachusetts, passed away September 3 from lymphoma. He was 58. Connors, an ARRL Life Member, conducted the first amateur packet radio contact with all-American hardware and software, using the Tucson Amateur Packet Radio Terminal Node Controller (TNC) with Lyle Johnson, WA7GXD (now KK7P). [Full story, ARRL Web]

KD2S was one of the early movers and shakers in the New England Packet Radio Association. In addition to his digital contributions, Connors was also an active participant in ARES and RACES.

“Den was on our crew for Region 1 comms for Seabrook and storms,” writes Terry Stader, KA8SCP, an Eastern MA ASM and MA Region 1 RACES Officer. “He worked the emergency management side for many years. He will be missed.”

Photo, above: Den Connors, KD2S, circa 1982 courtesy TAPR

Help Requested For Jimmy Fund Walk, 9/13

Jimmy Fund logoSteve Schwarm, W3EVE writes:

I need several more hams to help with the Jimmy Fund Walk Sunday Sept. 13. This event is run on the Boston Marathon course and runs for most of the day. The majority of the activity is on the last half of the course. We have hams on the buses like the Marathon and a ham at each first aid/water station. This is a low key activity. We use 2 meters for this event.

Drop me an email if you can help. If you have questions feel free to call my cell phone at 508-922-9688.

Salvation Army Field Exercise, Sept. 26, 2009 (UPDATED)

SATERN logoFrank Murphy, N1DHW writes:

The Salvation Army Emergency Disaster Services has planned a Field Exercise on Saturday, 26 September at Camp Wonderland in Sharon, MA.  This event will focus on disaster operations training for key members of the Command staff and Volunteers.  We have participated in this event for several years, and ham radio support has been and continues to be a vital part of this exercise.  The drill will simulate a specific, large scale disaster response, and work on building response capacity in a number of different areas.

The drill will begin with registration at 0830, followed by a Disaster Services Organization role-specific training from 0930 to 1030, with the live exercise beginning at 1030.  Lunch will be served from canteen kitchens as part of the drill.  A brief time for assessment is planned before the event is completed at 1545pm.

Communications will be managed from the fully outfitted Communications van as in a realistic situation.  About 20 hams are urgently needed for assignments as shadows for Salvation Army commanders and managers, specific field operations, and at the food and supply locations.

If you are able to participate, or have any questions, please contact me at n1dhw@arrl.net.

–Thanks, Boston ARC The SPARC, August, 2009

Hurricane Bill Safety Outreach

This message contains some points with regard to the approach of Hurricane Bill near our area.  Although the impact of the storm appears to be no greater than what we would experience during other times of the year, the storm could be especially dangerous to boating and beach enthusiasts.

I am requesting that you assist our safety outreach in the following ways:

1.    Remind friends and family about the dangers of storm generated surf, which may be especially prudent since the hot weather may beckon people to go swimming.  There are many websites that explain the “riptide” phenomena and safety measures.
2.    Please listen for ham maritime mobile stations and verify they have current storm information.  Please encourage them to monitor the weather radio, and if they tell you they are using a marine radio, remind them to monitor Marine channels 16 (156.8 MHz) and 22A (157.1 MHz).
3.    For those of you on the coast this weekend, please report all flooding and “splash-over” (water carried ashore by crashing waves) to SKYWARN observers.
4.    If you (especially our SKYWARN cadre) are asked by other citizens what you think about the storm, encourage these folks to familiarize themselves with the storm by visiting National Weather Service (NWS) websites, listening to weather radio, and watching TV and web broadcasts.  Remind people that weather safety issues are exclusively the responsibility of the NWS.

Enjoy the rest of the summer!

de W1MPN


ARRL – The national association for Amateur Radio™

Eastern Massachusetts Section
Section Manager: Michael P. Neilsen, W1MPN