New England QSO Party May 3-4, 2003
Mark your calendars for the 2nd New England QSO Party, May 3-4, 2003.
For the details, see
a field organization of the National Association for Amateur Radio®
Operating, on-the-air events and activities, contests, DXing
Mark your calendars for the 2nd New England QSO Party, May 3-4, 2003.
For the details, see
K1VV writes:
Celebrating The 100th Anniversary of Guglielmo Marconi’s First Wireless transmission between the United States and Europe on January 11 – 19, 2003.
From atop high, sandy cliffs overlooking the Atlantic, Marconi transmitted a simple, 54-word greeting from President Theodore Roosevelt to Great Britain’s King Edward VII. Within hours, the King acknowledged receiving the message, and the spark of global communications was lit.
The Marconi Radio Club, W1AA, and the Marconi Cape Cod Memorial Radio Club, KM1CC, working in partnership with the National Park Service at Cape Cod National Seashore, will operate a Special Event station from January 11-19 at the former Coast Guard station at Coast Guard Beach in Eastham, Massachusetts, from near the site of the original Marconi 1903 Station. From 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. each day, the public will be able to tour the station, listen to voice and Morse Code discussions with other radio operators around the world, and learn about wireless technology and the significance of Marconi’s achievement. For Details See:
January 18, 2003 will mark the centennial of Marconi’s groundbreaking transatlantic wireless transmission with a reenactment of this historic scientific achievement, rivaling the Wright Brother first flight at Kitty Hawk.
Marconi’s daughter Princess Elettra Marconi is scheduled to attend the event.
A PRESIDENTIAL Commemorative message is anticipated from President George W. Bush.
NASA International Space Station Link – Selected Students from three Cape Cod High Schools (Cape Cod Vocational Technical High School-Harwich, Provincetown High School- Nauset Regional High School) will communicate with astronauts aboard the orbiting International Space Station.
For a complete events calendar, go to and click on “In Depth,” then “News.”
Bob Doherty K1VV
Pres. Marconi Radio Club W1AA
Attention EMA clubs:
Please consider getting involved in this worthwhile project.
Phil Temples, K9HI
Duane Wyatt, WA0MJD writes:
“Time is short to have Santa talk to the sick kids this Christmas via amateur radio.
“Please look at the new, easy, revised information about how to do this—an amateur radio presence is not needed on-site and no transmissions need to be made in the hospital. The new information is seen in the “Holiday Hams” section of the website.
“I want to expand this program before next Christmas—can you help me? My new email address is: Thanks very much.”
Duane Wyatt WA0MJD
– – – – – Please pass this information on. – – – – – – –
The CEMARC Group has concluded arrangements for the start of a YOUTH NET.
The YOUTH NET will air starting Sunday, November 10th at 7:00pm. This net will be a directed net, with a Teen Net Control Operater, strictly for youth\’s up to Grade 12. Subject matter will be at the descreation of the net attendee\’s. All young operators are welcome.
The Minute Man Repeater Association, through Kevin Paetzold, k1kwp, has graciuosly made available their linked system to air this net, and will have control operator\’s monitoring. In addition, Ann Weldon, ka1pon, a mother, grandmother, Club President, and school teacher, has agreed to act as a mentor and help to coordinate this net.
What can you and I do? First, talk up the net start. Then, advise all youth that you are aware of to try connecting to one or more of the MMRA repeaters before the net start, to see which repeater is best for them from their QTH. Help them decide if you can. Check MMRA web site for list of repeaters. <>
The future of amateur radio, and our clubs depends on the young operaters. Their future in continuing in the hobby depends on us. Let\’s not fail them, our ourselves.
(*) While no adults will be recognised during the Net, parents who desire to sign on their child, under their control, using their call, may do so. However, once the Net starts, no adults will be recognised, only the child who was checked in.
Please direct any questions to:
Frank Murphy – N1DHW ( or
Ann Weldon – KA1PON ( or
Kevin Paetzold -K1KWP (
The Minuteman Repeater Association (MMRA) has scheduled a “Fox-a-thon” for this Saturday morning October 19 in the Stoneham/Wakefield area of Massachusetts. This is an opportunity for people who are interested in foxhunting and radio direction finding to gain some direct hands on experience riding along with a regular MMRA foxhunter.
This event is open to all and we want to explicitly invite members from other clubs and organizations. Our goal is to expose more people to foxhunting and RDF with some real hands on experience. You can see some details and photos from the last “fox-a-thon” at “”.
This event is essentially a regular MMRA Saturday morning Foxhunt except that the fox will be within 20 miles of the MMRA 146.715 Stoneham,MA repeater and the fox will be transmitting on 146.115 (which is the input for the Stoneham repeater). The actual foxhunt will begin at 10AM (as usual) and should conclude before noon. As is the usual custom the hunters will meet afterwards for breakfast/brunch/lunch at some local establishment in the area (in this case I believe
a Friendly’s).
You can participate by:
1. hunting the fox yourself on the frequency given above!
2. Give a signal reports on the fox even though you are not directly hunting the fox Signal strength and/or bearing from your location would be interesting info.
3. Riding along with one of the regular hunters. The foxhunters will be meeting in Stoneham MA at 9AM at the location described below to coordinate with the riders (parking available etc…). You are welcome to bring your own equipment but you do not need to bring any equipment as the foxhunters will have their usual equipment.
4. listening in on the action on the Stoneham 146.715 repeater.
If you would like to ride-along with one of the hunters please notify us via email at so we will know to be looking for you. Also it will help us determine how many riders we will have (and how many regular hunters we may need for the riders).
Hope to see you there. 73,
Minuteman Repeater Association
PS: Our thanks to W1DYJ and N1XKB for hosting/coordinating
this event!
Directions to the initial coordination/assembly point in Stoneham:
Traveling South on I93 – exit 35. Left at bottom of ramp. Go under I93. Right at corner (Park St./ N. Border Rd.) Cross Rt28 — Main St. — and proceed to site, directions below.
Travelling North on I93 – exit 34. Straight at bottom of ramp, N. on Main St. Rt28. Turn right at South St. at stop light — and proceed to site, directions below.
Site directions:
From South Street — just go around the pond. Take the right hand choice at any intersection. Pass the Stoneham Zoo on your right. After about 1.5 miles you will see a large building on the left, with a central tower with all the antennas on top. Park in the front and look for the group.