WA2NDV: “Basic Satellite Tracking” at Billerica ARS Online Meeting, December 6, 2023

Billerica ARS logoPlease join us at the Billerica Amateur Radio Society meeting on December 6, 2023 at 7:00 PM. Frank Garofalo, WA2NDV, on Basic Satellite Tracking.


Frank was originally licensed in 1970 in Corona Queens, New York by way of the Electchester Amateur Radio Club and his cousin, Hugo (SK). He was in 8th grade at the time and it gave his life a direction.

Amateur Radio has allowed him to work in many diverse places including 18 years at NBC-NY and 15 years as a VoIP Engineer for the cable company with 3.5 million voice customers. It all started at the proverbial 5 kW three-tower directional AM radio station! Now he is retired. He asserts that the ham license and First Class (General now) Radiotelephone licenses have been more useful over the years than any college degree.

He uses an IC-9700 for satellites with an InnovAntennas on a G- 5500 AZ/EL rotor. Rig and rotor are computer controlled with S.A.T. a stand-alone satellite tracker.

His satellite contacts on LEOs and MEO as of Nov 21, 2023, 92 countries, 771 grid squares worldwide, 50 states, 4017 QSOs with 1446 unique stations and three NA1SS astronaut contacts through 41 satellites.

BARS will announce the link to join the Zoom meeting before the meeting, but it will be posted to the BARS email list and should not be shared outside our Club. Are you on the email list? If not, please send an email to bars-subscribe@w1hh.org and then simply reply to the robot response from the server and you will be subscribed.

Observing our Zoom meeting requires only a web browser and headphones/speakers. You do not need a webcam or microphone unless you want to speak or be seen.

Before our meeting date, please go to https://zoom.us/test and see if it will function for you. If you have problems, we can try to assist – feel free to ask questions on the BARS email list.

We are looking forward to “seeing” many of you on Wednesday 12/6 on the Zoom session at 1900.

Doug, N1WRN

W6BSD: “Radio Shack Myths and Fairytales” at Waltham ARA Online Meeting, November 29, 2023

Waltham ARA logoRich Comer, K1RBC, writes on the Waltham ARA mailing list:

I hope you all have fully recovered from Turkey Day!

The next meeting of the Waltham Amateur Radio Association will be this Wed at 7:00pm via ZOOM. (Zoom opens at 6:30 PM.)

We will have a short business meeting and then a presentation from Fred Cirera, W6BSD, entitled “Radio Shack Myths and Fairytales.”

It should be interesting.

N1JUR: “POTA” at PART of Westford Hybrid Meeting, November 21, 2023

PART of Westford logoGeorge Allison, K1IG, writes on the PART of Westford mailing list:

The November PART of Westford meeting will be held on Tuesday, November 21, 2023, beginning at 7:30 PM at the Cameron Senior Center, 20 Pleasant Street, Westford, MA, and via Webex video conference. For those attending via video conference, a meeting link is below; just click on the green button to join in. You can join the conference any time after 7:00 PM to check out your gear or just rag chew until the meeting starts. Bear in mind that internet connectivity from the senior center may be unreliable.

The meeting topic is Parks On The Air (POTA). POTA is the fastest growing ham radio activity, and Eric, N1JUR, an active POTA-ist, will give us a presentation on how to get started and how to operate as both an activator and a hunter. Other agenda items include election of officers for the coming year and plans for the December dinner party.

All attendees are encouraged to bring donations of non-perishable food for the Westford Food Pantry.

See you Tuesday!

George, K1IG
President, PART of Westford

North Shore Radio Association Hybrid Meeting, November 20, 2023

North Shore Radio Association logoThe NSRA meets on November 20, 2023 at 7:30 pm. Doors open at 7 pm at Peabody Municipal Light Plant.
NOTE: To get to the meeting location of the Peabody Municipal Light Plant, Warren St Ext. for the next few months, you MUST turn right on to Endicott St from Rte 114; Endicott Street at Lowell Street has been closed.
Eastern MA ARRL Section Manager Jon McCombie, N1ILZ, is the guest speaker. 
Eric Horwitz, KA1NCF

North Shore Radio Association

ARRL Incoming QSL Bureau Card Sort at Nashoba Valley ARC Meeting, November 16, 2023

Nashoba Valley ARC logoBruce Blain, K1BG, writes:

The Nashoba Valley Amateur Radio Club’s November meeting is Thursday, November 16th at 7:30 PM, at the Pepperell Community Center (in Pepperell MA). We start gathering at 7 PM to socialize before the meeting starts.

This month program will feature our annual “QSL sort” for the W1 QSL bureau. It’s personally my favorite meeting of the year. Catch some incoming cards with your callsign on them, converse with other local hams, have some refreshments, and of course, sort a few cards! If you haven’t done this before and it sounds like a lot of work, you’ll find that this is actually the club’s most social meeting of the year. Pizza and soda follow when the sorting is finished.

As a side benefit, NVARC offers a FREE outgoing ARRL QSL bureau service to our members. Outgoing cards must meet the requirements of the outgoing ARRL bureau: You must provide proof of ARRL membership (such as a copy of the mailing label of a recent QST) and sort the cards according to DXCC country. NVARC will cover the outgoing QSL bureau fees. Please click on the above link to make certain that you have met the requirements.

For the November meeting, guests participating in the QSL sort can also submit cards as part of the NVARC’s outgoing QSL program!

Need directions? Click here and put your own address in box “A”.

Thanks and 73. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions.

Bruce, K1BG

978-772-2773 or bruce.blain@charter.net

Please visit NVARC on the web:




N1DM: “A Smorgasbord of Radio – the People Places and Incidents” at the Minuteman Repeater Association Hybrid Meeting, November 15, 2023

MMRA logoThe Minuteman Repeater Association (MMRA) will hold its membership meeting on Wednesday, November 15, 2023 from 7:30—9:30 pm.

Dom Mallozzi, N1DM, will present “A Smorgasbord of Radio – the People Places and Incidents.”

This is a Hybrid meeting: Marlborough Central Fire Station + ZOOM. (Members: log into your account on MMRA.ORG to obtain the ZOOM info. Non-members: send an email to contact@mmra to request the ZOOM info.

Do you know what the most powerful radio station in New England is? Let’s find out. Dom will discuss some of the less known contributors to the development of radio, the operational sites in New England that brought radio from a laboratory oddity to a functional system along with discussing the affect of the sinking of the Titanic on radio regulation.

Licensed initially as WN1RFT in 1972 and now holds an Amateur Extra class license and FCC “General Radio Operators License” Dom started as a shortwave listener when young and eventually found his way through a local ham, Jim K1CBF, to the Providence Radio Association, W1OP. He took his licensing classes at the club in high school and eventually obtained an amateur extra class license. He also built a lot of Heathkits, many of which he still has and uses.

Dom received a Bachelor’s degree in electrical engineering from the University of Rhode Island which led to a 38-year career as an electrical engineer at the Raytheon Co. in various Massachusetts locations specializing in measurement systems.

His ham radio interests are: CW, Antennas, 160 meters, satellites, homebrewing and DMR.

N1DM: “Digital Mobile Radio” at Algonquin ARC Meeting, November 9, 2023

Algonquin ARC logoKen Horton, KA1GFN, writes on the Algonquin ARC mailing list:

Reminder of tonight’s club meeting at the 1LT Charles W. Whitcomb Middle School, 25 Union St, Marlboro. Enter from Agoritsas Drive next to police station and use Door #1 at rear of building.

Doors open at 7 pm and meeting starts at 7:30 pm. Note that in the past there has been a couple of instance where members arrived later than 7:30 and the doors were locked. We have asked them if they can leave them unlocked until 8pm. If you think that you might be arriving late then I do also monitor the 446.675 PL 88.5 repeater prior to and at the meeting.

Dom, N1DM will present tonight on the topic of Digital Mobile Radio (DMR).

Battery Talk at Northeastern University Wireless Club, November 9, 2023

Northeastern Univ. logoMarty Sullaway, NN1C, writes on the NUWC mailing list:

This Thursday we will have a fun presentation on everything you’d ever want to know about batteries. Our in-house battery whiz Zach Perry will be giving us a look under the hood, and providing useful into and battery tips. Don’t miss it! We won’t let anything go up in smoke. As a reminder, If you would like to sit for an amateur radio exam session, we just announced two more dates; November 13th and 20th, both at 7:00 PM at 503 Hayden Hall. Please sign up here.That’s all I have for this week!Marty Sullaway, NN1CPresident, NUWC

N6MTS: “Open Headset Interconnect Standard” at New England Sci-Tech ARS Hybrid Meeting, November 14, 2023

New England Sci Tech logoThe New England Sci-Tech Amateur Radio Society will meet on-line and in-person on November14, 2023 at 7 PM and feature: “Open Headset Interconnect Standard” by Mark Smith, N6MTS.

Ham Radio has standards for connections between the radio and power source (13.8vDC), and between the radio and the antenna (50 ohm coax). There is, however, no such standard for the connection between the radio and the user. This makes it challenging in a multi-user environment like a club shack, contest station, or EOC, for a user to connect their own headset (with their own ear goobers (technical term)) to any radio, without carrying a full-mesh of adapters between all types of headsets and all types of radios. The Open Headset Interconnect Standard (OHIS) is an open standard (free like speech) that allows any OHIS compliant User Device (e.g., headsets) to connect to any OHIS compliant Radio Device.

Bio: Mark Smith, N6MTS, aka Smitty, has been a nerd of various types his whole life. He added Amateur Radio to his list of nerdy hobbies in 1992. In 2021, he left his career of 25 years in IT (some blend of Network and Systems Engineering, Software Development, and Information Security) to start Halibut Electronics, a company that designs and makes Amateur Radio and Audiophile hardware devices and kits. He is also a co-host of the Ham Radio Workbench podcast.

K5UR: “What’s New at ARRL” at Billerica ARS Meeting Online, November 1, 2023

Billerica ARS logoDoug Bruce, N1WRN, writes in the Billerica ARS November newsletter:

I am pleased to announce that our guest speaker for the November 1, 2023, club meeting via Zoom will be none other than Rick Roderick, K5UR, the current President of the ARRL!

Rick will give a talk on what’s new at the ARRL and will share valuable insights on our great hobby. You will definitely want to make sure and attend this Zoom Presentation to be given by a true pioneer in ham radio!

[For Zoom conference details, email Bruce Anderson, W1LUS, at w1lus -at- hotmail -dot- com.]

K5UR photoBruce Anderson, W1LUS, writes:
For those that missed last night’s meeting, here is a link to the recording of the presentation by ARRL President Rick Roderick, K5UR:

Wellesley ARS First POTA Operating Event, Elm Bank Reservation, Wellesley/Natick, October 29, 2023

Wellesley ARS logoJoin us at Elm Bank Reservation off of Route 16 at the Wellesley/Natick line on Sunday, October 29, 2023 for our first Parks on the air (POTA) operating event! Mindy KM1NDY will get us started along this path of fun and radio adventure.

We will start at 11:00 A.M. and go to 2:00 P.M. Bring your rig, antennas, tables, and chairs and whatever else you may want.

We will be using the W1TKZ 2-meter repeater for talk-in (147.030MHz, +600 split, PL123Hz). Once you enter the park, look for our WARS “Field Day” sandwich boards to find where we are. Also, we can monitor 146.52MHz simplex at the park.

A final weather NO-GO decision will be made Saturday night by 10pm by Charlie. If necessary to cancel, Dan will email a blast to club members on Sunday morning.

Elm Bank Reservation address:

900 Washington Street Wellesley MA



Charlie WA3ITR

New England Sci-Tech Starts Wireless Engineering Club

New England Sci-Tech Wireless Engineering Club logoSeth Kendall, KC1PZY, writes on the stars-radio mailing list:

We are looking for mentors/volunteers to help out with the new Wireless Engineering Club on Saturday mornings 10:00-11:30am.  Please let us know if you have any interest in participating!

The “Wireless Engineering Club” is a new club at New England Sci-Tech meant to attract youth and prospective hams into the hobby of Ham Radio.  The club will meet every other Saturday morning, a time that tends to work well for families, and will be focused around build workshops and practical, hands-on radio activities.  We’d like to use this club to bring in new hams, especially youth, and further grow the amateur radio community here at NEST.  

We are interested in three kinds of volunteers:

  • Helpers
  • Workshop Leaders
  • Outreach

For Helpers: Pick one or more workshops to come in and help out for.  If we get lots of members, we’ll need lots of Elmers to help people troubleshoot, experiment, and have fun.  

For Workshop Leaders: Pick one of the topics from our brainstorm list and volunteer to lead a 90 minute workshop on that topic.  The more hands on, the better.  We’re looking for activities over lectures.  Even better, volunteer your own workshop.  We need content, so anyone who’d like to put together one or more activities/workshops, please let us know.   They’re meant to be beginner level.  This is an ideal chance to help grow the ham radio community and bring in youth, but it’ll only work with participation from us in the community. 

Outreach: Know any recently licensed youth or youth with a general interest in electronics and science?  Spread the word about the club to communities you know!  Adults are welcome and encouraged to join in the workshops and builds as well.  Many of them could be of broad interest.  I’m attaching a flyer.  It looks like this, but if you download the attachment, it will be print resolution.

If you’d like to volunteer, you an either post here or send me an email at sethlkendall@gmail.com.  Thanks all.

W5DX: “ARRL Public Relations and Outreach” at Billerica ARS Monthly Meeting, October 4, 2023

Billerica ARS logoPlease join us at the Billerica Amateur Radio Society meeting on October 4, 2023 at 7:00 PM.  Sierra G. Harrop, W5DX, from ARRL Headquarters, will present on ARRL Public Relations and Outreach.

Speaker: Sierra G. Harrop, W5DX, Public Relations and Outreach Manager for the ARRL.


I spent a 20-year career as a TV storyteller, and now I work full-time to grow amateur radio! I started on January 16, 2023, as the Public Relations and Outreach Manager for ARRL. It is a tremendous honor to be a part of this organization. I have lofty goals for my work for our league. I want to increase public understanding and appreciation of ham radio to levels never before seen.”

Both my parents were hams. My dad, Paul, was W5DX from 1996 until he passed in 2019 and had been WB5NDN before that. My mom, Carolyn, was KB5IDV until she passed away in 2008. My younger brother, Seth, is KK4MYZ. I grew up with a tower next to my swing set, and a ham shack down the hall from my bedroom. I’ve never known a world without amateur radio being a significant part of my life.

I was first licensed as KD5IUT in 1999 at the age of 15. I changed call signs to WX5USA in 2006, when I was employed as a storm chaser for a TV station in Oklahoma. I upgraded to General in 2013 and Extra in 2020. In July of 2020, I filed for my dad’s old call sign, W5DX. If there’s one callsign I liked more than my vanity, it was his.

[For Zoom conference details, email Bruce Anderson, W1LUS, at w1lus -at- hotmail -dot- com.]

“Where is Quincy Granite?” Special Event Station, October 7, 2023

From K1USN Happenings, September 29, 2023:

“Where Is Quincy Granite?”

Quincy Radio Club Special Event “Where Is Quincy Granite?” is scheduled for Saturday, October 7 from 1400 – 1900 UTC. We will be transmitting from the Quincy Quarry & Granite Workers Museum located in Quincy, Massachusetts. Our SES is in honor and remembrance to the once vibrant granite quarry industry in Quincy during the 19th and early 20th century.

Granite from the numerous quarries was used in construction and monument bases all over the eastern US. We hope to make contacts with stations that have Quincy granite in their communities. New York, Maryland, Illinois, Rhode Island and many other places are where you can find “Quincy Granite” Our members will be on the HF bands SSB/FT8/CW as well as WiresX—Quincy Room #63826. We hope to have an APRS station up as well—KW1NZE-7.

Certificate for Special Event

Where is Quincy Granite? Special Event Station sample certificate

A Certificate for working our Special Event Station (SES) can be obtained in 2 ways.

1. Send a NTS radiogram with QSO info. A certificate will be emailed to you at the email listed on your QRZ page or email indicated in your radiogram signature. If you send a radiogram and a SASE you will also qualify to receive a collectible wooden nickel for your efforts and commitment to NTS.

Where is Quincy Granite? sample radiogram


Where is Quincy Granite wooden nickels


2. Send an email to KW1NZE@hotmail.com with QSO information and the club will email you a certificate.

We hope to get you in the log!!


Peter, KC1HHO

W1IS, KC1DSQ: “Why and How of Simple Antennas That Work” at Framingham ARA Hybrid Meeting, October 5, 2023

Framingham ARA logo“Why and How of Simple Antennas That Work” by Bob Glorioso, W1IS and Bob Rose, KC1DSQ, October 5, 2023

Bob and Bob will introduce some basic concepts that are applied to antennas that don’t cost a King’s ransom to build and work well. Topics covered include, resonance, Voltage and Current distributions, RF Feedback, End Effect, Dipoles, Verticals, C-poles, Wire Beams and Stacked Dipoles.

Meeting will start at 7 pm. This meeting is hybrid, meaning on Zoom and in person, and will be held at the Framingham McAuliffe branch library. Members will receive a zoom invitation. Area hams and those not yet licensed but interested in amateur radio are welcome to attend. Non-members may request an invitation by sending an email to John president@w1fy.org.

Amateur License Exams Offered at Northeastern Universitiy

Marty Sullaway, NN1C, writes on the Northeastern University Wireless Club mailing list:

I am also excited to announce our upcoming series of amateur radio licensing exams. Each exam session is free for Northeastern Students, and getting your ham radio license looks great on your resume, and is a great proxy for learning electrical engineering skills. Our first exam will be on Oct 2, 2023 followed by another on Oct 16, 2023. Learn more on our website, and please sign up there if you wish to attend. Each will be held at 7:00 PM in 503 Hayden. 

“W1MJ Fox Design” at Waltham ARA Hybrid Meeting, September 27, 2023

W1MJ FoxRich Comer, K1RBC, writes on the Waltham ARA mailing list:

Hope you all had a great summer! The next meeting of the Waltham Amateur Radio Association will be this Wednesday at 7:00 pm via Zoom. (Zoom opens at 6:30 pm.)

After a short business meeting, Eliot, W1MJ, will give a presentation on the complete redesign of his “fox” and we will have a quick recap of Field Day.

Hope to see you there.

[Contact Rich Comer, K1RBC, at <rich.comer@live.com> for Zoom information.]

PART Portable Operation at Westford Sportsmen’s Club, September 30, 2023

Westforrd Sportsmen's Club 75th party open house flyerGeorge Allison, K1IG, writes on the PART of Westford mailing list:

On Saturday, September 30, from noon to 4:00 PM, the Westford Sportsmen’s Club will be holding an open house to celebrate its 75th birthday, and PART will be setting up a portable station to show off ham radio. Everyone is invited to attend, and PART members can help operate the station. Free hot dogs and refreshments will be served.The Sportsmen’s Club is located at 80 West Street in Westford.

KK1X: “The Basics of POTA” at the Nashoba Valley ARC Meeting, September 21, 2023

Nashoba Valley ARC logoBruce Blain, K1BG, writes on the Nashoba Valley ARC mailing list:

Summer is over and we are meeting again!

The Nashoba Valley Amateur Radio Club’s September meeting is Thursday, September 21st at 7:30 PM, at the Pepperell Community Center (in Pepperell MA). We start gathering at 7 PM to socialize before the meeting starts.

This month’s guest speaker will be our very own John Griswold, KK1X, who will be talking about “The Basics of POTA.”  POTA (short for “Parks on the Air”) has become a very popular operating activity on the high frequency bands. The program encourages and promotes portable operation (and emergency awareness) from national and state parks. John will share his experience and knowledge regarding his POTA operations. I’m sure it will be an interesting meeting!

Need directions? Click here and put your own address in box “A.”

Thanks and 73. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions.

Bruce, K1BG

978-772-2773 or bruce.blain@charter.net

Please visit NVARC on the web: www.n1nc.org