Eastern MA Youths Featured in Youth@HamRadio.Fun

Rebecca Rich, KB0VVTTwo youths with Eastern Massachusetts connections are mentioned in the latest issue of Youth@HamRadio.Fun, an on-line forum for young amateurs on the ARRLWeb. The forum is moderated by contributing editor Andrea Hartlage, KG4IUM.

Rebecca Rich, KB0VVT, of Raytown, Missouri, is currently a freshman at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. She’s shown here in a 2005 photo. Rich was the winner of the 2004 ARRL Hiram Percy Maxim Memorial Award.

Bryce Salmi, KB1LQC is also mentioned in Youth@HamRadio.Fun. An Amateur Extra class operator, Salmi is currently a senior at Chelmsford High School. He was instrumental in helping establish the Chelmsford High School Amateur Radio Club (KB1NAY). [See also: Chelmsford HS ARC Kicks Off School Year With Outdoor Demo”.]

Photo courtesy ARRL.

EMA ARRL Club Speakers List, 02/07/2007

ARRL flagAfter a lengthy hiatus, the Eastern MA ARRL Speakers List has returned! The latest version can be found at http://goo.gl/6j61JY. It is by no means complete or comprehensive. Additions and corrections are welcome.

If you are a club officer or presenter, please share information on your speakers and presentations with Affiliated Club Coordinator Phil Temples, K9HI so that we might improve upon this important section resource.

Tally Ho! South Shore Fox Hunters To Ride Again!

NI1X Fox Hunting presentationThe South Shore Fox Hunters have had a lot of fun over the past 10 years chasing the elusive fox. They’re currently discussing a one-day hidden transmitter hunt, or “fox hunt” involving members of the Whitman ARC, Massasoit ARA and the Taunton Area Communications Group to “rekindle the flame” and introduce new hams to the fascinating hobby of directional finding.

According to Bruce Hayden, NI1X, “One member will be assigned to be the fox and he or she will transmit on 146.565 MHz simplex for about 30 seconds every five minutes between approximately 10:00 a.m. and noon on a Saturday morning. The Fox will be hiding in a public place.”

The boundaries used in previous hunts were Route 44 on the south, Route 138 on the West, Route 128 on the North and Route 3 on the East. Hayden says the group would probably pick a smaller area “to save on gas.”

The fox hunters coordinate their activities on the Bridgewater repeater on 147.180 MHz, PL 67. Amateurs are invited to monitor from the home QTH or mobile and to check in at 10:00 a.m. at the start of the hunt to report if you can hear the fox–or just as important–if you can not hear the fox from your location. You never know when the fox will be hiding in your back yard!

[Pictured here: Bruce Hayden, NI1X presenting on fox hunting at a Taunton Area Communications Group meeting, December 2006.]

–Thanks, Whitman ARC Spectrum, January 2007

QRA Announces Plans For Technician Class

QRA logoQuannapowitt Radio Association member Tom Charbonneau, NZ1X has announced that he will hold a Technician Amateur Radio class with CW instruction beginning in either late February or early March, 2007. Details of the class will be published in an upcoming issue of QRA News.

The Reading-based radio club meets the third Thursday of each month at 7:00 p.m. in the Reading Senior Center, at 49 Pleasant Street.

–Thanks, QRA News, November 2006

Sturdy Memorial Hospital ARC To Assist With Rome Blvd. Road Race

Sturdy Memorial Hospital ARC logoMembers of the Sturdy Memorial Hospital Amateur Radio Club will assist with communications for the Rome Boulevard Road Race on Sunday, October 1, 2006. The event consists of a five-mile run, a two-mile run and a two-mile walk. The start/finish line is at Attleboro High School.

For further information, email Joe Agius, W1TW at jpagius@yahoo.com or see the race flyer.

Intro To Radiosporting–YCCC-Style!

YCCC logoBoxboro convention logo

Attention all Northeast Area hams!

Did you know . . .
– You can work 100 countries or all 50 states in a single weekend?
– There’s a way you can compete with other hams locally or on a global scale?
– You can quickly gain new knowledge about radio, antennas and many other exciting technologies?
– You can easily meet and interact with some of the best and brightest technicians and operators in amateur radio?

The Yankee Clipper Contest Club invites you to attend it’s first “Introduction to Radiosporting – Amateur Radio Contesting” seminar at this year’s New England Division Convention in Boxboro, MA.

All are welcome to enjoy a taste of radio contesting. Get the scoop on what contesting is all about. Learn how you can get started and enjoy your first contest. Mingle with others who are just getting started. Hobnob with winners of the biggest international competitions. Learn about the simple and inexpensive equipment, antennas and software that will get you started in contesting.

What: Introduction to Radiosporting – Amateur Radio Contesting
Where: Holiday Inn, Boxboro, MA in the Federal Room
When: Saturday, August 26, 2006 1:00-3:30PM

Additional information about the convention, the seminar and YCCC can be found at www.boxboro.org and www.yccc.org

There’s plenty of room for all who wish to attend. Come alone or bring a friend! Experienced contesters welcome, too. No need to pre-register, but let us know if you think you’ll be there. RSVP to contestingintro@yccc.org You are also invited to join us for a YCCC general meeting at 3:30pm in the Federal Room following the seminar.

73 and we’ll look forward to seeing you at “Introduction to Radiosporting – Amateur Radio Contesting” in Boxboro!

Mark Pride, K1RX
Y C C C – The Yankee Clipper Contest Club

PS Questions or comments? Please email contestingintro@yccc.org

K1USN To Hold Open House, August 5

K1USN stationThe K1USN Radio Club will participate in an open house event on Saturday, August 5th from 10 AM-2 PM at the Watson Library and Research Center on Quincy Avenue in Braintree. Light refreshments will be served. The Braintree Historical Society plans to show area residents the progress made with renovations at the Center. The official grand opening should take place during the month of September.

According to K1USN’s Harold L. “Pi” Pugh, Jr., K1PV, “All are welcome to attend and we plan to have K1USN on the air for some HF and VHF demonstrations at our new location.” Pi invites all interested parties to drop by and say hello and/or operate.

For more information, visit http://www.qsl.net/k1usn.

[See also: USS Salem RC Has A New Home At Watson Library]

Quannapowitt RA Technician Classes To Begin March 7

Now You're TalkingThe Quannapowitt Radio Association will hold a Technician licensing class every Tuesday night for eight weeks beginning March 7, 2006 from 7:00 to 9:00 p.m. The classes are to be held in the Community Training Room of the Reading police station, 15 Union Street, Reading MA.

The fee is $50, which includes costs of training manual, examination materials, training room rental, and one-year membership in the Quannapowitt Radio Association.

To register for the classes, contact:

* Tom Cefalo (Winchester), 781-721-2503 w1ex@verizon.net
* Tom Charbonneau (Reading), 781-258-0625 tcharbon@verizon.net
* Jim Fisk (Andover) 978-475-7284 jimbogrq@comcast.net

Colonial Wireless Technician Class

Now You're TalkingA four-session seminar, for people interested in amateur radio communications, will be held from 7 to 10 p.m., Tuesday, Feb. 14, Thursday, Feb. 16, Tuesday, Feb. 28 and Thursday, March 2 at Concord-Carlisle High School.

Study material will be based on the ARRL publication, “Now You’re Talking,” introducing basic radio theory. Students will also learn Federal Communications Commission rules and regulations and the information needed to operate an amateur radio station. Experienced volunteer amateur radio operators from the Colonial Wireless Association ham club will help participants pass the licensing examination. This exam given at the fourth session is based on 35 multiple-choice questions selected from a published question and answer pool, which students will be able to study. Note: The Morse code test is no longer required.

Those wishing to take FCC examinations for higher level licenses on March 2 may arrange to do so with prior notice to the instructors. The registration fee is $20. The FCC exam fee is $14, and the text book is available at cost from the instructors for $15.

Call Concord-Carlisle Adult Education to register, 978-318-1432 (6 to 10 p.m.) or 978-318-1540 (8 a.m. to 4 p.m.); e-mail: adulted@colonial.net.

For information about Colonial Wireless visit http://www.ColonialWireless.org.

—Thanks PART-List, Littleton Independent

Townsend Middle School Makes ARISS Contact!

ARISS crew at Hawthorne Brook School in TownsendMembers of the Nashoba Valley Amateur Radio Club helped facilitate a contact between astronauts aboard the International Space Station and youths at the Hawthorne Brook Middle School in Townsend, Massachusetts on November 29.

Shown here: Marilyn Richardson, N1CSH (left) and her twenty student ARISS participants. KD1LE photo

[See also: ARRL Web, ARISS release, (archive.org copy of “ARISS release”),The Community Journal: “Hawthorne Brook Middle School makes contact”, Nashoba Valley ARC newsletter, ARISS contact at Hawthorne Brook Middle School]

Mansfield QRV For JOTA, Oct. 15-16, 2005

Radio scout logoA Jamboree On The Air (JOTA) station will be operational at the Mansfield Emergency Operations Center, writes Allan Cox, K1VQ on the Sturdy Memorial Hospital ARC mailing list. “Exact staffing and hours of operation are not known at this time, but we plan to be open,” writes Cox.

K1VQ asks if anyone has information on local events or knows activities at scout camps (such as Camp Norse) to contact him.

“If you know of Scout Leaders looking for a local JOTA station, you may provide them my e-mail address.”

JOTA is an annual event in which about 500,000 Scouts and Guides all over the world make contact with each other by means of Amateur Radio. The next JOTA event is scheduled for October 15-16, 2005. For additional information on the event, visit https://www.scouting.org/jota/  http://www.scout.org/wse/jota.shtml.

Boston ARC Volunteer Exam Summer Schedule

Boston ARC VE team membersThe Boston Amateur Radio Club Volunteer Exam team has announced changes in its summer schedule. Due to renovations at the Pierce School in Brookline, the team will suspend test sessions over the summer months.

According to BARC VE Team Liaison Mike Ardai, N1IST, “we will cancel [the sessions] for July and August unless there are enough requests, and then may hold a special session.”

Interested parties are encouraged to call Dick Doherty, KA1TUZ, at (617) 527-2968 or email ka1tuz@arrl.net if interested in arranging for an examination.

Boston ARC VE team members (l-r): Jim Clogher, N1ICN; Dick Doherty, KA1TUZ; Ed Matteson, KA1KHK

QRA Ham Classes Underway

QRA logoQuannapowitt Radio Assocation ham radio classes were conducted recently, according to club president Tom Cefalo, W1EX.

“We have twelve students and two of the youngest students are 10 and 11 year old!” Cefalo writes. “Since we have a new group of hams in the weeks to come, I will be calling on some members to be Elmers.”

The Reading-based radio club meets the third Thursday of each month in the Reading Senior Center, at 49 Pleasant Street.

—Thanks, QRA News, March, 2005