Boston ARC Volunteer Exam Summer Schedule

Boston ARC VE team membersThe Boston Amateur Radio Club Volunteer Exam team has announced changes in its summer schedule. Due to renovations at the Pierce School in Brookline, the team will suspend test sessions over the summer months.

According to BARC VE Team Liaison Mike Ardai, N1IST, “we will cancel [the sessions] for July and August unless there are enough requests, and then may hold a special session.”

Interested parties are encouraged to call Dick Doherty, KA1TUZ, at (617) 527-2968 or email if interested in arranging for an examination.

Boston ARC VE team members (l-r): Jim Clogher, N1ICN; Dick Doherty, KA1TUZ; Ed Matteson, KA1KHK

QRA Ham Classes Underway

QRA logoQuannapowitt Radio Assocation ham radio classes were conducted recently, according to club president Tom Cefalo, W1EX.

“We have twelve students and two of the youngest students are 10 and 11 year old!” Cefalo writes. “Since we have a new group of hams in the weeks to come, I will be calling on some members to be Elmers.”

The Reading-based radio club meets the third Thursday of each month in the Reading Senior Center, at 49 Pleasant Street.

—Thanks, QRA News, March, 2005

W1LIO Featured in WorldRadio

Arline Berry, W1LIO at 2003 WARS Field DayArline Berry, W1LIO was prominently featured in an article entitled, “Girls are scouting out Ham Radio” in the January, 2004 issue of WorldRadio. Berry, who has been involved in the Girl Scouts for 63 years and is a life member, has written requirements for a Patch Program for Girls Scouts and Amateur Radio.”

In the article, written by Cheryl Muhr, N0WBV, Berry explains the history of Amateur Radio and Girl Scouts from 1913 to the present.

W1LIO is an active member of the Wellesley Amateur Radio Society. She is also one of the founding members of the Waltham Amateur Radio Association.

Arline Berry, W1LIO shown here at the Wellesley ARS Field Day in June, 2003. K9HI photo

Falmouth ARA “License in a Weekend” Class Nov. 7-9, 2003

Falmouth ARA logoThe Falmouth Amateur Radio Association will conduct its highly touted “License in a Weekend” Technician class Friday, November 7 through Sunday, November 9 at the Barnstable County Fairgrounds Classroom on Route 151. [Map]

The class runs Friday 7-9 p.m., Saturday 9 a.m.-5 p.m., Sunday 9 a.m.-2 p.m., culminating in an exam session at 2 p.m. on Sunday.

The fee for the course is $50.00 and includes the course text, ARRL’s Tech Q&A, Third edition. You must have this text to attend course. The registration is first come, first serve. The class closes with first 25 paid reservations. The class includes a Saturday and Sunday lunch and a one-year free Falmouth ARA membership.

Go to to register on-line for the course.

Ed Weiss, W1NXC Honored as Herb S. Brier Award Recipient

Ed Weiss, W1NXC, Herb S. Brier Award recipientEd Weiss, W1NXC received the prestigious Herb S. Brier Instructor of the Year Award this past Thursday night at the Framingham ARA’s “Night Out” Dinner at the Pacific Buffet in Framingham. Presenting the award and gift certificate were ARRL New England Division Director Tom Frenaye, K1KI and Eastern Massachusetts Section Manager Phil Temples, K9HI. Many of the club members in attendance stood up and gave testimony to Ed’s ceaseless and unwavering commitment to volunteer teaching of Amateur Radio material spanning many years.

Photo courtesy More photos under Photo Gallery.

“What Is All That Stuff?”

eye-catching MIT Radio Society flyerFrom the “What-Is-All-This-Stuff-Department”: A recent walk through the Walker Memorial Building on the MIT campus revealed this attention-grabbing sign posted on the door of the MIT Radio Society.

A new academic school year begins soon at MIT and other college campuses throughout Eastern Massachusetts. That means the return of many younger hams along with renewed activity at the school clubs!

CEMARC Meeting at Boxboro



The [New England Division] Convention Committe has granted CEMARC a place on the activity schedule to hold our summer meeting on Sunday morning at 9:00am. I hope that at least one delegate from each radio club in Eastern Mass. will take the time to attend. If you can’t attend, please ask for someone from your club to attend and represent the club.I would like to ask each delegate to submit agenda items to me as soon as possible. I realize that many clubs do not have summer meetings, so I’m asking those of you receiving this note to forward it on to your own club members for discussion topics, that would be of interest to such a potenially large audience.


Remember,CEMARC meetings are open to all amateur operators, not just the club voting delegates.


I look forward to hearing your suggestions for the agenda soon, also looking forward to meeting with all of you at the Convention.


Check for latest info.


Frank Murphy – n1dhw EMass. ACC