Three-Way Races for Director Set in New England and Roanoke Divisions

ARRL logovia ARRL Web:

08/26/2021 – ARRL members in the New England and Roanoke Divisions will choose among three candidates running for Director in each Division. The candidates include two incumbents. Those are the only contested races in this year’s election cycle for Director and Vice Director.

In the New England Division, the candidates for Director are the incumbent, Fred Hopengarten, K1VR, of Lincoln, Massachusetts; past New England Director Tom Frenaye, K1KI, of West Suffield, Connecticut, and Fred Kemmerer, AB1OC, of Hollis, New Hampshire.

New England Vice Director Phil Temples, K9HI, of Watertown, Massachusetts, was uncontested and has been declared elected.

In the Roanoke Division, the candidates for Director are the incumbent, George “Bud” Hippisley, W2RU, of Penhook, Virginia, and challengers James Boehner, N2ZZ, of Aiken, South Carolina, and Marvin Hoffman, WA4NC, of Boone, North Carolina.

No one challenged Roanoke Division Vice Director Bill Morine, N2COP, of Wilmington, North Carolina, and he has been declared elected for a new term. 

Incumbent Directors and Vice Directors in the ARRL Central, Hudson, and Northwestern Divisions also had no challengers and have been declared elected. In the Central Division, Carl Luetzelschwab, K9LA, of Fort Wayne, Indiana, and Vice Director Brent Walls, N9BA, of Greenfield, Indiana, will continue in their respective posts.

In the Hudson Division, Director Ria Jairam, N2RJ, of Sussex, New Jersey, and Vice Director Bill Hudzik, W2UDT, of Gillette, New Jersey, are unchallenged in this election cycle and have been declared elected. In the Northwestern Division, Director Mike Ritz, W7VO, of Scappoose, Oregon, and Vice Director Mark Tharp, KB7HDX, of Yakima, Washington, also faced no challengers in their re-election bids.

Full ARRL members of the New England and Roanoke Divisions who are in good standing as of September 10, 2021, will receive a ballot in the mail no later than October 1, 2021. Completed ballots must be received at the designated PO Box in the envelope provided by noon Eastern Time Friday, November 19, 2021.

ARRL Board of Directors Creates Emergency Communications and Field Services Committee

From the ARES Letter:

At its just-concluded July 2021 meeting, the ARRL Board of Directors approved By-Law changes creating a third Standing Committee that joins the existing Administration and Finance Committee and Programs and Services Committee.

The charter of the new Emergency Communications and Field Services Committee (EC-FSC) is to develop and recommend new or modified Board policy and programs for emergency communications through the Amateur Radio Emergency Service® (ARES®) and National Traffic System™ (NTS™) entities.

The committee also will offer enhanced support for its Field Organization leadership volunteers, including Section Managers, and an increased focus on ARRL-Affiliated Clubs.

The EC-FSC will further provide guidance to the CEO in translating Board policy into prioritized tasking, funding, and staffing of programs, services, and training in support of amateur radio emergency communications, field organization volunteers, and recruitment and retention of new and existing members through assistance to Affiliated and Special Service Clubs.

The EC-FSC will have additional responsibility for monitoring and assessing trends in emergency communications technology and participant skills worldwide, and for identifying “best practices” for voluntary emergency communications provided by ARES and NTS, coordinating and cooperating with other amateur radio national societies as appropriate. — Thanks to The ARES Letter

National Weather Service, SKYWARN Acknowledged at ARRL Re-Opening Ceremony, July 15, 2021

In addition to ARRL board members and political dignitaries attending the ARRL Re-opening Ceremony at ARRL Headquarters in Newington, Connecticut: Glenn Field, KB1GHX, Warning Coordination Meteorologist at NOAA / National Weather Service in Taunton, Massachusetts; and Rob Macedo, KD1CY, Eastern MA Section Emergency Coordinator and ARES SKYWARN Coordinator.

Field and Macedo were both acknowledged in the public ceremony by ARRL CEO David Minster, NA2AA. 

photo of Rob Macedo, Glenn Field, Dahlia Field
Foreground: Rob Macedo, KD1CY; Glenn Field, KB1GHX; Dahlia Field. -K9HI photo


[See also: ARRL Re-Opening Ceremony Featured Dignitaries, Full Board and Newington Staff, July 15, 2021]

Email to ARRL Life Members

ARRL Life Member logoFrom ARRL News:

To keep member records up to date, ARRL emailed Life Members on June 16 and will be sending a follow-up email in the next few days, asking them to verify their mailing address. Be assured that it is a legitimate request sent from ARRL. Thank you to all those who responded.

If you need to update your address information, call (860) 594-0200, email, or respond to the email you received. If your email client does not recognize the text as a link, you will need to cut and paste it into a web browser to access the verification web page.

New Group Formed to Discuss ARRL New England Division Elections

Anyone interested in the fall ARRL elections for the New England Division Director and NE Division Vice Director should considering joining a new discussion list just created at: 

Description from list owners:

NE-elect is an open forum to discuss ARRL Section Manager, Vice Director, and Director elections within the New England division with a focus on issue-oriented discussions and the candidate’s views on issues. We also encourage discussion on ARRL governance.  Opinionated, spirited debate is welcome. Please keep your posts short and concise. Mean-spirited or slanderous remarks or the use of profanity or obscenity is not allowed and subject to removal.

This is an important Division election.  An informed electorate is important.  This group is only days old.   Sign up at: <> 


Tom K1TW

ARRL Eastern Massachusetts Section
Section Manager: Thomas D Walsh, K1TW

Membership Query Email is NOT a Phishing Attempt, June 16, 2021

ARRL logoFrom

Earlier today, ARRL life members received an email from the Membership Department asking them to verify that their membership ID and address information were correct.  Many people were rightfully suspicious, thinking the message was a possible phishing attempt.

ARRL CEO David Minster, NA2AA, confirmed late this afternoon that the message was, in fact, legitimate and there was no need for concern. ARRL asks that you reply to the email with the appropriate response.

ARRL Headquarters Closed Tomorrow for Winter Storm Bailey

ARRL logoFrom

Central Connecticut, along with much of New England, will be impacted by winter storm Bailey tonight into Thursday and beyond. Estimates have varied widely, but have consistently indicated a major impact. The latest forecast is calling for 11-15” of snow beginning this evening going through tomorrow afternoon.

ARRL CEO David Minster, NA2AA, has announced that the Headquarters building in Newington, Connecticut will be closed for business on Thursday, December 17, 2020.  Employees will be encouraged to work from home; many already are, or are equipped to.

In advance of the storm, ARRL staffers removed some antennas from one of the towers on the HQ roof that was in poor condition. 

Minster anticipates that Headquarters operation “will be back to normal” by Friday.


Fred Hopengarten, K1VR
ARRL Director
New England Division

Phil Temples, K9HI
ARRL Vice Director
New England Division

Tom Walsh, K1TW, Declared Elected to a Two-Year Term As Section Manager Beginning January 1, 2021

ARLB037 New York City-Long Island Section Manager Re-Elected in Fall

QST de W1AW 
ARRL Bulletin 37  ARLB037
From ARRL Headquarters 
Newington CT  November 25, 2020
To all radio amateurs

ARLB037 New York City-Long Island Section Manager Re-Elected in Fall Balloting

New York City-Long Island Section Manager Jim Mezey, W2KFV, has been re-elected in the Fall election cycle. Mezey, of Carle Place, received 527 votes to 136 for challenger Donnie Katzovicz, W2BRU. The race for NYC-LI SM was the only contested election. Mezey begins a new 2-year term of office on January 1, 2021. He has served as New York City-Long Island Section Manager since 2013.

In the West Central Florida (WCF) Section, Michael Douglas, W4MDD, of Wauchula, Florida, will become Section Manager starting on January 1, 2021. He was the only nominee for the post. Douglas is currently Affiliated Club Coordinator, a Technical Specialist, and an Official Emergency Station. Incumbent WCF Section Manager Darrell Davis, KT4WX, did not run for a new term after serving for the past 6 years.

These incumbent Section Managers were the only candidates for re-election and will begin new terms of office on January 1: Tom Walsh, K1TW (Eastern Massachusetts); Cecil Higgins, AC0HA (Missouri); Matt Anderson, KA0BOJ (Nebraska); Thomas Dick, KF2GC (Northern New York); Marc Tarplee, N4UFP (South Carolina); Tom Preiser, N2XW (Southern New Jersey), and Joe Shupienis, W3BC (Western Pennsylvania).

Purchases via AmazonSmile Provide Dividends to ARRL

Amazon Smile logoFrom

Those who use Amazon for online purchases can automatically donate to ARRL by opting to use AmazonSmile and designating American Radio Relay League (ARRL) as their charity of choice.

The AmazonSmile Foundation donates 0.5% of the purchase price of eligible AmazonSmile items to whichever charity you choose. Product and Marketing Specialist Jackie Ferreira, KB1PWB, reports that the benefit of AmazonSmile to ARRL for 2018 was $8,676, up from $8,022 in 2017.

Family and friends can select ARRL as their charity of choice too. There is no difference between Amazon and AmazonSmile in terms of making purchases.

ARRL Foundation Scholarship Program Now Accepting Applications

ARRL Foundation logo09/29/2020 – Applications for the 2021 ARRL Foundation Scholarship Program will be accepted between October 1 and December 31, 2020.All applicants must be FCC-licensed radio amateurs, and many scholarships have other specific requirements, such as intended area of study, residence within a particular ARRL Division, Section, or state, and license class.

Applicants should review the scholarship descriptions and check off the ones for which they are eligible. If you complete an online application, you must also email a PDF of academic transcripts from your most recently completed school year by January 11, 2021. Some scholarships require additional documents to be submitted (e.g., letter of recommendation from an officer of an ARRL-affiliated club). Applications not accompanied by transcripts and additional documents, where applicable, will not be considered.

The ARRL Foundation Scholarship Committee will review all applicants for eligibility and award decisions. Scholarship recipients will be notified in May 2021 via USPS mail and email. For more information, visit the ARRL Foundation Scholarship Program page.

Phil Temples, K9HI, Appointed as New England Division Vice Director

photo of Phil Temples, K9HI09/24/2020

ARRL President Rick Roderick, K5UR, has appointed Phil Temples, K9HI, of Watertown, Massachusetts, as New England Division Vice Director. He succeeds Mike Raisbeck, K1TWF, who was elected earlier this year as ARRL First Vice President. President Roderick made the appointment after consulting with New England Director Fred Hopengarten, K1VR, and the region’s Section Managers.

“I want to thank all of those who forwarded their recommendations to Director Hopengarten,” Temples said. “Mike Raisbeck left some big shoes to fill. I look forward to working with Fred, and to advise and assist him with various tasks and board committee assignments. One task I’m especially eager to tackle is launching a New England Division website.”

An ARRL Life Member, Temples has been licensed for 50 years, initially as WN9EAY in Indiana. He has written articles for QST and contributed articles for the ARRL website. He also recently co-authored a chapter in the Amateur Radio Public Service Handbook.

Temples served three terms as Eastern Massachusetts Section Manager and now is an Assistant SM and an Assistant New England Division Director. He’s also held ARRL field appointments as Affiliated Club Coordinator and Public Information Officer and currently serves as program chair for the ARRL New England Division Convention.

Temples has been active in MARS, the National Traffic System, and as an Emergency Coordinator, and he enjoys CW. He holds a degree in electrical engineering from Purdue University.

Temples has actively promoted instruction and licensing and is a Volunteer Examiner under the ARRL, W5YI, and Greater Los Angeles ARG Volunteer Examiner Coordinators. He’s currently involved with New England Amateur Radio, Inc. in administering remote exam sessions during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Temples is employed at Boston College as a computer systems administrator.

From  the ARRL website

Tom K1TW
ARRL Section Manager
Eastern Massachusetts