W1S Special Event Station!

Sturdy Memorial Hospital ARC logoThe Sturdy Memorial Hospital ARC will operate Special Event Station “W1S” from 00:00Z November 19 until 23:59Z November 23. They will be operating from the W1SMH Club Radio Room at Sturdy Memorial Hospital to celebrate their 25th Anniversary as an Amateur Radio Club. Approximate frequencies are 28.350, 21.400, 14.300, 14.050 and 7.250… these will probably vary. A nice Certificate will be available to anyone working the Station. Please send S.A.S.E. (9″x12″) and QSO info to our W1SMH Callbook address. More info is available on the club’s web site at www.w1smh.com

Waltham ARA/1200 RC Auction November 15, 2003

K1OJH actioning off oscilloscopeThe Waltham Amateur Radio Association and the 1200 Radio Club will hold its annual Amateur Radio and Electronics Auction on Saturday, November 15, 2003, 10 a.m. until 3 p.m. at the Newton Masonic Hall (second floor), 460 Newtonville Avenue, at the corner of Walnut Street, in Newtonville. (This is a large red brick building. It is near the Star Market that stands astride the Mass. Turnpike.)

Seller check-in starts at 9:00 a.m. Free parking is available in municipal lot across Walnut Street; metered parking on street. Please do NOT park in the lot next to the Masonic Hall, or in the Star Market parking lot. (They tow!)

For auction rules and additional information, please see http://www.walthamara.org/auction/index.htm.

[Above: K1OJH actioning off an oscilloscope at the 1998 Waltham ARA/1200 RC Auction. Photo courtesy WARA]

Phillip J. McGan Award

It was announced today that Tim Lewallen – KD5ING has been chosen to receive the 2003 Phillip J. McGan “Silver Antenna Award”. Lewallen has been licensed since 1999, and is an ARRL Public Information Officer (PIO) for the League’s North Texas Section. He also serves as a PIO for the Nacogdoches Amateur Radio Club.

Tim handled a tremendous amount of PR responsibilities for the Nacogdoches, TX club in the aftermath of the Space Shuttle Columbia disaster. He brought Amateur Radio’s role to light on a Local, State and National level and continues to promote our hobby/service. Congratulations to Tim on his award!Complete ARRL Story at http://www.arrl.org/news/stories/2003/11/05/3/?nc=1

MMRA Repater Controller Improvements

Minuteman RA logoThe Minuteman Repeater Association’s repeater linking capability has been greatly improved, thanks to the efforts of Bob De Mattia, K1IW. According to MMRA President Kevin Paetzold, K1KWP, De Mattia has been working on the repeater controller firmware to “make the local linking capability at Weston 146.82 and 224.70 more accessible, fix the timeout defaults for the user link codes, and [correct miscellaneous] bugs.” Thanks, The Minuteman, November 2003

KY1N Memorial List 11/01/03

                        The KY1N Memorial List
   Scheduled Amateur Radio Volunteer Examinations - CT MA ME NH RI VT
                            Jim, WW1Y, Editor
Date     Time   Contact                     Location           Phone
11/02/03 09:00  Richard Williamson, WA1YQE  Milford         CT 203-877-5020
11/03/03 19:00  Mike Ardai, N1IST           Brookline       MA 781-321-7939
11/08/03 08:45  William J Needham, K1WN     Braintree       MA 781-843-4400
11/08/03 09:00  Joanne Reid, N1LNE          Falmouth        MA 508-548-1121
11/08/03 12:00  Daniel Miller, K3UFG        Newington       CT 860-206-3379
11/08/03 09:30  Marvin Fleischman, N1AWJ    Stamford        CT 203-438-7889
11/09/03 12:00  Bob Quinn, WV1A             Gloucester      MA 978-281-1408
11/09/03 10:30  Mort Stahl, KH6GR           Gorham          NH 603-466-2019
11/11/03 19:00  Lawrence Polowy, KU1L       Thomaston       CT 860-283-4089
11/12/03 19:30  Bruce Anderson, W1LUS       Chelmsford      MA 978-851-2886
11/13/03 19:00  Judy Nelson, KC1RI          Providence      RI 401-231-9156
11/13/03 19:00  Kevin Cellini, N1KGM        Trumbull        CT 203-268-5015
11/14/03 18:30  Ralph T Stetson III, KD1R   Burlington      VT 802-878-6454
11/14/03 19:00 *Steven Telsey, N1BDA        Concord         MA 978-369-7366
11/15/03 09:00  Bill Sullivan, K1AG         Bangor          ME 207-947-4051
11/15/03 09:00  Bill Wade, K1IJ             Marlborough     MA 617-699-3670
11/15/03 09:00  Roy Hilt, K1JNR             New London      CT 860-848-3021
11/15/03 09:00  John Bergeron, WZ1N         Portland        ME 207-799-3687
11/18/03 19:00  Paul Lux, K1PL              Middletown      CT 860-635-1742
11/19/03 17:30  Donald R Smith, AE1Q        Augusta         ME 207-495-3891
11/19/03 19:30  Nick Altenbernd, KA1MQX     Cambridge       MA 617-253-3776
11/19/03 19:00  Robert E Moreland, KA1ZMF   Milford         CT 203-933-9587
11/20/03 19:30  Lou Harris, N1UEC           Norwood         MA 508-668-0858
11/21/03 18:30  Albert Noble, AA1CZ         Saco            ME 207-642-8830
11/22/03 09:00  William D Wilson, K1IN      Bloomfield      CT 860-243-1611
11/22/03 12:00 +Neil Henden, AA1OA          Danvers         MA 978-777-1608
11/26/03 19:00 *Paul Upham, KD1YH           Shirley         MA 978-597-6535
11/28/03 18:00  David Cote, WA1DC           Holyoke         MA 413-592-4978
11/29/03 09:00  Tom Senerchia, KA1VAY       West Warwick    RI 401-822-2592
12/06/03 11:30  Frank Sileo, N1PE           Brookfield      CT 203-438-0218
12/06/03 10:30  Larry Houbre, AA1FS         Dartmouth       MA 508-991-6055
12/06/03 09:00  Jack P Garforth, N1JK       Middletown      RI 401-683-2250
12/06/03 09:00  Jim Heedles, WW1Y           Nashua          NH 603-672-4035
12/06/03 08:45  Conrad Ekstrom, WB1GXM      Newport         NH 603-543-1389
12/07/03 12:00 *Lawrence Bartlett, K1DPD    Belfast         ME 207-525-3226
12/07/03 09:00  Richard Williamson, WA1YQE  Milford         CT 203-877-5020
12/08/03 19:00  Mike Ardai, N1IST           Brookline       MA 781-321-7939
12/09/03 19:00  Lawrence Polowy, KU1L       Thomaston       CT 860-283-4089
12/10/03 19:30  Bruce Anderson, W1LUS       Chelmsford      MA 978-851-2886
12/11/03 19:00  Judy Nelson, KC1RI          Providence      RI 401-231-9156
12/11/03 19:00  Kevin Cellini, N1KGM        Trumbull        CT 203-268-5015
12/12/03 18:30  Ralph T Stetson III, KD1R   Burlington      VT 802-878-6454
12/13/03 10:00  Wes Clement, N1WC           Bath            ME 207-729-8563
12/13/03 08:45  William J Needham, K1WN     Braintree       MA 781-843-4400
12/13/03 09:00  Joanne Reid, N1LNE          Falmouth        MA 508-548-1121
12/13/03 12:00  Daniel Miller, K3UFG        Newington       CT 860-206-3379
12/14/03 12:00  Bob Quinn, WV1A             Gloucester      MA 978-281-1408
12/16/03 19:00  Paul Lux, K1PL              Middletown      CT 860-635-1742
12/17/03 19:00  Robert E Moreland, KA1ZMF   Milford         CT 203-933-9587
12/18/03 19:30  Lou Harris, N1UEC           Norwood         MA 508-668-0858
12/20/03 09:00  William D Wilson, K1IN      Bloomfield      CT 860-243-1611
12/20/03 09:00  Bill Wade, K1IJ             Marlborough     MA 617-699-3670
12/20/03 09:00  Bob Jones, WB1P             Slatersville    RI 401-333-4787
12/24/03 19:30  Nick Altenbernd, KA1MQX     Cambridge       MA 617-253-3776
12/24/03 19:00 *Paul Upham, KD1YH           Shirley         MA 978-597-6535
12/26/03 18:00  David Cote, WA1DC           Holyoke         MA 413-592-4978
12/27/03 12:00 +Neil Henden, AA1OA          Danvers         MA 978-777-1608
01/03/04 10:30  Larry Houbre, AA1FS         Dartmouth       MA 508-991-6055
01/08/04 19:00  Judy Nelson, KC1RI          Providence      RI 401-231-9156
01/08/04 19:00  Kevin Cellini, N1KGM        Trumbull        CT 203-268-5015
01/09/04 18:30  Ralph T Stetson III, KD1R   Burlington      VT 802-878-6454
01/10/04 09:00  Joanne Reid, N1LNE          Falmouth        MA 508-548-1121
01/11/04 12:00  Bob Quinn, WV1A             Gloucester      MA 978-283-4660
01/12/04 19:00  Mike Ardai, N1IST           Brookline       MA 781-321-7939
01/14/04 19:30  Bruce Anderson, W1LUS       Chelmsford      MA 978-851-2886
01/14/04 19:30  Bruce Anderson, W1LUS       Chelmsford      MA 978-851-2886
01/15/04 19:30  Lou Harris, N1UEC           Norwood         MA 508-668-0858
01/15/04 18:30  John Ruggiero, N2YHK        Worcester       MA 508-982-0617
01/17/04 09:00  Bill Wade, K1IJ             Marlborough     MA 617-699-3670
01/20/04 19:00  Paul Lux, K1PL              Middletown      CT 860-635-1742
01/21/04 19:30  Nick Altenbernd, KA1MQX     Cambridge       MA 617-253-3776
01/21/04 19:00  Robert E Moreland, KA1ZMF   Milford         CT 203-933-9587
01/23/04 18:00  David Cote, WA1DC           Holyoke         MA 413-592-4978
01/24/04 12:00 +Neil Henden, AA1OA          Danvers         MA 978-777-1608
01/28/04 19:00 *Paul Upham, KD1YH           Shirley         MA 978-597-6535
02/01/04 09:00  Richard Williamson, WA1YQE  Milford         CT 203-877-5020
02/07/04 10:30  Larry Houbre, AA1FS         Dartmouth       MA 508-991-6055
02/08/04 12:00  Bob Quinn, WV1A             Gloucester      MA 978-283-4660
02/09/04 19:00  Mike Ardai, N1IST           Brookline       MA 781-321-7939
02/11/04 19:30  Bruce Anderson, W1LUS       Chelmsford      MA 978-851-2886
02/12/04 19:00  Judy Nelson, KC1RI          Providence      RI 401-231-9156
02/12/04 19:00  Kevin Cellini, N1KGM        Trumbull        CT 203-268-5015
02/13/04 18:30  Ralph T Stetson III, KD1R   Burlington      VT 802-878-6454
02/14/04 09:00  Joanne Reid, N1LNE          Falmouth        MA 508-548-1121
02/17/04 19:00  Paul Lux, K1PL              Middletown      CT 860-635-1742
02/18/04 19:30  Nick Altenbernd, KA1MQX     Cambridge       MA 617-253-3776
02/18/04 19:00  Robert E Moreland, KA1ZMF   Milford         CT 203-933-9587
02/19/04 19:30  Lou Harris, N1UEC           Norwood         MA 508-668-0858
02/21/04 09:00  Bill Wade, K1IJ             Marlborough     MA 617-699-3670
02/24/04 12:00  Neil Henden, AA1OA          Danvers         MA 978-777-1608
02/25/04 19:00 *Paul Upham, KD1YH           Shirley         MA 978-597-6535
02/27/04 18:00  David Cote, WA1DC           Holyoke         MA 413-592-4978
02/27/04 09:00  Mitch Stern, W1SJ           Milton          VT 802-879-6589
02/28/04 12:00 +Neil Henden, AA1OA          Danvers         MA 978-777-1608
02/28/04 09:00  Bob Jones, WB1P             Slatersville    RI 401-333-4787
03/06/04 10:30  Larry Houbre, AA1FS         Dartmouth       MA 508-991-6055
03/08/04 19:00  Mike Ardai, N1IST           Brookline       MA 781-321-7939
03/10/04 19:30  Bruce Anderson, W1LUS       Chelmsford      MA 978-851-2886
03/11/04 19:00  Judy Nelson, KC1RI          Providence      RI 401-231-9156
03/12/04 18:30  Ralph T Stetson III, KD1R   Burlington      VT 802-878-6454
03/13/04 09:00  Joanne Reid, N1LNE          Falmouth        MA 508-548-1121
03/14/04 12:00  Bob Quinn, WV1A             Gloucester      MA 978-283-4660
03/16/04 19:00  Paul Lux, K1PL              Middletown      CT 860-635-1742
03/18/04 19:30  Lou Harris, N1UEC           Norwood         MA 508-668-0858
03/20/04 09:00  Bill Wade, K1IJ             Marlborough     MA 617-699-3670
03/24/04 19:30  Nick Altenbernd, KA1MQX     Cambridge       MA 617-253-3776
03/24/04 19:00 *Paul Upham, KD1YH           Shirley         MA 978-597-6535
03/26/04 18:00  David Cote, WA1DC           Holyoke         MA 413-592-4978
03/27/04 12:00 +Neil Henden, AA1OA          Danvers         MA 978-777-1608
03/27/04 09:00  Jim Heedles, WW1Y           Nashua          NH 603-672-4035
04/03/04 10:30  Larry Houbre, AA1FS         Dartmouth       MA 508-991-6055
04/08/04 19:00  Judy Nelson, KC1RI          Providence      RI 401-231-9156
04/09/04 18:30  Ralph T Stetson III, KD1R   Burlington      VT 802-878-6454
04/10/04 09:00  Joanne Reid, N1LNE          Falmouth        MA 508-548-1121
04/11/04 12:00  Bob Quinn, WV1A             Gloucester      MA 978-283-4660
04/12/04 19:00  Mike Ardai, N1IST           Brookline       MA 781-321-7939
04/14/04 19:30  Bruce Anderson, W1LUS       Chelmsford      MA 978-851-2886
04/15/04 19:30  Lou Harris, N1UEC           Norwood         MA 508-668-0858
04/17/04 09:00  Bill Wade, K1IJ             Marlborough     MA 617-699-3670
04/20/04 19:00  Paul Lux, K1PL              Middletown      CT 860-635-1742
04/21/04 19:30  Nick Altenbernd, KA1MQX     Cambridge       MA 617-253-3776
04/23/04 18:00 *Mitch Stern, W1SJ           Essex Junction  VT 802-879-6589
04/23/04 18:00  David Cote, WA1DC           Holyoke         MA 413-592-4978
04/24/04 12:00 +Neil Henden, AA1OA          Danvers         MA 978-777-1608
04/24/04 09:00  Bob Jones, WB1P             Slatersville    RI 401-333-4787
04/28/04 19:00 *Paul Upham, KD1YH           Shirley         MA 978-597-6535

                      * = PREREGISTRATION MANDATORY
                   +  = PLEASE CALL TO GAURANTEE SEATING
                        T = Technician Exams only
                           Times are Local Time
    Please check with the contact person as some dates are tentative!
              For the latest examination information, check
            If attending a session please remember to bring:
   1) One photo ID, or two non-photo ID's (one with address)
   2) Original FCC-issued license plus a photocopy (if already licensed)
   3) Original plus photocopies of all CSCE's you are claiming
   4) The 2003 test session fee of $12.00
                 All VE Teams are invited to contribute.
 For additions/corrections contact Jim Heedles, WW1Y, 603-672-4035,
                     via email at ky1n@ky1n.net

FARA Fall Flea, Sunday, November 2

Framingham ARA logoDon’t miss the Framingham Amateur Radio Association’s Fall Flea Sunday, November 2, 2003 at the Walsh Middle School in Framingham. Doors open at 9 a.m. Admission for buyes is $5 (under 12, free accompanied by adult). A volunteer exam session will be conducted on the premises. Door prizes will be drawn; the winner of the grand prize will win a new two-meter HT.

For further information and directions, see http://fara.org/flea/.

Bristol Co. RA SET Participation

Bristol Co./Fall River ARA logoChris Smith, K1CJS writes:

“There will be an simulated emergency communications drill on November 8th between 9 AM and 1 PM that is being staged by the SE Mass ARES/Skywarn leadership. [The Bristol County Repeater Association] will be participating and will be providing input to the National Weather Service in Taunton.

The club emergency communications group and anyone else who is interested in participating is welcome to do so.

We will be utilizing the 440 machine primarily for the exercise as a test of the effective communications coverage in the city (especially the waterfront and low lying areas) and will use the 2 meter machine if needed for backup and for any participant who doesn’t have 70 cm capability.

Further details of the exercise will be posted on the reflector in the coming week, as well as the area frequencies that will be used.

73 and take care,
Chris, K1CJS

Patriot DX Assn. Renamed New England DXCC

The Patriot DX Association has decided to rename itself the New England DX Century Club, according to the club’s PR officer, Jim Tumelty, W1CWU. NEDXCC offers the latest DX videos, DXCC card checking, as well as information on sunspots and propagation.

According to the club’s web site, “This name was chosen to reflect the current trends of the organization to move toward a regional from a more local organization.”

The NEDXCC is sponsoring a “DX Challenge” from Oct. 20-26 and Nov. 24-28, 2003. It meets at 221 Cabot Street, Beverly at 7 p.m. The next two meeting dates are November 24 and December 22.

For more information, visit http://www.nedxcc.org.

Invitation to play in our annual SET

On behalf of all the Eastern Massachusetts (EMa) DEC’s and EC’s, I would like to extend a cordial invitation to play in our annual Section Emergency Test (SET), scheduled for Saturday November 8th. As most of you know, it is our annual opportunity to formally evaluate our emergency communication skills, and readiness to respond to exigencies.

This year we will be emphasizing local response with a mandatory interdistrict communication element. Please contact your DEC to coordinate your efforts on this year’s exercise.

The ARES Leadership is reminded to keep a detailed roster and/or logs of those stations participating in the SET.

s/Michael P. Neilsen, W1MPN
Section Emergency Coordinator
Eastern Massachusetts Section

Please check for more coordination details by pressing the link below.Cape Cod ARES Plan

Press this link CCARESsetOutline&Scenario.pdf to view specific planning material that your ARES leadership will use.

Middlesex District Plan

Press this link Middlesex District ARES SET.pdf to view specific planning material that your ARES leadership will use.

South Shore/Bristol Plan (SE Mass ARES)

Press this link South Shore/Bristol Plan.pdf to view specific planning material that your ARES leadership will use.

Metro Boston Plan, and from Mark, KB1EKN, Metro DEC

Press this link Metro Boston Plan.pdf to view specific planning material that your ARES leadership will use.

My plans for the Nov 8th SET are as follows.

1.) Send Bill Foley & the Army a formal written invitation to participate in the Nov 8th SET.

2.) I will be hosting a meeting at the Chelsea EOC on the Oct 21st. for all Metro-Boston ARES Members to discuss and plan our participation in Nov. A notice is going out in the SPARK on Thur. about the meeting. I would like the group to plan collectively for the SET.

View generic plan

Press this link ARESsetOutline&Scenario.pdf to view generic planning material that your ARES leadership will use. Please note that frequencies will probably be developed for this exercise using standing (existing) district frequency plans. Please consult with your EC/DEC for details.

Emergency Communications Workshop in Littleton, Oct. 25

EMA ARES logoThere will be an Emergency Communications Workshop on Saturday, October 25th, 2003 from 10:00 a.m. until 4:00 p.m. at the Littleton Town Hall, 41 Shattuck Street in Littleton, Massachusetts. This session is sponsored by the ARES Section Staff and through the efforts of ARES DEC for Field Operations Ed Berg, N1VSJ and Northern Middlesex County ARES Emergency Coordinator Darrel Mallory, K1EJ. [Full story]

Schlotzsky Exercise Guidance

First, notes from tonight’s conference call WRT the Schlotzsky Regional Exercise

*7280 daytime secondary
*3965 CT working
*Balloon named Waldo. When sighted, use 28380 2100-2300 local low power and report contact as emergency traffic. People join from ENY, MA to pass the word
*3943/3937 for eastern and western MA per K1VSJ
*3915 RC
*3918 ENY. ENY wants to work other section freqs
*3948 where to meet interstate/interagency
*3968 ENY is now trying
*Internet stay up in real time for email. May be “taken down” for exercise
*Rob says test internet then transfer to HF
*Ron ? Echolink in CT
*Wilberham and Vernon CT on IRLP
*Rob recommending IRLP and Echolink
*Rob briefing on wx disclosures
*Regional comms IRLP
*Regional comms HF
*Bulletins on HF and Packet
*Rob says BBS is good at NWS. CT people need to set one up?

General Info:

*The exercise scenario is regionwide impairment caused by release of massive cloud from Schlotzsky brewery in eastern PA. Theme of exercise is regionwide coordination of ARES response.
*The exercise starts at 1700 Friday 17 Oct, and ends approximately 1300 Saturday 18 Oct.
*Exercise docs in Schlotzsky Yahoo! site.
*Many of the emails there as well.
*We play mostly reactively. We can do some local improvisation if we want to.
*Use 53.31 to coordinate, and IRLP freqs Rob will announce. Negotiate use of any other appropriate repeater freqs.
*No RACES leadership stations will be up in EMa for this exercise.


Born June 28, 1926 in Jamaica Plain. Graduated from St. Ann’s School Neponset June 1939. Graduated from Mechanic Arts High School (now Boston Tech) June 1943. Served US Army Air Corps as a bandsman and also a broadcaster on the base Armed Forces Radio Station at Fort Pepperell Newfoundland, August 1945 to December 1946. Played the trombone in the Army and also locally with American Legion Bands, but I was a lousy trombone player.

Upon return to civilian life I worked for phone company 1947 – 1949. Joined the City of Boston Public Works Dept. in 1950 and later the Boston Water and Sewer Dept. until retirement in 1996. The last 15 years of which I served as their Radio Dispatcher and was responsible for keeping their repeaters in operating condition, working with FCC licensed contractors.

Joined the ranks of amateur radio June 10, 1959 as a tech and operated six meter AM. Upgraded to General Glass and Advance class a few years later. At that time Hams took their exams in the FCC Office at the Custom House Building in downtown Boston. Joined EM2MN back in the days when it was on 145.800 using AM emission before we had FM and repeaters. Had to use Beam Antennas to communicate and pass traffic. That was back in 1978.

Have been NCS on EM2MN on Friday nights for 25 years.

Framingham ARES Members Plan for SET 10/28

EMA ARRL ARESMarc Stern, WA1R wrote:

“For those folks interested in participating in the Simulated Emergency Test (SET) on Nov. 8, or in becoming more active in the Amateur Radio Emergency Service, please plan to meet with me at 7 p.m. Oct. 28 at the club shack.

The meeting is, more or less, a get-acquainted meeting with some discussion of plans for the SET and follow-on activities, as well as, possible organizational planning.

Thanks for reading,


Marc, WA1R
ARES EC, Framingham

MARA Communicates for Fall Frolic Road Race

MARA logoOn October 19, the Massasoit ARA will assist with communications for the East Bridgewater YMCA Fall Frolic Road Race 2003. The race will be getting underway at noon. “Helpers should be at the Y by about 11:15–11:30 a.m. to get their T-shirts and get deployed to their respective areas. We can use all the help we can get so come and have some fun with our radios. The food is always good after the race.” —Thanks, MARANews, October, 2003

Radio Operators for Missing Children Special Events Station Nov. 11

Missing Children DesignA ham group that advocates for missing children has been invited to demonstrate Amateur Radio at a fund-raiser in Brockton on November 14. The Radio Operators for Missing Children, KB1HGK, “promotes getting ham operators involved in Amber Alerts and to be available to provide emergency communications in the event that they are requested by law enforcement or legitimate missing person’s organizations,” according to the group’s founder, Sheree Greenwood, K1SQ, of Warren, MA. “This fund-raiser is for missing child Jennifer Fay who will have been missing for 15 years on this date. Money is being raised to help follow up on recent tips to try and locate Jennifer.”

The event will run from 7:30 pm until midnight and will feature snacks, a DJ, and raffles. The Amateur Radio station is planned for the first part of the evening. “If people would like to attend as guests the cost is $25 for tickets.”

For additional information about Radio Operators for Missing Children, contact kb1hgk@lyceumpress.com or visit http://www.lyceumpress.com/ham_radio.htm.

—Massassoit ARA MARANews, October, 2003

KB1JUW Featured in ARRL Youth and Emergency Communication

Jessica Kirkwood, KB1JUWSeventeen-year-old Jessica Kirkwood, KB1JUW, of Westport was featured in an ARRLWeb story, Youth and Emergency Communication. The article describes Kirkwood’s participation in a recent emergency communications course offered by the EMA ARRL ARES leadership through the South Eastern MA ARA (SEMARA) in South Dartmouth. Kirkwood is an active SEMARA member. She says she’s “ready to help her community” should an emergency arise. [Full story]

Ham Radio Expo 2003

Sturdy Memorial Hospital ARC logoThe Sturdy Memorial Hospital ARC will hold a Ham Radio Expo in conjunction with the Boy Scouts of America’s annual JOTA event. The expo will be held this Saturday, October 18th from 10:00 AM to 4:00 PM at the Hospital’s Rice Webb Auditorium in Attleboro, MA. There will be several stations setup and operating, allowing local Scouts to “Get on the Air for JOTA”!The club is doing this as part of their 25th Anniversary Celebration and to attract more interest in our Service/Hobby. “We’d like to take the opportunity to present our capabilities to the general public” states John Benson – N1FLO, the Club’s President “and also, to local Emergency Management Officials and Hospital Personnel.” Stop by and check it out… for more info, email n1iv@arrl.net

U.S.S. Constitution Turnaround: All Hams On Deck!

photo of Bob, W1QWT
W1QWT operating N1S

The weather was beautiful and Amateur Radio was very much in evidence at this weekend’s USS Constitution bi-annual “Turnaround” event at the Old Boston Navy Yard in Charlestown, October 11. The Amateur Radio activities, spearheaded by Bob Callahan, W1QWT, featured two special event stations, Amateur Radio stations aboard the three ships, as well as an operator situated at Castle Island. The USS Salem museum ship in Quincy was also active during the event.

On the Old Boston Navy Yard pier, station N1B was set up in the visitor’s kiosk in front of the USS Cassin Young. HF and VHF stations were operated on 17, 20 and 2 meters. N1B also acted as a net control station on .52 simplex, fielding “sitrep” (situation reports) from N1S, WW2DD and KS4E aboard the USS Constitution, USS Cassin Young, and USS Chaffee, respectively. Ironically, the Chaffee is the newest addition to the Navy’s fleet; the USS Constitution is, of course, the Navy’s oldest commissioned warship.

The Constitution Turnaround garnered good advance publicity in Amateur circles thanks to an article that appeared earlier on the ARRL Hq. web site. Some valuable publicity was obtained during the voyage when the Commander of the USS Constitution announced to everyone on board that Amateur Radio stations were operating from each of the ships and from the Navy Yard, making contact with other amateurs around the world. The former Commander of the USS Constitution visited N1B, chatting at length with amateurs about his days as a radioman.

USS Constitution
The USS Constitution, K9HI photo

Bob Callahan, W1QWT reports that the Constitution special events station N1S garnered over 300 contacts in 20 countries. Callahan was joined aboard the USS Constitution by K1RV and NS1N; K1RMC, KC1HO, W1USN and AA1M operated aboard the USS Cassin Young. At the Navy Yard, W1YR, N1BSO, KB1GIS and K9HI operated N1B. They also staffed a public display table with ham radio promotional materials.

Callahan intends to produce a DVD CDROM with images and video from the Turnaround event.

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