SKYWARN Training, Cambridge MA July 28

Skywarn is pleased to announce a bonus training session for the 2002 season. On Sunday, July 28th, 2002, NWS meteorologists will present the Skywarn Spotter Training course at MIT, Cambridge, in room 6-120 from 1 to 4pm…


Talkin: W1XM 449.725-/114.8 is on the top of the tall building opposite the classroom. From 2m, try BARC 145.230-/88.5 (our usual Skywarn frequency WARA 146.64/csq will be hard to hit from building 6.)

Our thanks to jhawk and the W1MX team and to NWS-BOX for pulling this together for us.

— bill n1vux at

W1A Volunteers Needed

“I hope you’re all enjoying the summer and had fun at FD! I am […] the chairman of the W1A effort in Boxboro this year.


I need volunteers for two-hour stints, Saturday and Sunday, to help supervise the Station (i.e., be the control operator). You can even run pile-ups during light times! I will also need volunteers to help set-up and take down. This activity is comparable to a Class 1A Field Day effort, except when you’re done, you can retreat inside an air-conditioned building next to a bar!

If any of you are interested, please respond via email to me ASAP. All control op time slots are currently open, so first-come, first-served.

Please pass this along to anyone you know […]

Steve Wedge, W1ES

Field Day 2002!

“Field Day 2002. For some, it was the culmination of weeks of hard work and planning. For others, it was a wonderful occasion to socialize with old friends and to make new acquaintances…”I and other members of the EMA ARRL and ARES staff traveled throughout Eastern Massachusetts June 22-23 to visit with many of the radio clubs involved in this annual event.

I’ve included my thoughts, observations and photos at EMA Field Day 2002. I hope that you will take a moment and visit this page.

On behalf of the EMA ARRL staff, I want to thank everyone who particpated in Field Day. Good job!

73, Phil Temples, K9HI

New EMA Section Traffic Manager Appointed

It gives me great pleasure to announce the appointment of Jim Ward, N1LKJ as the new Eastern Massachusetts Section Traffic Manager effective June 1,2002. Jim replaces outgoing STM Bill Wornham, NZ1D of Townsend, MA…
Jim Ward has been licensed for over ten years. He currently holds a General Class license. Jim has been an active traffic handler for over 10 years, and has served as Net Manager of the Eastern MA Two Meter Traffic Net (EM2MN) for eight years. *N1LKJ* enjoys DXing, PSK, Packet and RTTY modes.

A retired commercial property manager, Jim has been married 40 years this September to his wife, Diane. They have three daughters and six grandchildren.

Jim inherits a well-managed operation from NZ1D. I want to thank Bill for his efforts! I’m sure that Jim can count on Bill’s sage advice, as well as the assistance of all the wonderful traffic handlers in the EMA section.

Bridgewater Town of Selectmen Proclaim “MARA Day”

The Massasoit Amateur Radio Association was recognized by the Bridgewater Town of Selectman in a special proclamation on March 20.  Noting the club’s “technical and communications expertise” to the emergency management department, police, and fire departments, they declared March 20, 2001 as “MARA Day.”

image of Bridgewater Town of Selectmen Proclaim "MARA Day"