Section Manager (SM) – Tom Walsh, K1TW
Assistant Section Manager (ASM) – Phil Temples, K9HI
Assistant Section Manager (ASM) – Andy Stewart, KB1OIQ
Assistant Section Manager (ASM) – Rob Leiden, K1UI
Affiliated Club Coordinator (ACC) – Andy Stewart, KB1OIQ
Official Observer Coordinator (OOC) – Ed Parish, K1EP
Public Information Coordinator (PIC) – Open
Section Emergency Coordinator (SEC) – Marek Kozubal, KB1NCG
Assistant SEC (ASEC) – Rob Macedo, KD1CY
Assistant SEC (ASEC) – Mike Leger N1YLQ
Section Traffic Manager (STM) – Marcia Forde, KW1U
Assistant STM (ASTM) – Greg Bennett, KC1CIC
Section Youth Coordinator (SYC) – Jeremy Breef-Pilz, KB1REQ
State Government Liaison (SGL) – Hank Mc Carl, W4RIG
Technical Coordinator (TC) – Dan Brown, W1DAN
To contact section staff members directly simply visit
http://ema.arrl.org for contact information.
For the latest updates to section news please check our website regularly at http://ema.arrl.org
To apply for an ARRL field appointment read about the different roles on the ARRL web site at http://www.arrl.org/field-organization . If interested, contact k1tw@arrl.org
January 1, 2017 (UTC Time)
Don’t forget ARRL Straight Key Night (SKN), if you love cw! SKN is a
New Year’s tradition. <http://www.arrl.org/straight-key-night>
January 21, 2017,
Whitman Amateur Radio Club Winter-Fest Ham-Fest
Whitman, MA. <http://www.wa1npo.org/WinterFest2017.pdf>
January 23, 2017
Falmouth ARA 2-meter QSO Party
February 18, 2017
Algonquin ARC
Marlboro, MA <http://www.n1em.org>
May 5-6, 2017
Deerfield, NH <http://www.near-fest.com/>
June 2-4, 2017
Museum Ships on the Air (MSOTA) weekend
0000Z June 2 through 2359Z June 4
Find further information at http://ema.arrl.org/node/2186
January 2017: Technician Class
Sturdy Memorial Hospital ARC
Starting on Wednesday Jan 11th
7:00PM – 9:30PM in Conference Room A,B,C at the Hospital.
It will run for 9 weeks and will end with a Test session.
No cost for the class but students must buy the Class Text/workbook for
If interested email Gary, KB1KA at <kb1ka@cox.net>
JAN/FEB 2017:
Genesis ARS (GARS) PC 101 training course
Offered on the 1st and 3rd Saturday mornings;
9:30-12 noon at the Middleboro Public Library, Middleboro, MA;
Offered on the 1st and 3rd Saturday mornings;
Bring your own PC. There is a large room with electricity and tables;
Bring an extension cord and any cables you will require for your PC;
Cost: Genesis Members and significant other = $10.00;
Non-Genesis members = $15.00;
Enroll now by email: <kg1ugars@gmail.com> or <w1akn@arrl.net>
NEWS from section staff members
Joe, W1HAI, is stepping down as EMA section Public Information Coordinator (PIC). I would like to thank Joe for his outstanding support, advice, and help throughout the past year.
Marcia, KW1U (EMA STM) reports:
“The Boston Amateur Radio Club has been working on their repeater, and the East Mass Two Meter Traffic Net is finally back home on the 145.230 repeater where it has resided for many years. Our many thanks to the members of BARC for all their efforts.”
November BPL (500 or more points): N1IQI (847), KW1U (587)
November PSHR (70 or more points): KC1CIC (135), KW1U (130), N1IQI
(120), N1TF (105), N1LAH (100), AC7RB (80)
Information on how to qualify for BPL and PSHR is found each month in QST in the Field Organization Reports column.
A full monthly report on traffic handling activities for all of Massachusetts (WMA/EMA) may be found on our EMA website: <http://nts.ema.arrl.org>.
News from EMA clubs and individual amateurs:
Framingham Club still searching for a Home:
The MetroWest Daily News reported in December that the Framingham ARA (FARA) is still looking for a club station location in Framingham. Sumner, W1VIV, a FARA Director spoke to a meeting of the Board of Selectman seeking their help.
Full story:
<http://www.metrowestdailynews.com/news/20161215/framingham-radio-club- still-searching-for-new-home>
Falmouth ARA:
The Falmouth Amateur Radio Association (FARA) will sponsor another 2-meter QSO Party in January. The first of these was held in 2010 and was well received. The event is open to all those in Eastern MA. The time coincides with the ARRL VHF contest. (Information per Jim, WA1GPO).
Linux and ham radio friends take note!
Andy KB1OIQ writes “Version 20 of “Andy’s Ham Radio Linux” has just been released. It is based on Ubuntu 14.04.5 LTS. There are versions for 32-bit and 64-bit computers available. To learn more, and to download the software, go here: https://sourceforge.net/projects/kb1oiq-andysham/. There were over 10,500 downloads of version 19. All programs in the software collection are Free Software or similarly licensed. Thank you (!!) for your continued interest in this software collection.”
PART of Westford club president and ACC Andy, KB1OIQ reports that he will be one of the operators participating in the Straight Key Century Club’s 11th annual celebration using the call sign K3Y/1. For more information, see <http://www.skccgroup.com/k3y/k3y.php>.
Billerica ARS (BARS):
BARS will hold its annual holiday meeting on Wednesday, January 4. Details are on the BARS web site <http://www.w1hh.org>.
The Wellesley Amateur Radio Society (WARS):
WARS folks met at N1ICQ’s QTH in Westwood for their holiday dinner party on December 11. The festivities included a Yankee swap.
Pentucket Radio Association:
Members met for their holiday dinner on December 15 at the China Buffet restaurant in Methuen.
Genesis ARS (GARS):
The Genesis ARS held its holiday potluck on December 26 at the Plymouth Airport. The 147.315 WG1U repeater in the Pine Hills is now back on the air after a 2-year absence!
Middlesex ARC:
The Middlesex ARC’s 147.360 W1LJO repeater has moved from West Roxbury to a new QTH in Newton. They also replaced their old hardware with an ICOM FR-3000 repeater! The repeater uses a CTCSS frequency of 67.0 and is accessible via Echolink.
Whitman ARC
Speaking of repeater changes, the 927.6875 repeater (PL 131.8) has been moved from Taunton to Whitman. (per Jeff, N1ZZN)
Massasoit Amateur Radio Association (MARA):
MARA will host W1BSA on the USS Massachusetts in a remembrance of the Birthday of Scouting. On April 22, 2017, Earth day, they will be operating from the Ward Room Annex for the third year. MARA / USNR clubs will be on the USS Massachusetts throughout the summer set up on the deck. Check http://www.NE1PL.org for dates. (Information per Rick, KB1TEE)
Minuteman Repeater Association (MMRA):
Here is a nice repeater website maintained by MMRA Director, K1IW <http://rptr.amateur-radio.net/>
Auld Lang Syne: Remembering the National Radio Company!
Thanks to Fran, K1ILR, for this month’s final word! Fran spotted this great online memory of a famous American radio manufacturer from years’ past.
As noted on the Melrose Public Library website: “The Melrose Pubic Library’s Digital Heritage collection presents historical photographs relating to the history of our community.”
(Thanks to K1ILR)
Gone perhaps but never forgotten! Remembering the good times and great radio companies of the past while looking forward with hope to the future, our wishes to all for a very Happy New Year!
Tom, K1TW
ARRL Eastern Massachusetts Section
Section Manager: Thomas D Walsh, K1TW