Welcome to the Eastern Massachusetts ARRL section newsletter.
To see the complete monthly section news, which is updated regularly,
visit <>.
ARRL reports: “the FCC has released its Plan for Orderly Shutdown in
case funds become unavailable to continue operation.” Details can be
found at
New Year’s Day
Straight Key Night (SKN): <
SKN is a fun way to celebrate the new year, beginning at 0000 UTC on
January 1 and lasting for 24 hours.
January 5, 2019
Monthly Hospital Net 10:00 EST
Details on Repeaters at:
January 7. 2019
Monthly RACES Net 18:45 EST 3.930
Monthly ARES Net 20:30 EST MMRA Repeater Network
Whitman ARC Winterfest
January 19, 2019, 09:00 – 13:00
The last month of 2018 sees most Eastern Massachusetts clubs holding
their annual Holiday meetings, parties or dinners. If you participated
in the festivities, we hope a good time was had by all.
Now is a good time to consider making a New Year’s resolution to
support at least one EMA club in 2019. Clubs need your support or there
would be no clubs at all. Join, attend and help as your time will allow.
You will make many new friendships and strengthen existing ones.
On January 1, Fred Hopengarten, K1VR, becomes our New England Division
Director. Let’s all wish Fred success as he takes on this very
important role.
Let’s also thank outgoing New England Division Director, Tom Frenaye,
K1KI, for his years of outstanding service to the hobby.
Several EMA section staff members are available to speak at your club.
Please let us know if you’d like to include this in your club meeting
Please visit
send any information you might have to our Assistant Section Manager
(ASM) Phil Temples, K9HI, at <>.
* To see all the recent news on Eastern Massachusetts ARES please visit
maintained with the latest happenings by our EMA SEC, Rob KD1CY.
* To find out more about EMA ARES visit <>.
* If you are interested in joining Eastern Massachusetts ARES, visit
* The first Monday of every month is a test of the Massachusetts RACES
and ARES communication capabilities. The monthly ARES Net is at 8:30 PM
on the MMRA Repeater system.
Section Traffic Manager (STM), Marcia KW1U reports:
“Due to winter propagation we have had to make some adjustments to
frequencies. The phone net normally scheduled to meet on 3978 KHz has
often moved up 1 to 5 Khz since signals are being heard from more
distant stations. For the time being folks looking for MARIPN are
reminded to look around, usually up the band.
MARI CW net has been making use of 160 meters when the skip is long.
The net will always begin on 3565 Khz but may move to 1810 Khz as
A reminder also that HHTN which meets on the Minuteman Repeater
Association network, is also accessible by Echolink. Anyone unable to
make the MMRA network repeaters can try Echolink node NEW-ENG2. I have
personally heard check-ins from New York and Florida on that net.”
* To see all the recent news on Eastern Massachusetts Traffic Handling
and Nets visit <
constantly maintained with the latest happenings by our EMA Section
Traffic Manager, Marcia KW1U.
* Find the list of all NTS daily nets in Massachusetts here:
Details on these recognition programs is found every month in QST Field
Organization column along with a listing of the nationwide recipients.
* Public Service Honor Roll (PSHR):
Congratulations to the folks who qualified for the Public Service Honor
Roll (PSHR) in November: KC1CIC, KW1U, N1TF, N1IQI, W1RVY, N1LAH,
* Brass Pounders League (BPL):
Congratulation to Marcia, KW1U, who qualified for the Brass Pounders
League (BPL) in November.
Algonquin ARC: <>.
The Algonquin Amateur Radio Club Flea Market will be held on February
16th, 2019 at the 1st Lt. Charles W. Whitcomb Middle School, 25 Union
Ave, Marlboro.
Billerica ARS (BARS): <>.
BARS will hold its annual holiday dinner meeting at 7 PM on Wednesday,
January 2 at the Great Wall Restaurant in Bedford.
Nashoba Valley ARC (NVARC): <>.
The Nashoba Valley ARC held a member “Homebrew Night” at their
December 20 meeting to “show off what you’ve been working on over
the past year.”
At the January 15, 2019 PART meeting in Westford, Wayne, AG1A, will
present on “Raspberry Pi Weather Satellite Receiving Station”. On
December 18, 51 members and guests attended the Holiday Dinner at
Yangtze River Restaurant.
Quannapowitt Radio Association (QRA): <>.
The QRA holds its membership meetings at the Reading Senior Citizen
Center at 49 Pleasant Street in the old fire house. All are invited and
holding an Amateur Radio license is not required. Meetings begin around
7:00 pm on the third Thursday of each month, September through June.
QRA members Mike, W1USN and Bob, AA1M will be QRV from Atenas, Costa
Rica as home call/TI5 from February 2 till February 13, 2019. They will
be operating CW, SSB, some digital modes and hope to catch a few of the
FM satellites.
Wellesley ARS: <>
Wellesley has some great meetings plan for 2019. Here are the next two
in the pipeline:
– January 15, 2018: Magnetic Loops, Ted K1QAR
– February 19: HCJB, Harold WA1VVH
Whitman ARC: <>
From Chris Babbit, N1CFB “The First-Best HamFest of the year is right
around the corner. “WinterFest 2019” will on January 19, 2019 from
9 AM to 1 PM at 1195 Bedford St. Rt. 18, Whitman.” See
Yankee Clipper Contest Club (YCCC): <>
Congratulations to the YCCC for achieving “1st Place in WPX CW US Club
Eric, W1RVY, manager of 1RN Cycle 4, the evening CW net reports that in
November there were 59 sessions, 52 pieces of traffic handled and 167
Eric also comments on the challenging HF conditions on 3598 KHz at night
by saying, “Great job everyone on persevering through the tough
conditions we have been experiencing these past weeks (months?). I was
impressed that we only missed one session.”
Bruce Bumpus, N1OFC, of Plainville has become a Silent Key. According to
one Sturdy Memorial Hospital ARC member, “[Bruce] volunteered
selflessly for the good of family, church, and community.”
Section website:
Section Facebook page:
Section Leadership:
Section Speaker List:
On January 1, 2019, I begin my third term as the ARRL Eastern
Massachusetts section manager. The past four years have gone very fast.
I thank all the section staff and ARRL Field volunteers who have
contributed to this fantastic hobby.
Happy New Year to all.
73 until next month.
Tom, K1TW
ARRL Eastern Massachusetts Section
Section Manager: Thomas D Walsh, K1TW