Hello to all ARRL members residing in the Eastern Massachusetts Section.
Did you know that we are 2,601 strong? There are 2,548 full members and
53 associate members in the section—and each and every one of us can
make a difference in our hobby-service. I challenge you to sign up for
a field organization appointment, or attend a radio club meeting. You
say that clubs aren’t “your thing?” That’s okay. Then operate
in a contest! Not interested? Then, check into a local traffic net and
deliver your first radiogram. Or, participate in an ARES or RACES net
in your area. How about building a new kit? Better yet—pick up the
phone, and call that new ham in your town to offer him or her a helping
hand. There are lots of ways that you can make a difference!
Eastern MA had a great turnout for the 1/15 New England Division
Cabinet Meeting in Springfield despite the rotten weather. Six
delegates representing six or more affiliated clubs in our section made
the trip.
I am heartened to see a new level of cooperation developing in Eastern
MA between ARES/RACES and the National Traffic System. Let’s keep up
the good work--and the new ideas coming!
Don’t forget the Marlborough flea market on 2/19. Details can be
found at <http://www.qsl.net/n1em/2011flier.pdf>.
Barnstable ARC’s fundraiser for a new repeater antenna has reached 75
percent of its goal, according to the tasteful progress-thermometer on
the club’s web page. Keep up the great work!
KB1OEP, KB1OEQ and KB1MTW assisted staff at the Whitman / Hanson
emergency shelter during two recent blizzards.
EMA ARES called to “stand-by” status by SEC KD1CY for the Feb. 2-3
winter storm.
Former Chelmsford HS ARC members KB1LQD and KB1LQC received nice press
in The Democrat and Chronicle. The article describes their experiences
reviving the Rochester Institute of Technology ARC and starting the
College ARA. See <http://tinyurl.com/4savf2e>.
Cape Ann ARA web site at <http://caara.net> has a spiffy new design,
courtesy KG1P.
Whitman ARC’s monthly fox hunt continues to be a very popular club
activity. Perhaps your club should consider holding a fox hunt! Don’t
know how? Ask for help!
Thanks to KD1SL, the Pentucket RA once again has a weekly club net on
Thursday nights at 7PM on the 146.625 repeater, PL 131.8.
Here’s a scary bit of trivia: according to KM1CC trustee N1NS, the
Marconi Station Site coastal bluff continues to erode with each storm.
The exhibits under the shelter at the site now sit only 20.5 meters
from the bank!
K1LGQ, N1ZRB proudly displayed their compact, homebrew QRP rigs at a
recent Nashoba Valley ARC meeting. NVARC tries to include a
show-and-tell at each of its meetings.
Quannapowitt RC mourns the loss of Silent Key Joe Basilesco, W1NXW of
Be sure to mark your calendars for the Framingham ARA flea market on
April 3, 2011. Details at <http://fara.org/flea/>.
Cape Cod ARES, led by DEC WQ1O conducted Operation Snowblind exercise
on 1/22 from 10AM to 12 noon. The group had solid comms over the entire
portion of S.E. MA, the Cape and the Islands. Great job, folks!
K1EP and many other EMA stations operated in the recent CQ 160M CW
Do you like CW? K3NA in Cambridge is among the many members of the CW
Operators Club. Check them out at <http://cwops.org>.
KB1NCG and K1OP recently held a license in a weekend class for a dozen
individuals involved in Brookline CERT.
Newton-Wellesley area hams, take note--the 147.03 Wellesley ARS W1TKZ
repeater will require that you use 123.0 Hz PL encode as of March 1,
Ham volunteers are needed for the Boston Marathon on April 18 to
provide safety communications and to assist the Red Cross. Assignments
are available in Hopkinton, along the route, and in downtown Boston. To
volunteer, go to <http://marc.mmra.org>.
Is your club “stymied” for ideas on new programs and speakers?
Contact EMA Affiliated Club Coordinator “Bo” Budinger, WA1QYM, at
Taunton Area Communications Group reminds us that 900 MHz Night is
every Thursday at 7 pm! Some of the local 902 repeaters are: Taunton
927.975 or 927.6875; Raynham 927.425, Assonet 927.4625, Norton
927.7125, North Attleboro 927.7875 and Fall River 927.0375.
Pilgrim Amateur Wireless Association reports that work continues on
improving the 147.135 Taunton machine, weather permitting.
Phil, K9HI
ARRL Eastern Massachusetts Section
Section Manager: Phillip Temples, K9HI