Section Manager (SM) - Phil Temples, K9HI
Assistant Section Manager (ASM) – Jeremy Breef-Pilz, KB1REQ
Affiliated Club Coordinator (ACC) - "Bo" Budinger, WA1QYM
Official Observer Coordinator (OOC) - Ed Parish, K1EP
Public Information Coordinator (PIC) - Bob Salow, WA1IDA
Section Emergency Coordinator (SEC) - Rob Macedo, KD1CY
Section Traffic Manager (STM) – Marcia Forde, KW1U
State Government Liaison (SGL) - Shawn O'Donnell, K3HI
Technical Coordinator (TC) - Eric Falkof, K1NUN
Proposed legislation that would impact how we use "mobile telephones"
in automobiles in the Commonwealth has again surfaced in the current
session of the legislature.
According to MA State Government Liaison Shawn O'Donnell, K3HI, the
approved bill has two sections. One changes the term "mobile telephone"
to "hands-free mobile telephone" in the law allowing cell phone use. It
appears that this would not affect the exemption for "federally
licensed two-way radios" that was inserted into the 2010 law. The
second section, however, is vague and confusing:
"No operator of a motor vehicle shall use a mobile telephone or mobile
electronic device, unless said telephone or device is being used as a
hands-free mobile telephone."
K3HI believes that this language will be fixed at some point, but it's
unclear what the eventual wording will be.
Shawn adds: "I don't think there's much for us to worry about--unless
the bill goes forward and they start going crazy with amendments."
If and when the bill makes it to the full House and Senate, says K3HI,
"then it will be the appropriate time to contact our friends who have
helped us in the past to make sure they don't strike out the exemption
we currently have."
A full text of the proposed bill can be viewed online at
<>. <>.
Two important flea markets are happening in our section in the coming
weeks: the Algonquin ARC Winter ham radio flea market is on February
18, while the Framingham ARC flea market will be held on March 25. See
<> and <>,
respectively, for more info.
The K1USN RC is working to achieve a "fully functional APRS and packet
weather station," according to K1RV. Pi reminds everyone that the K1USN
crew gathers for breakfast at Jamie's Grill and Pub in Braintree every
Saturday at 7 AM prior to meeting at the club station. Talk-in is on
146.535 simplex and 145.39 +600 (67.0 Hz CTCSS).
Congrats to KB1VZQ of Andover for recently completing the ARRL Intro to
Emergency Communications Course.
ACC Bo Budinger, WA1QYM had his correspondence published in the
February, 2012 QST, entitled "Cluing in the Clubs."
The Eastern MA ARRL staff will meet on Feb. 22 in Hopkinton for the
first of four quarterly meetings in 2012.
My ACC and I have had recent discussions with ARRL volunteer leaders in
the Pacific Section. AH0A in Hawaii is looking for possible speakers and
presentations to be conducted remotely via the Internet.
Quannapowitt RA members heard a presentation by W3EVE on Boston
Marathon communications activities at the club's January 19 meeting.
Attention D-Star users: don't forget the New England Amateur D-Star Net
each Tuesday evening at 8:00 PM on Reflector 010C.
W1TJL came across this interesting free e-book download: "Hertzian Wave
Wireless Telegraphy" by John Ambrose Fleming, at
<>. I wonder if Fleming could have
ever imagined that his words would some day be read on "science fiction"
devices like Nooks or iPhones?
According to PART of Westford's K1NS, Yaesu has published "A Digital
Communications Guide for Amateur Radio Operators" which discusses
digital mode VHF/UHF radios. Yaesu's web site says they plan to
introduce digital radios "in early 2012." The Adobe PDF document can be
downloaded at <>.
K1VK presented at the January 4 Billerica ARS meeting on "Wave
Propagation in the Atmosphere with an Emphasis on IR."
Kudos to TC Eric Falkof, K1NUN who recently received the One Thousand
Miles Per Watt Award for a QRP contact between his Wayland QTH and KL7
while running 2.5W. Eric figures this works out to be about 1350 miles
per watt!
Congrats to the Cape Ann ARA for securing an additional three-year
lease from the City of Gloucester for its clubhouse!
The Yankee Clipper Contest Club is raising money for the ARRL Youth
Scholarship program by conducting a raffle. The prize is a K3/100 kit
worth approximately $2,000. You need not be a member of YCCC to
purchase tickets. More details are available on their web site at
K1MGH in Falmouth has a new web site with local weather information at
his QTH at <>. Tnx, Falmouth Hospital ARES
And finally, this tidbit from the "Uhh...Say Again? Department":
Southeastern MA ARA's K1JGV asks club members to be on the lookout for
a woodpecker that's been "helping with renovations" at the clubhouse.
Members actually took advantage of a hole the bird created to run a
Wi-Fi Ethernet cable through the wall and out behind the club. But
according to Dave, "the woodpecker has returned, pecking at the hole
once again." K1JGV is concerned that the bird may have a nest inside
the wall and "might continue to peck right through."
WA1ESO asks the logical question: "I just want to know if this
woodpecker can tap out decent Morse code. If he can, I would consider
him an endangered species." .... ..
ARRL Eastern Massachusetts Section
Section Manager: Phillip Temples, K9HI