Section Manager (SM) – Tom Walsh, K1TW 
Assistant Section Manager (ASM) – Phil Temples, K9HI
Assistant Section Manager (ASM) – Andy Stewart, KB1OIQ
Affiliated Club Coordinator (ACC) – Arthur "Bo" Budinger, WA1QYM 
Official Observer Coordinator (OOC) - Ed Parish, K1EP 
Public Information Coordinator (PIC) – Joe Weisse, W1HAI 
Section Emergency Coordinator (SEC) – Marek Kozubal, KB1NCG
Section Traffic Manager (STM) – Marcia Forde, KW1U 
Section Youth Coordinator (SYC) – Jeremy Breef-Pilz, KB1REQ 
State Government Liaison (SGL) – Hank Mc Carl, W4RIG 
Technical Coordinator (TC) – Dan Brown, W1DAN

To contact section staff members simply address an email to their call
sign at arrl.net or visit http://ema.arrl.org for additional contact

February 29, 2016

LEADING OFF:  New Dates for Boxboro! 2016

The ARRL New England Division Convention, often referred to informally
as Boxboro, is now an annual event.  The Boxboro Committee recently
announced the convention dates will move from August to September.  The
new dates are September 9-11, 2016 which is the weekend after Labor

A Call for Speakers has been issued along with a form to sign up as a
Convention presenter. Those interested in being on the program can find
more detail at http://boxboro.org/2016/index.html. 


Public Information Coordinator:
We are pleased to announce and welcome Joe, W1HAI as the new PIC for
the section.  

Assistant Section Manager 
We are pleased to announce and welcome Andy, KB1OIQ as an ASM.  Andy
will focus on affiliated club coordination issues working closely with
the ACC, Bo, WA1QYM.


SEC Marek, KB1NCG requests anyone interested in joining Eastern
Massachusetts ARES visit http://ares.ema.arrl.org. A sign-up link is
available in the left sidebar.  Monthly ARES nets are held the first
Monday of the month at 8:30pm on the MMRA system. 

Cape Cod ARES held its winter exercise on January 30. Operations were
based out of the Sandwich, MA EOC and run by Cape Cod ARES with support
from Sandwich emergency management. Over 30 stations were contacted on
VHF and HF bands, with the furthest VHF direct contact being the South
Shore Hospital (40.3 miles) in Weymouth and into Maine on HF. Narrow
Band Emergency Messaging Software was utilized during the exercise.
Operations were conducted utilizing a backup portable emergency

If your club participates in public service events or emergency
communications, please drop the SEC a note with a brief detail of your
group at kb1ncg@arrl.net.

STM Marcia, KW1U reports in January:
-  N1IQI and KW1U earned BPL awards; 
-  KW1U, KC1CIC, N1IQI, N1TF, KB1WXC, N1LKJ, and AC7RB made the Public
Service Honor Roll (PSHR).

ACC Bo, WA1QYM says now is the time to plan for Field Day.  The first
thing is to appoint a Field Day Chairman. This person has overall
charge of Field Day but should not have all the responsibilities!  The
Field Day chairman should be able to appoint a staff of club members
who each have an individual portion of the Field Day responsibility.
The other important component of Field Day is the Field Day site.
Securing a site now may eliminate a lot of grief before Field Day takes


March 6, 2016 - 8:00 AM to 12:00 noon
New England Antique Radio Club
Westford Regency Hotel, 219 Littleton Road, Westford MA
Information at http://www.nearc.net/swapmeetinfo.htm 

April 10, 2016 - 9:00 AM to 12:00 noon
Framingham ARA Annual Spring Flea Market
Keefe Technical School in Framingham. 
Details may be found at http://www.fara.org/flea 

Following the FARA flea market, the Yankee Clipper Contest Club (YCCC)
will have a special program in the Keefe auditorium from 12:30 PM to
4:00 PM.  There is no charge for the afternoon meeting, and you don’t
have to be a YCCC member to attend.  See Announcements below for more

March 19-20, 2016
Nashua Area Radio Club in New Hampshire
Pre-registration is required.  Info at <http://www.n1fd.org>
Contact: 603-321-6115 or by email ab1qb@arrl.net 


Sunday, April 10, 2016: Joint FARA/YCCC Collaborative Event
9 AM to Noon: FARA Flea Market
12:30 to 4 PM: YCCC Meeting and Presentation

From 9:00 AM to 12:00 noon, The Framingham ARA Annual Spring Flea
Market will be held at the Keefe Technical School in Framingham. 
Contact Eric, KB1PJN, at 508-310-5913 to reserve flea market tables, or
go to http://fara.org/flea for more information. 

From 12:30- 4 PM, in the same location, The Yankee Clipper Contest Club
(YCCC) presents “Discover the HF Experience” which will have live,
remote stations and talks about all aspects of HF operation. There is
no charge for the YCCC program, and you don’t have to be a YCCC
member to attend. For more info visit http://www.yccc.org. 


Do you have a regular club net?  Send us the information for listing

8:00 PM: North Shore Radio Association
Danvers Repeater, 145.470, (PL/136.5)

8:00 PM: PART of Westford, 
Westford Repeater, 146.955, (PL/74.4)

8:00 PM:  Norfolk County Radio Association, 
Walpole Repeater, 146.895, (PL/123.0)

8:30 PM   Falmouth Amateur Radio Association
Falmouth repeater, 146.655, (PL/88.5), or via KC1DAD-R Echo Link node

8:00 PM:  Nashoba Valley ARC Club Net 
Pepperell repeater, 442.900, (PL/100.0)

8:00 PM:	Billerica ARS 
Billerica Repeater, 147.12, (PL/103.5), except on first Wednesday (club
meeting instead)


Norfolk County Radio Association:
Congratulations to the Norfolk County Radio Association on the
forthcoming occasion of its 3000th consecutive net. This is a truly
remarkable and noteworthy accomplishment!

The Norfolk County Radio Association meets each Monday evening at 8:00
PM local time on the Walpole 2-meter repeater on 146.895 (PL/123.0). 
All are welcome!  The NCRA will be celebrating its 3,000th
consecutive net on Monday, March 21, 2016.  This represents over 57
years of these on-the-air meetings! 

Falmouth ARA:
From Henry K1WCC, Falmouth ARA Club Publicist, we learn the Falmouth
Amateur Radio Association elected the following club officers, at their
Annual Meeting on January 28, 2016:

President: Brent, W1NCH
Vice President: Ralph, N1YHS
Secretary: Charles, K1CB
Treasurer: Doug, N1OEI
Elected to the Board were: Gene, KX1C; Henry, K1WCC; Jim, WA1GPO;
Geoff, W1OH; and Gerry, KB1NNH.

Henry, K1WCC, also informs us about the weekly 2-meter net on the
Falmouth 146.655 repeater (PL/88.5, minus offset) at 8:30 PM local time
on Mondays.  This is a general interest net with check-ins directly via
the repeater or the KC1DAD-R Echo Link node.

Billerica ARS:
The Billerica ARS (BARS) continues to promote its Get-On-The-Air
project and is planning to activate local National Parks On the Air
(NPOTA) sites in the coming months.  The March 2 meeting in Chelmsford
will feature “Logbook-Of-The-World (LOTW) for Beginners”. LOTW is
used to support NPOTA activations; knowing how to use LOTW will enhance
your enjoyment of NPOTA throughout the year.
The March MMRA meeting date has changed from what was previously
announced. Larry Banks will present on antenna modeling on Thursday
March 24 at the North Reading Public Library. Details can be found on
the MMRA website http://www.mmra.org .

MMRA also reported high wind conditions took down the 146.82 remote
receiver antenna in early February.

Word from NSRA is that meetings are moving back to the second Monday of
the month at the Peabody Municipal Light Plant Auditorium, 201 Warren St
Ext. The next meeting is Monday, March 14. 

NSRA also has a weekly club net on Sundays at 20:00 (8:00 PM) on the
145.470 (PL 136.5), Danvers Repeater.

Congratulations to the Yankee Clipper Contest Club (YCCC) which informs
us that its Matching Gift program for individual donations to WRTC2018
has been fully utilized. The program matched donations made to WRTC2018
through WWROF up to the program maximum of $1000.


From the Genesis Amateur Radio Society (GARS) we received the sad news
on the recent passing of Judy, KB1SRO on January 21 and John, KB1EVY in
February. Our sincere sympathies and condolences go out to friends and
members of GARS on the loss of their Vice President and President.


While this year’s winter was not as severe as last year’s, there
were some club meeting cancellations due to weather, particularly on
Cape Cod. Among those impacted were the North Shore Radio Association,
Pilgrim ARC, and Barnstable ARC.  Let’s hope everyone gets back on
schedule in March. 

This concludes our special combined February-March quadrennial
leap-year edition of the EMA Section news.


EMA Staff Contributors this month include: Phil, K9HI; Marek, KB1NCG;
Marcia, KW1U; and Bo, WA1QYM. 


Tom, K1TW

ARRL Eastern Massachusetts Section
Section Manager: Thomas D Walsh, K1TW