Section Manager (SM) – Phil Temples, K9HI
Assistant Section Manager (ASM) – Jeremy Breef-Pilz, KB1REQ
Affiliated Club Coordinator (ACC) – “Bo” Budinger, WA1QYM
Official Observer Coordinator (OOC) – Ed Parish, K1EP
Public Information Coordinator (PIC) – Bob Salow, WA1IDA
Section Emergency Coordinator (SEC) – Rob Macedo, KD1CY
Section Traffic Manager (STM) – Marcia Forde, KW1U
State Government Liaison (SGL) – Shawn O’Donnell, K3HI
Technical Coordinator (TC) – Eric Falkof, K1NUN
I’d like to wish everyone in Eastern Massachusetts a happy and
prosperous New Year! Do your New Year’s resolutions happen to include
any that are ham radio-related? Perhaps you’ve resolved to get on the
air more (or less)? Or, try some new activity or facet of the hobby?
How about building a kit? Mentor that new ham in your club? Operate on
a new mode, or in a contest? Volunteer for a leadership role in your
local radio club? Whatever your resolution might be, make it happen in
North Shore ARES assisted the City of Peabody Emergency Management
Agency in providing communications support for the funeral procession
of a fallen Peabody firefighter on Dec. 30.
The Zola Center for Persons with Disabilities was featured in an
on-line story in the Newton Wicked Local on Dec. 16. See
South Coast amateurs mourned the loss this past month of two Silent
Keys: Richard Bushnell, W1JAC and James Archer, W1OQM.
Kudos to the crew at the South Shore Hospital ARC: KB1MTW, W1JT,
KB1VGN, KB1UCA, KB1UCE, K1BBM, and KB1UBZ for putting several young
patients and their family members in contact with Santa Claus at the
North Pole on December 21. All the young people received a special
Santa QSL card.
Cape Ann ARA members continue with their monthly scholarship benefit
breakfasts at their clubhouse. A $5.00 minimum donation gets you a hot
breakfast cooked by W4HIX and W4RIG. All proceeds will be used to
financially assist high school student applicants pursuing a higher
education in communications, electrical engineering or mathematics.
W1PL reports that the Harvard Wireless Club, W1AF will be QRV for the
ARRL RTTY Roundup Contest January 7-8.
Genesis ARS is sponsoring two fun club activities: Worked All New
England States, and a “Farthest Contact” competition.
Attention EMA Affiliated Clubs: are YOU sending a rep to the New
England Division Cabinet meeting on January 7 in Springfield? Details
available from K1KI or K1TWF at their addresses.
Nashoba Valley ARC members heard presentations at their December
meeting about the 2014 World Radiosport Team Championship by K1DG,
followed by the Amateur Auxiliary/Official Observer program from K1EP.
WRTC is a huge undertaking. The sponsoring group, WRTC2014, Inc. has
been granted 501(c)3 tax exempt status by the IRS. To see their video,
donate, or to volunteer for one of the many tasks, visit
The Scituate and Norwell repeaters have agreed to swap frequencies. The
Scituate repeater will operate on 145.25. Norwell will take up operation
on 145.39, where its users will hopefully experience far less cable
television interference.
A complete digital archive of “73 Amateur Radio Magazine” is available
from See <> for details.
Check out the nifty YouTube video at <>
demonstrating electromagnetic wave propagation. Tnx, N1JOY.
Mark your calendars for the highly popular “License in a Weekend” event
on March 17-18 sponsored by the Framingham ARA. Contact W1NXC at for more info. The following week, FARA will hold its flea
market on March 25. Details are at <>.
Massasoit ARA is holding its annual holiday party on January 17 in
Middleborough. Details/RSVP via N1FY at
Congrats to KB1EKN and KB1ISG, named Boston ARC Hams of the Year by the
membership. Mark and Geri were presented with a plaque at the BARC
holiday party on December 7.
Two DX maps of the world are available from Icom: the CQ DX Zones of
the World and the ITU DX Zones of the World at
<>. <>. Tnx, The SPARC.
Yankee Clipper Contest Club mourns the loss of Silent Key Matthew
Cassarino, WV1K of Brewster.
January 28 is the birthday of Hidetsugu Yagi, a Japanese electrical
engineer who co-invented the Yagi-Uda antenna. More info on his life
can be found at <>.
Finally — do you know anyone like this? I hope not!
73, K9HI
ARRL Eastern Massachusetts Section
Section Manager: Phillip Temples, K9HI