Section Manager (SM) – Tom Walsh, K1TW 
Assistant Section Manager (ASM) – Phil Temples, K9HI
Affiliated Club Coordinator (ACC) – Arthur "Bo" Budinger, WA1QYM 
Official Observer Coordinator (OOC) - Ed Parish, K1EP 
Public Information Coordinator (PIC) – (open) 
Section Emergency Coordinator (SEC) – Marek Kozubal, KB1NCG
Section Traffic Manager (STM) – Marcia Forde, KW1U 
Section Youth Coordinator (SYC) – Jeremy Breef-Pilz, KB1REQ 
State Government Liaison (SGL) – Hank Mc Carl, W4RIG 
Technical Coordinator (TC) – Dan Brown, W1DAN

To contact section staff members simply address an email to their call
sign at arrl.net or visit <http://ema.arrl.org> for additional contact


Marcia, KW1U, STM, reports that two BPL's were awarded in December, to
N1IQI and KW1U. The following made Public Service Honor Roll:  KC1CIC

Joe, W1HAI, manager of Heavy Hitters Traffic Net has announced added
informal sessions of that net on Tuesdays and Thursdays at 10 PM on the
Minuteman Repeater Network for the purpose of discussion and help for
anyone interested in learning more about traffic nets, message handling
and NTS.  "Seasoned" traffic handlers have been encouraged to check in
to help answer questions.  The initial session was well attended and
many questions were answered.  Everyone is welcome to check in. 
Traffic will continue to be handled there on Monday, Wednesday and
Friday. (TNX KW1U)

East Mass 2 Meter Net continues to meet at 8 PM on the Quincy Repeater
all evenings except Tuesday when it meets on Sharon. (TNX KW1U)

Bo, WA1QYM, ACC, reports that the American Radio Relay League asks each
Affiliated Club to update its activities once per year in order to
continue its affiliation.  In fact, after two years without an update
the League will take a club off the Affiliated List and consider it an
inactive club. Here is the key to updating your club’s activities. 
Go to the ARRL Web site and use the web site search tool to enter the
words: “how to edit your club listing”. This will eventually lead
you to a pdf document that directs you, step by step, through the
process of updating your club’s listing.  It is generally straight
forward and only takes a few minutes to complete.  This is something
that can get lost as clubs change leadership and new people take
charge.  It has been Bo's experience that either the club president or
the club secretary ends up with the job doing this update.  If you want
your affiliated club to continue to be active, check with your club
leadership and make sure they keep this listing on the ARRL web site
current and up to date. (TKS WA1QYM)


February 13, 2016
The Algonquin ARC Flea Market is in Marlborough, MA.  Details on their
web site at <http://www.qsl.net/n1em/>

February 27, 2016 
Vermont State Convention, S. Burlington VT



Volunteer registration is open for the 2016 Boston Marathon! Sign up
today on the BAA's web site.  Just make sure you request at least one
ham radio assignment in your preferences.


Don’t delay! Volunteer registration closes February 9. For more
information, please contact:  Brett Smith, AB1RL for the Boston
Marathon Communications Committee <contact@hamradioboston.org> 


The ARRL has a new President.  Rick Roderick, K5UR was elected at the
recently concluded ARRL Board meeting.  Details may be found at

On January 1, the National Parks On The Air (NPOTA) commenced.  There
are an amazing number of NPOTA sites in Eastern Massachusetts just
waiting for local EMA hams to activate, including places like the Cape
Cod National Seashore, Boston Harbor Islands, and many historical parks
such as a Lowell, Minuteman, and New Bedford Whaling to name just a few
of the many opportunities.  Please let us know of your club and
individual NPOTA activities for future editions of the EMA section

The Barnstable ARC is investigating the possibility of installing a
Yaesu System Fusion digital/analog repeater at its K1PBO 146.955 site.

The January 19 meeting of the Wellesley ARS features a talk on IRLP by
Charlie, WA3ITR, and they hope to have a live demonstration.

The Quannapowitt Radio Association (QRA) holds its meeting on January
21 at 7 PM with featured talk by Dot Halpin on the Wakefield Rail
Trail.  More information may be found at <www.w1ekt.org>.

Cape Ann ARA reports its January meeting featured a Skywarn
presentation from Amateur Radio Skywarn coordinator Jim Palmer, KB1KQW
along with visits by ASEC Rob Macedo, KD1CY (Skywarn) and SEC Marek
Kozubal, KB1NCG. 

PART of Westford members have been bringing food donations to recent
meetings for the Westford food pantry. 

The Billerica ARS plans to discuss the National Parks On The Air
(NPOTA) activity at its February 3 meeting. BARS is holding a Wednesday
net, which features a question of the week, at 8 PM on the Billerica
repeater on 147.12 (except on the first Wednesday which is club meeting
night). More information at <www.w1hh.org>

The NVARC Club Net is every Monday evening at 8 PM on the 442.900
Pepperell repeater.  The next regular club meeting is Thursday January
21, 7:30 PM at the Pepperell Community Center and will feature a number
of short member talks.

Skip, K1NKR of Tyngsboro, and Fred, AB1OC of Hollis NH, have
successfully gotten digital ATV stations on the air and made contact on
70cm.  They are wondering if anyone else in the area is QRV.  With a
little encouragement they could add capabilities for the 900 and 1200
MHz bands as well.  <K1NKR@arrl.net>


From the Framingham ARA, we receive the sad news of the passing of Ed
Weiss, W1NXC on 30 December 2015.

From PART of Westford we receive the sad news of the passing of John
Barnwell, N1MQ.


A reminder to send in your news, especially club activities and
National Parks On The Air stories for inclusion in future editions of
the EMA section news. Does your club have a weekly net?  Send in the
details for that as well. 


Tom, K1TW


EMA Staff Contributors this month include: Phil, K9HI; Marcia, KW1U;
and Bo, WA1QYM.

ARRL Eastern Massachusetts Section
Section Manager: Thomas D Walsh, K1TW