July 2024 Section News

Heads up: the email-blast-to-all-section-members function is still down, a casualty of the cyber-attack on ARRL HQ.  There is currently no ETA. I’m publishing the Update on the EMA website and sending it to all the clubs I have email addresses for, with a request to distribute it widely. 

It’s now officially Summer. That means the population of our Cape Cod communities has swollen by a factor of 3-4. Many, many businesses are making their profits for the year, and that is to be respected. On the other hand, geez, the increase in car traffic is crazy, making driving challenging. Ah well. 


 * Elections for New England Division Director and Vice Director 

 f you are interested in running for the office of Division Director or Vice Director, now’s your chance!  It takes only 10 full members in a Division to nominate a candidate for either office. Full details on the nomination and election process are at https://www.arrl.org/news/call-for-nominations-for-arrl-director-and-vice-director-1  


* HamXpo is Coming! 

 Mark the dates, August 22-25, 2024! The 2024 edition of HamXposition is coming, and it’s going to be bigger and better than ever. Several top-tier amateur radio vendors recently committed to the show. And the lineup of technical talks/seminars/workshops is set to rival HamVention (Dayton) in terms of breadth and depth of topics. I hope to see you in person there, including the Section Town Hall (parallel sessions for each New England section)! Full details at https://hamxposition.org/  


* Amateur Radio Presentation to Middle Schoolers, Mass Maritime, July 15, 2024 

 The Barnstable Amateur Radio Club (BARC) and Falmouth Amateur Radio Association (FARA) teamed up the evening of July 15 to introduce amateur radio to several hundred students at the Advanced Studies and Leadership Program held at the Massachusetts Maritime Academy in Bourne on Cape Cod.  Antennas were set up outside of the conference center to enable live demonstrations of on-the-air operation.  Contacts were made by the students as far away as Europe and local repeater operation was also demonstrated.   Full details at https://nediv.arrl.org/2024/07/24/barnstable-and-falmouth-clubs-team-up-at-advanced-studies-and-leadership-program/  


* Need a Volunteer Webmaster for the EMA Website 

 Phil, K9HI has done a fantastic job of maintaining the https://ema.arrl.,org website. I need to recruit some backup resources. If you have basic skills with WordPress and can help maintain the website – mostly posting new articles at the suggestion of me and others – please contact me at n1ilz@arrl.org. You’ll be helping me – and the League – immensely! 


* Recruiting a New Section Youth Coordinator 

 I’m sad to report that our Section Youth Coordinator, Paul K1YUB, had to step down from his position. The SYC requirement and job description is at https://www.arrl.org/section-youth-coordinator  If you are interested in this volunteer position, please contact me at n1ilz@arrl.org  – I’ll appreciate it greatly! 


* N1ILZ for a Final  
Stay safe and cool out there!  Summer is here, the traffic is crazy, and the weather forecasters are predicting a hot summer. There’s still plenty of summer fun to be had, including work on all those outdoor projects pent up from the past winter. Especially including antenna projects, amirite?! 

 Can you write a paragraph or two about what you’re up to, so I can publish it in the Section Update? Let me know via email at n1ilz@arrl.org!  

* For always up-to-date news, please visit the EMA Section website at http://ema.arrl.org  
This Section News Update is brought to you by Section Manager Jon N1ILZ.