Sunday, June 24 is Amateur Radio Day in Massachusetts:
In Massachusetts, at the urging of State Senator Bruce Tarr, N1UIU, Massachusetts Governor Charles Baker signed a proclamation declaring June 24 as “Amateur Radio Day” in the Bay State.
In addition, both the Massachusetts Senate and House have issued resolutions declaring Amateur Radio Week in Massachusetts coinciding with Field Day.
EMA Section Manager Visits:
Eastern Massachusetts Section Manager, Tom K1TW, and EMA Assistant Section Manager, Phil K9HI, are planning to visit several Field Day locations together on Saturday, primarily in Middlesex and Essex counties.
Remember Safety First in every aspect of a field day operation. Go here for helpful guidance on keeping your field day safe: <
You can participate as an individual from home, or in the field, or through a local club. If you do not have a home station, then visit a club operation.
Find a club operation nearby:
Use the Eastern Massachusetts (EMA) Field Day locator at <>.
Add your club to the locator:
Make sure your club is listed on the Eastern Massachusetts Field Day Locator web site. Go to <> and enter your information so others can easily find you.
Earn extra points during Field Day:
Don’t forget you can earn extra points by sending a radio gram to the Section Manager, Tom K1TW or to the Section Emergency Coordinator, Greg KC1CIC. Here are the details on how to create and send a field day radiogram including the schedule of the traffic nets on Saturday June 23: <–
Wishing everyone in Eastern Massachusetts ARRL section a very enjoyable, safe, and successful Field Day.
Tom Walsh K1TW
ARRL Eastern Massachusetts Section
Section Manager: Thomas D Walsh, K1TW