March, 2011 Section News

K9HI; Assistant Section Manager (ASM) – Jeremy Breef-Pilz, KB1REQ;
Affiliated Club Coordinator (ACC) – “Bo” Budinger, WA1QYM; Official
Observer Coordinator (OOC) – Ed Parish, K1EP; Public Information
Coordinator (PIC) – Bob Salow, WA1IDA; Section Emergency Coordinator
(SEC) – Rob Macedo, KD1CY; Section Traffic Manager (STM) – Marcia
Forde, KW1U; State Government Liaison (SGL) – Shawn O’Donnell, K3HI;
Technical Coordinator (TC) – Eric Falkof, K1NUN.

Congrats to Marcia, Forde, KW1U for her appointment as STM in the WMA
section. She now serves in a dual role as STM for both Massachusetts
ARRL sections.

Congrats to KD1CY and the entire EMA ARES staff for conducting a very
successful training workshop in Concord on March 5. Approx. 40 people

Eliot, W1MJ of Belmont is QRV in KP2-land for the ARRL DX Contest Phone

Kudos to the Genesis ARS for a very strong “on-air” presence. They
run both a CW practice net and a rag chew net. The former has been
averaging 4-6 check-ins each night, while the latter nets approximately
15 check-ins per week.

SEMARA mourns the passing of Bill Field, WA1FYF of New Bedford.

Chet Gunn, N1AKI of Reading has become a Silent Key.

All are invited to visit the Acushnet Emergency Management Agency Hq.
on the 1st Monday of each month at 7:00pm for Emergency Communications
Night. This is a joint venture between SCMARG, the Acushnet EMA and
SEMARA to promote Amateur Radio EmComm.

KB1USO of Winchester has been appointed as Emergency Coordinator for
the Metro Boston area. We welcome Kate to this new position!

Algonquin ARA held its flea market recently. It was well attended.
Don’t forget the Framingham ARA flea market on April 3 (see

Genesis ARS, in conjunction with the Town of Bourne RACES will offer
Technician classes beginning March 18. For more information, see

Southeastern MA ARA Technician class is off to a great start. See

The Eastern MA Section Staff met for a very productive dinner meeting
February 23 in Lexington. Three more staff meetings are planned in

How will your radio club communicate if the repeater goes down?
Pentucket RA members decided to find out recently. They simulated a
“repeater down” during their club net. Lessons? Plan ahead. Have an
outdoor antenna ready. Agree upon an alternate simplex frequency ahead
of time.

N1AGE and the Raymond J. Levesque Memorial ARC (K1ZZN) will operate
special event station N1B to commemorate the 2011 opening weekend of
Major League Baseball on April 2-3. See <> for

Wired Magazine carried an interesting article recently about ham radio,
entitled “Why Ham Radio Endures in a World of Tweets”. See

Congrats to PART of Westford as its members celebrated their ARRL
Special Service Club status at the February 15 club meeting. EMA ACC
WA1QYM awarded a framed certificate to PART president KB1OIQ.

Hams are still needed for communications for the 2011 BAA Marathon
along the 26-mile course between Hopkinton and Boston. To volunteer, go
to <>.

Also on the public service calendar: Boston ARC will provide comms for
the MS Walk on April 10 in Cambridge and Boston. To volunteer, contact

Genesis ARS mourns the passing of Lou Vanderstreet, N1WNT of Humarock.

World-renowned Amateur Radio Direction Finding/Orienteering expert
Vadim Afonkin, KB1RLI will present on ARDF at the March 21 meeting of
the Taunton Area Communications Group. More info can be found at

Word on the grapevine: Cape Ann ARA is considering applying for ARRL
Special Service Club status!

Harvard Wireless Club (W1AF) was QRV in the recent CQWW WPX RTTY
contest, reports station manger W1PL.

Speaking of digital modes, Cape Ann ARA president W4HIX says the W1GLO
club station is set up on PSK-31 as well as other exotic digital modes.
Your SM got to view a JT65 QSO at the ‘GLO shack personally!

Pentucket RA has a spiffy new web site, thanks to KD1SL.

Cute ham radio haiku by NE1RD: “I’m hearing voices / they’re all so
soft and distant / but logged as five nine.”

The Billerica ARS would like to remind everyone of its VE sessions at
the Billerica Public Library on the 2nd Wednesday of every month at 7
p.m. Walk-ins are welcome; no pre-registration is required. For more
info, contact <>.

KD1SM is seeking ham volunteers for communications for the Groton Road
Race on April 10. Race officials and local law enforcement rely
heavily on ham radio’s assistance in this premiere event. Contact
Ralph at <> if you can assist.

W1NP will give a presentation on solar panels to members of the Pilgrim
ARC in Provincetown on March 8.

Are _you_ using Logbook of The World (LoTW) yet? If so, what do you
think of it? If not, why not?

Framingham ARA wants you to know that its club shack is open every
Saturday morning from 9 a.m. till noon. W1FY is located is in the
basement of the Danforth Museum building (use Lexington Street entrance
next to the public library parking area). It’s a great opportunity to
meet with fellow hams and brush up on your on-air skills and learn
about other modes like PSK31, packet, and IRLP. For more info, email

73, de K9HI

ARRL Eastern Massachusetts Section
Section Manager: Phillip Temples, K9HI