ARRL EASTERN MASSACHUSETTS (EMA) SECTION Section Manager (SM) – Tom Walsh, K1TW Assistant Section Manager (ASM) – Phil Temples, K9HI Affiliated Club Coordinator (ACC) – Arthur "Bo" Budinger, WA1QYM Official Observer Coordinator (OOC) - Ed Parish, K1EP Public Information Coordinator (PIC) - Bob Salow, WA1IDA Section Emergency Coordinator (SEC) – Mike Neilsen, W1MPN Section Traffic Manager (STM) – Marcia Forde, KW1U Section Youth Coordinator (SYC) – Jeremy Breef-Pilz, KB1REQ State Government Liaison (SGL) – Hank Mc Carl, W4RIG Technical Coordinator (TC) – Dan Brown, W1DAN MARCH 2015 SECTION NEWS February will go down in the record books as one of the coldest and snowiest ever in Eastern Massachusetts. After what we have all just experienced, the arrival of Spring and Daylight Saving Time (DST) is surely welcomed by many. I’ll start this month with a recap of my section travels. I made it to two events this past month: the February 14th Algonquin ARC flea market and the February 16th NSRA meeting. On Saturday, February 14th I enjoyed a few hours attending the Algonquin ARC flea market in Marlboro and had a chance to meet some of their club officers. It was very nice that the weather held off until later in the day--at least for those traveling locally. I’d like to thank the North Shore Radio Association (NSRA) for the warm reception they gave to me and Bo Budinger, WA1QYM, on Monday February 16. Club visits are a way for me to introduce myself to the section, meet as many club members as possible, and help folks get to know me and other members of the EMA section staff. Bo, WA1QYM, is Eastern Massachusetts ARRL Affiliated Club Coordinator (ACC) and is the primary contact and resource person for each affiliated club in the section. Bo is available to support and guide clubs on ARRL affiliation so please reach out to him with your questions. Bo, WA1QYM, sends out a reminder this month for clubs to begin Field Day planning. The most important things to do at this point in the year are to secure a Field Day Site and a Field Day Chairman. Once the site and the Chairman are known, Field Day planning becomes a lot easier. As was the tradition of our past section manager, Phil K9HI, your current section manager, Tom K1TW, will try to visit a number of club field day sites during the last weekend in June. Given the size of EMA, it won’t be possible to visit every location this year and so those missed this year will be given priority the next. Marcia Forde, KW1U, Eastern Massachusetts Section Traffic Manager (STM) reports the section activities of amateurs engaged in public service communications, net operations, and traffic handling. The ARRL Public Service Honor Roll (PSHR) is published every month in QST to recognize individuals who have attained at least 70 qualifying points during the month. If you participate in section nets, traffic handling, public service events, or hold ARRL Field appointments check to see if you qualify for the PSHR listing in QST and send your point total to Marcia Forde, KW1U. Points are earned by participation in six different categories as described on the ARRL web site at <>. The following EMA amateurs qualified for the ARRL Public Service Honor Roll (PSHR) in January: KW1U, N1IQI, N1TF, and KB1CIC. The following EMA amateurs qualified for the ARRL BPL at the 500 point Level in January: KW1U. Have you heard about the new ARRL Amateur Radio service to Scouting Award? ARRL Headquarters is designing an ARRL certificate that will accompany this award. The ARRL award recognizes actively involved Scouting leaders who make a significant contribution to providing Scouts with a memorable and valuable Amateur Radio experience. Nominees must meet at least 5 of 10 requirements. Nominations should be sent to your Section Manager. Full details including how to nominate someone are found on the ARRL web site at <>. Correction to the February section news: the dates for the New England Division Convention at Boxboro mentioned in the February news were off by a day. The convention takes place from August 21-23, 2015 which is Friday-Saturday-Sunday. My thanks to those who caught the error. Eric, KV1J, W1 QSL Bureau Co-Manager informs us about changes to The W1QSL BUREAU. The Bureau has a new postal-address: W1 QSL Bureau, PO Box 73, Marlborough, MA 01752-0073. The new email address is <>. The old Milford, MA PO Box will also remain active during this transition through 2015. For more information about the Bureau, please see the web site at <> ARRL NEW ENGLAND DIVISION HAMFEST - BOXBORO! 2015 Boxboro! 2015 will be held from August 21-23 at the Holiday Inn, Boxborough, MA. The website, <>, is up and running with new material added regularly. If you are interested in becoming a convention speaker, volunteer, exhibitor, or you have any other questions the website shows who to contact. Saturday’s Banquet Keynote speaker will be Gordon West, WB6NOA. Friday’s Banquet speaker will be a well known DXer. FLEA MARKETS APRIL 12, Framingham, MA: The Framingham Amateur Radio Association is holding its ham radio flea market on Sunday, April 12, 2015 at Keefe Technical School in Framingham. Ham exams will be held. Talk-in will be provided on 147.15. Full information may be found at <>. OTHER EVENTS SATURDAY, MARCH 14, Amateur Extra License Class Pilgrim Amateur Wireless Association (PAWA). Email John Frye, N1OTY at <> for information. SATURDAY, MARCH 21: Ashland Half Marathon Note: Just as this news is being issued word has been received of a possible postponement, so please check with the organizers. The annual Ashland Half-Marathon and 5K Race and Walk will begin and end at Marathon Park. Organized by the Ashland Sporting Association, the race is expected to have close to 1,000 runners this year. HTs with extended length antennas are required. Race details may be found at <>. If interested in participating please contact Mark Richards, K1MGY, at <>. SATURDAY, APRIL 11: Tech in a Day The Cape Ann Amateur Radio Association (CAARA) is sponsoring a "Tech in a day" session at the Lanesville Community Center on 8 Vulcan Street in Gloucester. The all day study course starts at 8:30 AM and ends later in the afternoon with the FCC Technician Class Amateur Radio license test. The course costs $20.00 which includes course study material, snacks and the test fee. For those interested in taking the course and to reserve a spot please contact course leader Stan Stone W4HIX at <>. APRIL 14-15: MARITIME RADIO DAY The Southeastern Massachusetts Amateur Radio Association (SEMARA) web page <> contains news about Maritime Radio Day. Whitey, K1VV, is expected to sign using K1VV/NJPJ since he served aboard that ship. APRIL 26: RUN OF THE CHARLES The Run of the Charles is a suite of canoe and kayak races for all different group sizes and course lengths. The event draws all kinds of participants, and they all rely on hams to help keep the event running safely and smoothly. Volunteers for this event must have a dual-band (2m and 70cm) handheld radio and an antenna with improved gain over the stock rubber duck. For more information, visit the race web site at <>. Contact Brett Smith AB1RL < or phone (859) 466 5915. MAY 15-17: TECHNICIAN LICENSE CLASS This class is offered by the Falmouth Amateur Radio Association. More information and registration details can be found at <>. MORE NEWS FROM EMA CLUBS Several clubs in the EMA section had to cancel their February meetings due to ice, snow, weather, and safety considerations. Let us hope March provides a friendlier meeting environment. The Pilgrim Amateur Wireless Association (PAWA), located in Taunton, is currently holding a series of classes designed to teach interested Generals the knowledge required to pass the Amateur Extra exam. The initial introductory class was held on February 28 at Morton Hospital in Taunton with four highly motivated students. The next class will meet on Saturday, March 14. PAWA is accepting new students for this class until the start of the March 14th class. For further information email John Frye, N1OTY at <>. Several clubs have helped spread the word that the March 2015 edition of The American Legion Magazine will include a feature article about the Amateur Radio hobby. It will also inform American Legion members about their organization’s own club—The American Legion Amateur Radio Club, or TALARC. To learn more about how the American Legion is integrating Amateur Radio into its organization visit <>. The Pentucket Radio Association in Haverhill has announced some new volunteers. Dave Robertson, KD1NA, will be heading up Field Day efforts. Jarrod Fothergill, K1LVA, accepted the position of Tech Committee chairman. David Earle, N1GSC, and Richard York, N1EMG, are the Technical Committee members. Todd Rodgers, KC1SQ, will be picking up work on the website. The next meeting is March 19. More details may be found on the website at <> Chris Johnson, N1IR, Education Officer of the Genesis Amateur Radio Club has announced the creation of a no-cost on-line Technician Course. In as little as 20 minutes a day for 20 days you can pass the FCC Technician Element 2 examination. Details may be found at <>. Please play the introduction video first and the course navigation video second. The South Shore Hospital Amateur Radio Club is seeking input regarding which repeaters are preferred for use during their Hospital Net. This month’s net occurred on March 7. The Falmouth Amateur Radio Association is offering a Technician License class the weekend of May 15-17. The class is limited to 25 participants. Registration and more information may be found at <> And finally… March is one of my favorite months for HF operating. The arrival of the spring equinox usually provides some outstanding HF radio propagation. But don’t just take my word for it, if you can, check things out yourself. See you next month. 73, Tom, K1TW -------------------------------------------------------------------- ARRL Eastern Massachusetts Section Section Manager: Thomas D Walsh, K1TW --------------------------------------------------------------------