Mass Rhode Island CW Net

transceiver on MARI net frequency


We welcome anyone interested in CW traffic handling. MARICW operates at 13 to 15 words per minute, but the Net Control Station will slow down if upon request.


3565 kHz


1900 daily

Net Leadership

ARRL Section Manager – EMA: Jon McCombie, N1ILZ
Section Traffic Manager: Marcia Forde, KW1U
Net Manager: Marcia Forde, KW1U –

Net Control Stations

Monday: Eric W1RVY
Tuesday: Eric, W1RVY
Wednesday: Tim W1TCD
Thursday: John, WA1LPM
Friday: Henry, WA1VAB
Saturday: Ed K1GRP
Sunday: Marcia,  KW1U


See Also

MARICW Preamble and Procedure
Q-Signals and Other Shortcuts
Sending an NTS Message via CW