I think we are finally entering winter as the temperatures this past week have taken a dive. Perhaps it’s time to come in from the cold, hunker down and check into some traffic nets. Renew those traffic handling skills as well as old friendships.
From the Net Managers:
HHTN: Bob KC1KVY reports that they are in the process of replacing KD2JKV and N1PZP who have recently stepped down as net control stations. Meanwhile, Shawn, N1CVO has been doing yeoman duty covering extra net sessions. Bob also reports Neil, N1HAN has now been added to the list of those able to move thru traffic to beyond the local net area, as has Tim, W1TCD who checks in from Cape Cod via Echolink. Many thanks to both those guys. While the net has experienced some technical difficulties, they are fortunate to have Joe, W1HAI busy at work to resolve these problems.
EM2MN: Peter, KC1HHO reports that following the loss of Doc, KE1ML, who recently became a Silent Key, the net has been fortunate to have Jessie, KC1SLQ step up and assume NCS duties. Jessie was well trained by Peter and is now a regular NCS on Monday nights and helps out alternating on Saturdays with KC1KVY and Peter himself.
MARI CW: As mentioned previously, our CW net is in need of help in order to survive. Learning to send and copy CW? Try MARI CW traffic net. It’s a good place to practice and improve those skills. This net meets daily at 7:00 PM on 3565 Khz. Need some help getting started? Check out this page on the section website: https://ema.arrl.org/basic-cw-net-procedures/.
Radiograms to introduce the NTS Letter:
The NTS2 group recently sent out 830 radiograms to all Official Relay Stations, Net Managers and Section Traffic Managers currently on the ARRL’s Field Services database. While primarily intended to introduce the NTS Letter to all in the NTS community, it has had a side benefit of helping to update the database, particularly identifying Silent Keys. Thanks to all who helped with this effort.
NTS Trivia and the NTS Treasure Hunt:
It was recently revealed that the NTS Trivia site maintained by Aaron Hulett K8AMH has been shut down. For those Trivia fans and those who like a fun challenge, check out the NTS Treasure Hunt. Questions concerning a variety of aspects of traffic handling are published in the NTS Letter every other month. Answers to these questions are sent by radiogram to a designated “judge” who will determine correctness of your answer and following a correct answer send you the next question. Anyone completing three rounds of correct answers in a given month is awarded a certificate with one winner, chosen at random, being awarded a specially designed coffee mug. Check out the website, https://nts2.arrl.org/treasure-hunt/ for more details.
“November Gale” Exercise:
The Eastern Mass Section Emergency Exercise “November Gale” was conducted on Saturday, November 9. NTS participation was again included in this drill. Peter, KC1HHO manager of the East Mass 2 Meter Net activated that net for the two hour period to facilitate movement of any exercise traffic. A special session of MARIDN, the Mass Rhode Island Digital Net was also activated. Net Manager Jon, N1ILZ reports, “As part of the Fall 2024 SET “November Gale,” we conducted a special session of the Massachusetts Rhode Island Digital Net. MARIDN is an affiliate of the National Traffic System (NTS) of the ARRL, convened to pass formal written traffic across MA and RI and to and from wherever third-party traffic is allowed, using the digital message-passing capabilities of the Fldigi NBEMS software suite. The MARIDN special session ran 1000-1203L (1500-1703Z). A total of 14 stations checked in, with a total of six pieces of traffic passed, including both Radiograms and ICS-213 messages. The exercise demonstrated passing traffic within the net and exchanging traffic with the greater National Traffic System (NTS).”
Jon also reports we could use more FlDigi capable stations to help with this effort, and it’s a lot of fun. Contact Jon N1ILZ@arrl.net for more details on getting involved.
APRS Gateway to DTN:
Have you noticed APRS Gateway participation numbers at the bottom of the monthly report? Here is another way to get message traffic into NTS especially if you are unable to make traffic nets. Michael, WZ0C created and maintains this gateway which allows messages to be introduced into the nationally connected Digital Traffic Network using APRS. Michael has produced a “how-to” video and PowerPoint presentation which can be downloaded in PDF format for anyone interested in learning more. See https://nts2.arrl.org/ntsgte-an-aprs-nts-gateway/.
The October STM report is below. Thanks to all for your participation and support, and I hope all have a nice Thanksgiving holiday.
73, Marcia, KW1U, Section Traffic Manager