In 90 degree weather this week, I hope folks are able to stay in an air conditioned place and operate radio, or at least find nicely shaded cooler places to operate those portable POTAs etc.
The traffic handlers picnic is still on for Sunday August 7 from noon on. Come to 44 Raymond Rd in Concord MA and bring yourselves, a beverage of choice and a folding chair if you have one. Hamburgers, hot dogs, sausages, condiments and baked beans will be provided. Anything you want to add to share is always welcomed but not required. A request for good weather has been made – Rob KD1CY please take note.
The traffic nets continue to operate daily and traffic continues to move via nets and the digital traffic network. We do need more digital traffic handlers however and this is a reminder that this article on the website will help anyone interested in trying VARA HF, a sound card mode not requiring an expensive modem, to get set up and running. See the following link:
You’ve no doubt heard some of the buzz about an updated 21st century NTS, we’re calling NTS 2.0, being proposed. A general plan including a vision for the future has been in the works since April and is now being offered to groups of traffic handlers for information, discussion, input and hopefully offers of help. The first Zoom for this purpose will take place Saturday July 23 at 11:00 AM for division NTS leadership, to be followed Saturday July 30 (same time) for the traffic handling community at large. We hope to see as many as can make it to one of these meetings. Invitations for July 30 will be going out soon.
Don’t forget the HamXposition being held in Marlborough MA August 26-28. There will be a traffic handlers meet and greet on Saturday August 27 at 2:00 pm. We will also be including the ne-ecaps group under Assistant Director Cory Golub KU1U. In addition to meeting your fellow traffic handlers and discussing topics of interest, Director AB1OC will be there to share the vision of NTS 2.0.
Anyone want to learn more about Winlink? I will be conducting a session on basic Winlink at HamXposition Saturday August 27 from 10 to 11:50. Winlink is a hybrid (Internet and Radio) network being used currently by many public service agencies, and if we’re going to be part of emergency and public service communications it is something we all should know about.
For the traffic tip of the month, I want to remind folks about how we count the Station Activity Report or SAR. In simple terms, Received and Sent points are given for message handlings via RF. Originations and Deliveries are non RF and can be handled using whatever method works, ie. phone, snail-mail, email, hand-to-hand, etc. An origination is a message from a third party and not yourself. You are merely the one formatting the message for someone else for radio transmission. Anyone can submit an SAR to your STM. Those with ORS Field Appointments especially are expected to do so.
Thanks to all for your participation and support. The June traffic report is included below.
73, Marcia KW1U