Greetings and Happy Holiday Wishes to All,

The past month has been busy with lots of new activity going on. Also the holidays are coming up and later I will talk about holiday greetings via NTS.

On Saturday November 12 the Eastern Mass section held a Simulated Emergency Test. While activity of various kinds was going on throughout the area, Peter KC1HHO, net manager of EM2MN, conducted a special session of that net for any test emergency message traffic as well as Skywarn reports. Peter reports the net operated for a total of two hours and a number of radiograms were sent. Thanks to all who participated on this net. We hope to see even more NTS activity during the next SET.

Joe W1HAI, manager of Heavy Hitters Traffic Net (HHTN) reports that the net has added Saturday sessions and now operates 7 evenings a week. This net meets on the MMRA repeater network and is linked to Mt Greylock repeater for near statewide coverage. Meeting time is 2200 local time and a good time for clearing any of the day’s traffic. Joe also reports that they have begun message handling training, similar to the program created and conducted by KC1HHO on the EM2MN. The net will open on the repeater network for check ins and a brief round of message relay. At 2215 anyone interested in training will be excused to move to the Waltham repeater 146.64 PL 135.5 where training will be conducted by Bob KC1KVY. This is a good opportunity for those unable to make the Boston repeater at 2000 local for Peter’s great training program.

You have heard me talk about the Digital Traffic Network (DTN) which operates on HF Pactor and VARA and VHF Packet. This is a message store and forward system. Now there is a new opportunity to learn and practice messaging using digital transmission protocols which allow operation similar to a voice or CW traffic net. Michael WZ0C and Jon N1ILZ, net manager, are now operating the MARIDN (Mass Rhode Island Digital Net) on Tuesdays at 1800L on 3583 kHz USB using THOR22. This is part of NBEMS, free software which is being used by a number of emergency communications groups. Check with Michael or Jon for more information. It sounds like a lot of fun for those digitally minded hams as well as a message handling learning experience.

Earlier I mentioned this is a time for holiday greetings via NTS. With various holidays happening in December, what a good time to spread a little holiday cheer in a very unique way. Sending radiograms to friends and family is not only unique but helps keep the nets busy and lets others know that amateur radio and and particularly it’s messaging service is alive and well. Don’t know how to send a radiogram? Check with the folks on your Massachusetts traffic nets (check the list on the November report). Or the folks at Radio Relay International have provided a template and instructions on their website at Bring your greetings to any of our traffic nets and you will find a wealth of help getting it formatted and sent.

Also on the subject of holidays, would anyone with young children like to see their kids get a message to Santa via amateur radio? Check with ASTM Michael WZ0C for more information. How cool is that?

That’s it for now. Thanks for your participation and support and please have a happy and safe holiday season.

73, Marcia KW1U

Massachusetts STM Report for Nov 2022