Section Manager (SM) – Tom Walsh, K1TW
Assistant Section Manager (ASM) – Phil Temples, K9HI
Affiliated Club Coordinator (ACC) – Arthur “Bo” Budinger, WA1QYM
Official Observer Coordinator (OOC) – Ed Parish, K1EP
Public Information Coordinator (PIC) – (open)
Section Emergency Coordinator (SEC) – Marek Kozubal, KB1NCG
Section Traffic Manager (STM) – Marcia Forde, KW1U
Section Youth Coordinator (SYC) – Jeremy Breef-Pilz, KB1REQ
State Government Liaison (SGL) – Hank Mc Carl, W4RIG
Technical Coordinator (TC) – Dan Brown, W1DAN

To contact a section staff member simply address an email to their call
sign at or visit <> for additional



Bob Salow, WA1IDA, has submitted his resignation as the EMA Public
Information Coordinator PIC), and a search for a new PIC is underway.
In his goodbye message to the section PIO’s Bob says, “As a ham I
won’t disappear from anything which could strengthen our service and
hobby”.  Thanks Bob for your many years of service to amateur radio.

WA1IDA has served the EMA amateur radio community for many years in
many ways including stints as President of the Middlesex Amateur Radio
Club, and founding President of the Boston Amateur Radio Club. He was a
founder of the former Council of Eastern Massachusetts Amateur Radio
Clubs (CEMARC), an Assistant Director of the ARRL New England Division,
and an Assistant EMA Section Manager.

Marek, KB1NCG, EMA Section Emergency Coordinator reminds us that the
monthly ARES net meets on the first Monday of the month at 8:30 pm.
Check in on the MMRA network to practice your net skills and talk with
fellow ARES members and staff.  Upcoming Nets: 12/7/15, 1/4/16,

Rob, KD1CY, ASEC reports holding a SKYWARN class on November 18 from
7:00 to 9:30 PM at the Belmont High School Auditorium, 221 Concord
Avenue, in Belmont.

Marcia, KW1U, STM reports the following EMA hams have qualified for BPL
and PSHR in October:

Marcia also reports a change in the traffic net operations as follows:
“we are now conducting the 8:00 pm net on the Quincy repeater 146.67
MHz except for Tuesday’s when it will be on the Sharon repeater


Congratulations to the Nantucket ARA, which recently applied for and
received ARRL Affiliated Club status.

The Cape Ann Amateur Radio Association is now enjoying the benefits of
their work on improving the antennas and repeater equipment.

Linux and ham radio lovers will be delighted to hear of the version 18
release of “Andy’s Ham Radio Linux”, which combines Ubuntu Linux and a
lot of ham radio software.  Created by Andy (KB1OIQ), this popular
software collection has been downloaded over 10,000 times in the last 8
months.  It is available for both 32-bit and 64-bit computers:

PART of Westford inaugurated their new meeting location on Tuesday,
October 20.  The evening topic focused on “What is an Elmer”. They
are now meeting at the Cameron Senior Center, 20 Pleasant Street in

Nashoba Valley ARC’s (Pepperell) October Tech Night featured several
interesting themes. K1NKR and KD1LE presented on Mesh Networking. W1XP
talked about a simple Time Domain Reflectometer using an oscilloscope
and a circuit from the ARRL Antenna Manual. And K1NKR talked about a
Digital Television project he is working on.

The gang at K1USN in Quincy was QRV on the HF bands for Veterans Day.
Wrote “Pi” Pugh, K1RV: “We usually make a few hundred contacts on
SSB and CW and enjoy being able to express our gratitude to those who
have served our country as well as their family members at home.”

On November 14, the Zola Center ARC in Newton Highlands featured
special guest speaker Tony Pepper, former news anchor for WBZ-TV
Channel 4 in Boston. According to Zola’s Bob Drukman, WA1UIY,
“Tony’s talk will cover many topics about his life in broadcast
journalism so it is one not to be missed.”

The Falmouth ARA FARA-Fest 2015 was held on November 14, from 9
AM-Noon, at the Upper Cape Regional Technical School, 220 Sandwich Road
in Bourne.

The Boston ARC’s November 19 meeting in Brookline featured Tony
Brock-Fisher, K1KP presenting on home solar power and how it relates to
Amateur Radio. According to BARC President Joe Harris, N1QD: “K1KP
recently installed a 10 kW system, and has some experience with the
types of systems, installations, potential RFI issues, and RFI
remediation to solar power systems.”

The Billerica ARS (BARS) inaugurated a weekly club net on Wednesday,
November 18 at 8 PM EST. The net control station for evening was Gary,
W1GFF.  The net will meet each Wednesday at 8 PM EST on the Billerica
147.12 repeater (except for the 1st Wednesday which is the regular BARS
meeting night in Chelmsford).

Fred, AB1OC, will present his popular talk on installing and operating
a mobile HF station at the December 2 meeting of BARS in Chelmsford.

The Wellesley Amateur Radio Society Christmas Party will be held at the
Wellesley Community Center on Sunday December 6, 1-4 pm.  Please RSVP to


Members from the Billerica ARS (BARS) and Yankee Clipper Contest Club
(YCCC) report the sad news on the passing of Jerry Muller, K0TV. Jerry
was a very active member of BARS and YCCC and served as BARS


Finally, this story from the Long-Long-LONG-Delayed-Echo-Department: an
Amateur Radio-themed tombstone in Chesterton, Indiana is featured on the
“Gravely Speaking” website. It’s in memory of Charles Jacob
Affelder, N3AYU. The full story, along with a photo of the unique stone
can be found at <>.


Thanks to Phil Temples, K9HI, Assistant Section Manager (ASM) for his
help in preparing this month’s news.


Tom K1TW

ARRL Eastern Massachusetts Section
Section Manager: Thomas D Walsh, K1TW