Phil McNamara N1XTB is the ARES DEC for IT and database functions and DEC for Bristol and Plymouth Counties. Phil professional background is as an Engineer, Regulatory licensing, and as a computer database/application developer. ARES Member equipment and qualification records are maintained in an online database administered by Phil. 5 other ARES sections also use their own copies of this application. The database information is used to help meet our served agencies needs with a properly qualified operator. Phil provides RACES officer support to the Emergency Operations Centers of the town of Bridgewater and the town of Carver. He is also active in AF MARS and SHARES. Phil has participated in numerous Radiological Emergency Response Plan drills as part of EOC staff in Carver and Bridgewater. Phil has been a long time member of the Massasoit Amateur Radio Association and serves as treasurer and a trustee for the W1MV repeater. Phil is a Extra class license holder.
Contact him at