Rob Macedo, KD1CY

Rob Macedo, KD1CY Contact information:
Rob Macedo, KD1CY
50 Mandell Street
New Bedford, MA 02740
Home Phone #: (508) 994-1875 (After 6 PM)
Home/Data #: (508) 997-4503 (After 6 PM)
Work Phone #: 508-346-2929 (8 AM-5 PM)

Biographical Information:

Rob Macedo, KD1CY is a veteran Emergency Communicator. He started out as the Southeast Massachusetts Coastal Amateur Radio Emergency Services Emergency Coordinator in 1996 and became a District Emergency Coordinator in 1998 while supporting what would evolve into SEMARA ARES in the early 2000s. In 2005, Rob became the Eastern Massachusetts ARES Section Emergency Coordinator where he served until July 21st 2014 where his professional work commitments forced him to step down from that position but he remained as Eastern Massachusetts ARES Assistant Section Emergency Coordinator focusing on the National Weather Service and the SKYWARN program and the relationship between Eastern Massachusetts ARES and MEMA/FEMA where those agencies are very interested in the SKYWARN reporting during severe weather. On July 17th, 2018, Rob returned as the Eastern Massachusetts ARES Section Emergency Coordinator and remains in that role today and is currently leading the ARES staff and the Eastern Massachusetts ARES program through the ARRL ARES program modernization efforts. Rob has also served as the ARES SKYWARN Coordinator for NWS Boston/Norton (formerly Taunton) since 1996 and has been an avid SKYWARN Spotter since he got his Ham license in 1988.