ARRL EASTERN MASSACHUSETTS SECTION Section Manager (SM) - Phil Temples, K9HI Assistant Section Manager (ASM) – Jeremy Breef-Pilz, KB1REQ Affiliated Club Coordinator (ACC) - "Bo" Budinger, WA1QYM Official Observer Coordinator (OOC) - Ed Parish, K1EP Public Information Coordinator (PIC) - Bob Salow, WA1IDA Section Emergency Coordinator (SEC) - Rob Macedo, KD1CY Section Traffic Manager (STM) – Marcia Forde, KW1U State Government Liaison (SGL) - Shawn O'Donnell, K3HI Technical Coordinator (TC) - Eric Falkof, K1NUN SEPTEMBER 2012 SECTION NEWS The following youths from Eastern Massachusetts were recently named as recipients for 2012 scholarship awards: The Dr. James L. Lawson Memorial Scholarship ($500): Forrest Gasdia, AB1LG, of Wellesley The New England F.E.M.A.R.A. Scholarships ($1,000 each): Jeremy Breef-Pilz, KB1REQ, of Mansfield Bryce Salmi, KB1LQC, of Chelmsford Brenton Salmi, KB1LQD, of Chelmsford The Yankee Clipper Contest Club Youth Scholarship ($1,200): Matthew Williams, W1MAT, of Marlborough This SM would like to personally congratulate these outstanding young people and wish them all the best in their future academic endeavors. Boxboro Committee Chairman Mike Raisbeck, K1TWF and his crew did an incredible job of organizing last week's world-class New England Division Convention! I trust that everyone has recuperated--or is on the road to recovery from the festivities. In case you haven't heard, the League will hold its Centennial Convention in Hartford, Connecticut, July 17-20, 2014. The Convention will mark 100 years of the ARRL's founding in Hartford. The theme for ARRL's Centennial year is "Advancing the Art and Science of Radio -- since 1914." Accordingly, the 2014 ARRL New England Division Convention in Boxborough will not be held. Says ARRL Chief Operating Officer Harold Kramer, WJ1B: "Boxborough's organizing sponsor, FEMARA, Inc., graciously agreed to forgo holding a convention there in 2014. Instead, FEMARA has offered to help share its expertise and volunteers as we prepare to bring this national level celebration to Hartford. (Courtesy, ARRL "Contact".) It sounds like there'll be no rest for K1TWF and company! Algonquin ARC amateurs are helping with communications for the Marlborough Labor Day Parade. The Whitman ARC has once again been named the recipient of a Harvard Pilgrim Health Care Community Spirit 9/11 Mini-Grant for $500. WARC's Elayne Tovet, KB1IKH, submitted the application on behalf of the club. The Whitman ARC has been purchasing radio equipment and assembling 2-meter and HF Go-Kits with funds received from the Mini-Grants. Harvard Wireless Club, W1AF, will participate in the University's annual Activities Fair on September 7 from 4-7 PM in the Radcliff Quadrangle in Cambridge to recruit student members. On a sad note: Amateur Radio equipment manufacturing icon R.L. Drake is discontinuing operations and auctioning off its manufacturing equipment. Bidding opens September 19. The Cape Ann ARA is holding a meet up at Fuller School in Gloucester on Sept. 8 at 9:30 AM for some radio operating, weather permitting. "Please come and bring your portable station and antenna if you have one," says WW1N. "If you don't have one, come anyway and enjoy the day and a little radio." The Whitman ARC is holding its Labor Day Flea Market this weekend in the Whitman Knights of Columbus parking lot. Amateurs from the Massasoit ARC will assist organizers with communications for a triathlon at W. D. Fields Park in Brockton on September 23. The Women Operators of New England (WRONE) will meet at O'Connor's Restaurant in Worcester on Nov. 3 at 11:30 AM. All YLs and their guests are invited. Email WB1ARU at <> for more info. Due to the Labor Day holiday, the Eastern Mass Hospital Net will be conducted a week later, on Saturday, September 8 at 10 AM. Says KB1QEM: "We would like to extend an invitation to the EOC of any city or town that is served by any of our participating hospitals to join the net." The net will begin on the Plymouth 146.685 repeater, and then move to ten different area repeaters and two simplex frequencies in sequence before concluding on the Plymouth machine. Repeaters/frequencies/PL tones include: Plymouth 146.685, tone 82.5; W. Bridgewater 147.180, tone 67.0; Sharon 146.865, tone 103.5; Attleboro 147.195, tone 127.3; Danvers 145.47, tone 136.5; Norwood 147.210, tone 100.00; Dartmouth 147.000, tone 67.0; Salem 146.88, tone 118.8; Wrentham 147.09, tone 146.2; Norwell 145.390, tone 67.0; Fairhaven 147.490, tone 67.0; Simplex 147.420; Simplex 146.565. Also pushed back a week on account of the Labor Day holiday are the monthly State RACES and Eastern MA section ARES nets. The nets will meet on September 10 at 7:30 and 8:30 PM, respectively. Whitman ARC members plan to meet one night a week in September for 3-4 weeks to review the Gordon West General Class study course tapes. If you are interested in participating, contact KB1WKB at <>. The Framingham ARA is contemplating re-location in the near future. The Town of Framingham intends to move the Danforth Museum and School of Art (the current home of the W1FY shack) because of "the building's deteriorating condition and costly renovation estimates." The new location being considered by Town officials is the Jonathan Maynard Building at 14 Vernon Street. Don't forget—you can find digital editions of recent issues of QST magazine online at <>. Amateur help is requested for the Jimmy Fund Walk on September 9 from 5 AM to 7 PM. Half-day assignments are also available. The course traces the BAA Marathon from Hopkinton to Boston. According to coordinator W3EVE, "This a great event for a new ham who wants to try out public service." The crew at WX1BOX along with numerous SKYWARN volunteers has been busy. SKYWARN was activated on several occasions this past month in response to severe thunderstorms, flash flood warnings--even a tornado warning in the region. K1NR reports that the Framingham 224.240 repeater (PL 103.5) is back on the air. Gene adds, "Coverage is amazing." The 145.15 Fall River repeater will soon have EchoLink capability, reports N1JOY. Cape Ann ARA members mourn the loss of Silent Key David "Doc" Savage, W1WNK of Ipswich. Ten amateurs from the Nashoba Valley ARC joined forces with hams from central and western MA clubs to provide communications for the 2012 Memory Ride for Alzheimer's Research in Devins. More than 400 cyclists rode in the event and raised over $360,000 for research into this disease. The event featured separate races with course lengths of 100, 62, 30, and three miles. ASM/Youth Activities KB1REQ received some great media attention in the Boxboro, at <>. The online newspaper features a video clip of Jeremy operating special events station W1A at the recent Boxboro Convention. Is your club looking for interesting speakers and presentations for its future meetings? Be sure to check out the recently revised Eastern MA Club Presentation list at <>. A Cape Ann ARA DXpedition, led by WW1N, once again activated Thacher Island off the coast of Rockport on August 3-6. The crew made over 300 contacts using three stations. Most of the contacts were SSB (with the sounds of seagulls in the background, says Ruth). Some CW and PSK QSOs were also logged. South Shore Hospital ARC will provide communications for Plymouth Boys & Girls Club's "Run To The Rock Road Race" on September 8. Contact <> if you can assist. Finally--this from the "How-NOT-to-Ground-an-Electrical-Device" Department: <>, courtesy and Boston ARC's "The Sparc," August 2012. 73, K9HI -------------------------------------------------------------------- ARRL Eastern Massachusetts Section Section Manager: Phillip Temples, K9HI --------------------------------------------------------------------